Poll: Obamacare Hurts Obama

In a presidential election it is all about the swing states, and, if you are an incumbent, a record of accomplishment to run on.

Unfortunately for Obama, swing states don’t view his one big policy “accomplishment” favorably

The health care overhaul that President Obama intended to be the signature achievement of his first term instead has become a significant problem in his bid for a second one, uniting Republicans in opposition and eroding his standing among independents.

In a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of the nation’s dozen top battleground states, a clear majority of registered voters call the bill’s passage “a bad thing” and support its repeal if a Republican wins the White House in November. Two years after he signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act— and as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments about its constitutionality next month — the president has failed to convince most Americans that it was the right thing to do.

So, what does he run on? A failed stimulus? High unemployment? High gas prices? Seriously, this guy promised to fix the economy in three years, and he has made it worse. He can’t even run on ObamaCare. How does he run at all when he has to run from his own record?

191 thoughts on “Poll: Obamacare Hurts Obama

  1. bagni February 27, 2012 / 10:36 pm

    hey blogoboi
    obama will run as the mother of all anti-romneys
    it could actually work…..

    • stevemishket February 27, 2012 / 10:38 pm

      That brings a tear of joy to my eye.

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 3:54 pm

      …obama will run as the mother of all anti-romneys..

      ..and in doing so will attract and thrill the mindless political gnats who can’t grasp anything more complex than this kind of nonsense. Throw in some styrofoam Albert Speer-esque pillars and ramp up the reverb on the speakers,and the baggis will be swooning in the aisles again, as close to sexual gratification as they are ever likely to get as they catalog their leg tingles and titter about how absolutely DREAMY Barry is and doesn’t Michelle’s lack of femininity mean one of them might actually have a chance?

  2. carltonpryor February 28, 2012 / 7:47 am

    I think the time where this could be seriously debated on economic terms has passed. Now in America to be a “true Republican” one has to be so conservative as to disagree with anything that President Obama does “destroying America.” Liberals too share the same partisan feelings about any Republican that is not a moderate as being “far Right.”

    In two decades the benefits of the PPACA and the HCERA will be clear and those on the conservative side of politics may rue the day they decided to call it “Obama Care.” As far as the ARRA stimulus goes if one was expecting $ 787 billion to turn the economy back to where it was in 1996 then they were setting themselves up for disappointment. What this money did was inject money into a failing system — a reboot if you will. In that time i called for $ 2 trillion which would have had a much more positive global effect. One also has to keep in mind that the economic success from 1998 to 2005 was based on a housing market that in reality was a house of cards.

    Who was to blame for that scheme? Bear, AIG, Goldman, Citi, Lehman, Countrywide and every middle class America who was conned into taking on more shelter debt than they could afford by those same financial houses. This was a political failure only because the politics of America have become the politics of corporate personhood.

    • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 8:40 am

      Good morning Carlton,

      Nice of you to join us this morning. Obamacare has always been a misnomer, because like most everything else, other people did the work for Obama on his own legislation. The health care bill should be called Pelosicare. I did really like this statement of yours:

      As far as the ARRA stimulus goes if one was expecting $ 787 billion to turn the economy back to where it was in 1996 then they were setting themselves up for disappointment.

      If you remember correctly, it was Obama who was not only expecting, but guaranteeing that the stimulus would turn the economy around. So was he setting himself up for disappointment? Or was he maybe not really sure of what he was doing? It has to be one or the other. And that house of cards you speak of was built by a liberal philosophy, championed by Frank, Dodd, Raines, etc. that encouraged home loans to nearly everyone that walked in the door, a philosophy of which Bush sounded the alarm bells on not once, but on 5 different occasions only to be ignored by people like Maxine “there is nothing wrong with Fannie Mae” Waters.

      I like your optimism of wanting to spend 2 trillion, but if you haven’t woken up to the failure of Keynesian economics, then I am not sure there is much hope for you. Below is a fun article if you have a strong stomach. Another “unexpected” result of Obama’s policies:

      The cost of health insurance for many Americans this year climbed more sharply than in previous years, outstripping any growth in workers’ wages and adding more uncertainty about the pace of rising medical costs.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 10:59 am

        Cluster, I think you give Pelosi far too much credit. All she did was act as front man for the SEIU, which is the source of the bill which was handed to Obama, et al, with instructions to get it passed.

        And the Dems, like good little Leftist soldiers, did as they were told by their masters, and voted for it, not even pretending that they had read it, not even pretending that reading it and understanding it should have been considered necessary or even desirable.

        This is the true indictment of the Democrat Party and its new incarnation as tool of the Radical Left.

      • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 11:11 am

        “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it” – Nancy Pelosi

        Has there ever been a more ignorant statement from any politician?

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 10:47 am

      Carlton, as your forker friends keep telling us how smart you are, maybe YOU, of all the Liberals who post here, can define “conservative” for us.

      You also use the term “a moderate”. Will you please tell us what this means?

      It would certainly be easier to discuss ideas if we could arrive at definitions of terms, don’t you think?

  3. Cluster February 28, 2012 / 9:15 am

    A morning chuckle for y’all. Here’s Chris Matthews, MSNBC host and an important part of the Obama reelection team, performing some impressive mental gymnastics in his fervent effort to give cover to the man who sends a tingle up his leg:

    CHRIS MATTHEWS: But why are they running around the streets going nuts? Don’t they have places they have to be? Don’t they have something else to do? I’m serious about this. They have devoted their entire beings now to going nuts against us because of what a couple of guys did either intentionally for some reason that may have been justified or unintentionally.

    By the way, in Western religions when you have a religious article, the proper way of disposing it is burning it. So it is not a desecration. So it’s their interpretation of what they see as a desecration. We don’t look it at that way. An American would never burn something to desecrate it. That would be a way of treating a holy object. That is the appropriate way to do it.

    So I don’t, this whole thing looks like they just don’t like us, they don’t like the West, they think we’re still the Soviets, and we’re never going to be their friends.

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 9:26 am

      Ubomba”care” should be UNION thug care…..Oh wait they can exempt them selves from this marxist illegal boondoggle.

      this usurper destroyer of the constitution has to go and take all his illegal legislation with him.
      Hell let Iran burn the WH like they want after these three grifters and the KKKlintoons, nothing could fumigate it.

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 11:04 am

      Uh-oh….looks like Lardball is being politically insensitive and possibly even racist. Just look at the way he dismisses the actions of these righteously indignant Muslims as “going nuts”. This is so opposite of the appeasing groveling of The One We Have All Been Waiting For, so contradictory to the Leftist mantra of “OF COURSE THEY ARE ANGRY, JUST LOOK AT WHAT WE DID/HAVE DONE/ARE DOING TO THEM ! WE DESERVE IT !!

      • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 11:09 am

        And the upheaval in the ME use to be attributed to Bush’s cowboy policies, remember? If only we had a President that understood the ME and could restore America’s image.

        I guess they have abandoned that meme too.

        All everyone needs to know about liberal/democrat hypocrisy is on full display in terms of gas prices. Listen to the sound bites from people like Pelosi, Shumer and Obama when Bush was president and gas was approaching $4/gal, and then compare that with what they are saying today.

  4. James February 28, 2012 / 10:45 am

    The President will win reelection in a walk. Romney will get about the same amount of votes as McCain did in 2008….If Santorum wins the nomination, he will be lucky to carry 10 states.

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 10:53 am

      James, you seem to get some odd pleasure from constantly reposting your hopeful wishes for the outcome of the election. After so many regurgitations of the Same Old Same Old, it’s starting to look like this is the sum total of what you think passes for political discourse.

      Do you by any chance have an actual opinion on which of the two opposing political systems is the best one for governing the country? Do you have a reason for this opinion? Can you explain this opinion? Defend it?

      In other words, are you capable of actually participating in a political discussion, or are you just a little robot programmed to repeat the same thing over and over again?

      • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 10:57 am

        James thinks the POTUS election is an American Idol contest. He really doesn’t get any deeper than that.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 11:06 am

        I know. His posts make that quite clear. What is interesting is that he represents the vast majority of those who support Obama–superficial, clueless, and politically illiterate, just caught up in the heady combination of hero worship and blind loathing of a completely imaginary Other.

      • James February 28, 2012 / 11:55 am

        Progressive way of government is the best.

        I believe in equality for all people in any and all ways.

        Amazona if you still have to ask like some sort of clueless bimbo, then I feel sorry for you. Were you one of those people who claimed McCain would win in 2008 like cluster?

        I believe in higher taxes, and a progressive tax system. I believe that people like me, making over 150k a year in base salary should pay more than I do now. I believe that marriage can be between anyone as long as they are humans.

        I believe that abortions are a woman’s business and not mine. I believe that like alcohol, marijuana should be legalized.

        I believe that the poor deserve a bigger safety net, and one that is more efficient, more inclusive.

        I believe that everyone should have cheap accessible health care and health insurance.

        I believe education can be improved through federal standards and federal guidelines like the rest of the world does it.

        I believe unfettered capitalism, like you nuts want is a pathway to an uneven society with more have nots than haves.

        I believe in heavy regulation of the environment through the EPA.

        I believe in more nuclear power and the phase out of coal as our primary energy source.

        you want more amazona the idiot?

      • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 12:06 pm

        Tommy-boy:”I believe in higher taxes, and a progressive tax system. I believe that people like me, making over 150k a year in base salary should pay more than I do now.”

        You like Buffet should just STFU and write a check for what you believe you should pay.

        There is nothing stopping you. The federal government has a mechanism in place for this very reason.

        It’s time to put your money where your mouth is.

      • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 12:08 pm

        Tommy-boy, many of your “beliefs” have been implemented for decades and THEY ARE FAILING MISERABLY!!!

        The Proggy way is a failure and history has proven it to be so, here and throughout the world.

        Have you written your check yet?

      • James February 28, 2012 / 12:11 pm

        stupid tired,

        what a cop out! oh just pay more yourself. the FACT is if I am the only one that pays more voluntary, it won’t make a difference, but if the LAW changes where everyone pays more, it will make a ton of difference.

        There is no correlation between lower taxes for the highest income earners and job creation. Are you that stupid?

      • bardolf February 28, 2012 / 12:26 pm

        “You like Buffet should just STFU and write a check for what you believe you should pay.” – Tired

        Have you registered for selective service or served in combat?

        If the answer is no then you should STFU when people criticize US military action overseas. That’s the same logic as saying people who think that taxes are too low can just pay more.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 12:46 pm

        Too funny–the idiot who can’t even outline an ideology calling someone ELSE an idiot!

        You gave quite a list of hopes and dreams but not a single word that shows a clue about actual POLITICS. You did manage to illustrate some of the petty spite and malice that you people substitute for political discourse, though. Nice work, that.

        Can you DEFINE “Progressive” in its political context? Do you know the history of the Progressive Movement, its pedigree and philosophical foundation? How does it work? When does it work? Where has it worked? Why does it work?

        I did the equivalent of asking you to tell us how a four-stroke engine works, and your response was the equivalent of saying it gets 25 mpg and the car goes fast and is painted red.

        What is so funny is that you don’t even realize that you don’t KNOW anything about the political system you support.

      • James February 28, 2012 / 12:53 pm

        Dodge, duck, dodge, and weave.

        Typical for a stalker like you amy.

      • Jonathan Swift February 28, 2012 / 1:56 pm

        It seems to me that the analogous question to why James and Buffett is why people who are against government assistance programs are still willing to draw from those programs when they need them. Ayn Rand drew Medicare and Social Security payments (and given the cost of lung cancer treatments, likely took more out of the system than she put in), but I don’t see that as any more or less ridiculous than Buffett only paying the mandated amount in taxes. It never makes sense to do anything but use the system as it stands; if you want to make any real difference, you have to change the rules of the game.

      • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 2:07 pm

        Ah, Tommy-boy, I called you out and as usual you lib proggies shy away from their own beliefs.

        You admit to paying enough: “…people like me, making over 150k a year in base salary should pay more than I do now.”

        There is a system in place for anyone to pay more, to “donate” or whatever wording makes you feel good, “than they do now”.

        You copped out. You won’t put your money where your mouth is. You are a coward proggie who wants to soak the rich for their cash and be one of the recipients of that cash. Your “I make over 150K’ I strongly suspect is a lie. If not, a good little tried and true proggie would gladly pay more if they believe they are not paying enough.

        Caught ya!

        Bald-doof, as indicated above, tommy-boy believes he is not paying enough. I have called him out on his cowardly hypocrisy. I did not criticize the military and what does that have to do with paying taxes ? You seemed to have slipped from your self labeled intellectual ability. Go back to your assembly line number crunching and leave the debate to us grown-ups.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:08 pm

        ..Dodge, duck, dodge, and weave…

        Exactly what James has done.

        I had nothing to dodge or duck–I was the one asking the questions. James is the one who either can’t or won’t answer any of them.

        BTW, it was listening to Libs do the same thing for years, on talk radio, that finally made me wonder why I had an emotional allegiance to a system NO ONE could explain or defend. That is when I started to investigate the origins and foundations of this system, to look at how it had performed when it had been implemented, and to compare it to the other system vying for control in this country.

        For many years now I have challenged Libs to explain, define and maybe even defend their chosen system, and none have ever been able to get any closer than James’ silly, vacuous wish list—the likes of which always remind me of the cliche of the beauty pageant contestant talking about World Peace and, like, you know, like ending hunger and being, like, you know, FAIR.

        Just look at the silliness of his wish list.

        There is not and cannot be “….equality for all people in any and all ways…” ?????? Everyone has the same intelligence, physical ability, level of attractiveness, etc? Just how is THAT accomplished? Genetic engineering? Surgery to “level the playing field”, modifying athletic skills and beauty to lower them to an arbitrary norm? It’s just an utterly mindless yet beloved-by-Lefties mantra that no one with even an iota of intelligence could actually believe in.

        If killing babies concerns no one but the person who wants to kill the babies, then what about killing other people? If the only criteria are the age of the intended victim and the unfortunate accident of being conceived by a pathologically selfish female, who is to say that other criteria cannot be added later? Is it the concern of society to protect the lives of people who do not, yet, fit into these criteria? Why is discrimination like this OK?

        Why do some people need to pay more in taxes? Why not just pay everyone the same amount of money, no matter what they do or how well they do it or if they do anything at all? Why not just send a check for the same amount to every single person in the country? That would take care of “the poor” and eliminate the haves and the have-nots, it would “level the playing field” and of course it would eliminate the inequality you yourself represent, that of making more money than some others. After all, why should YOU make, as you claim, more than $150,000 a year while the janitor in your company makes so much less? Is he less of a human being than you? Why should his intelligence or life decisions regarding education and ambition reduce his income? He should be equal in any and all ways.

        As should the barista at your coffee shop, the oil changer at Grease Monkey, and everyone else you interact with in any way. They should be equal to you in any and all ways, including income.

        And so, by the way, should those “farmers” for which you have such contempt.

  5. tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 11:58 am

    ObAMATEUR asks our military to make “sacrifices”.

    But: if you are a single mother, raising three children … maybe fathered by three different baby daddies … and you only work one day a week earning minimum wage, you have more disposable income than a married couple raising two children earning $60,000 a year. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/entitlement-america-head-household-making-minimum-wage-has-more-disposable-income-family-mak

    You can thank the government and our entitlement culture for that injustice. And the number of moochers continues to grow. We are now at the point where half of Americans do not pay any federal income taxes into the system, while the welfare checks continue to grow. In fact, by 2050, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are predicted to consume 100% of the revenues collected by our federal government. When will these people be asked to sacrifice?

    Meanwhile, those who are serving or have served our country and earned benefits such as healthcare are being told by the obAMATEUR administration that they must be the ones to sacrifice. That is, of course, unless you are a unionized civilian defense worker. Your benefits will remain untouched. But those of you who have served or who are serving on the front lines, here’s a taste of what you can expect thanks to obAMATUER’s proposed budget cuts:

    The plan calls for increases between 30 percent to 78 percent in Tricare annual premiums for the first year. After that, the plan will impose five-year increases ranging from 94 percent to 345 percent—more than 3 times current levels.

    According to congressional assessments, a retired Army colonel with a family currently paying $460 a year for health care will pay $2,048.

    Besides obAMATEUR’s false attempts at fiscal austerity, you can also thank ObamaCare! Administration officials told Congress that one reason for the increases is to force military retirees to reduce their involvement in Tricare and eventually opt out of the program in favor of alternatives established by ObamaCare.

    The plan is to force citizens into the government plan. So eventually, they will have to establish a single payer system “to hold down costs” (gee where have we heard that before), which is what they wanted all along. Going there immediately was not acceptable, so liberals do what they always do – do it by small increments.

  6. Cluster February 28, 2012 / 12:47 pm

    I believe that abortions are a woman’s business and not mine. – James

    What if it is your child?

    I believe in higher taxes, and a progressive tax system – James

    Current top rate is one out of every three dollars. How much more should they pay in? And what loopholes and existing exemptions would you leave in? And how much revenue should the federal government be receiving?

    I believe that the poor deserve a bigger safety net, and one that is more efficient, more inclusive. – James

    Currently entitlement spending has exploded in the last ten years, in fact unemployment benefits have doubled in the last decade. How much more should be spent, and at what level should it be administered?


    I believe that everyone should have cheap accessible health care and health insurance. – James

    But how is that achieved? Insurance premiums have increased since the passage of Obamacare, see my earlier post.

    I believe education can be improved through federal standards and federal guidelines like the rest of the world does it. – James

    That was the goal of NCLB. What would you do differently?

    I believe unfettered capitalism, like you nuts want is a pathway to an uneven society with more have nots than haves. – James

    Irrational conjecture

    I believe in heavy regulation of the environment through the EPA. – James

    What is the EPA not doing now that you would impose? And what are the positive and negative implications?

    Really James, these are all very superficial comments. I am surprised you didn’t mention that clean water is a goal of yours. If this is as deep as you go on the issues, then no wonder you fall for liberal rhetoric.

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 1:02 pm

      But this is how the Left works–they dangle a lot of pie-in-the-sky ‘wouldn’t-it-be-wonderful-if-someone-else-would-provide-this’ wishes on one hand, they demonize those who realize the silliness of these wishes on the other, and they validate the kinds of hostile and surly personality disorders that used to be seen as such and either treated or shunned.

    • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 2:17 pm

      Cluster, asking tommy-boy for specifics?

      Tommy-boy just regurgitates the dumbed down talking points like a good little drone.

      Look, he admits to “not paying his fair share” and believes “he should pay more”, but when challenged to use the existing system to pay more, he cowardly back-tracks.

      He isn’t the only proggy who believes that they don’t pay enough. If all the proggies who don’t pay enough were to pay what they felt was “fair” then the libs will have more money to spend. But as usual, they are too cowardly to put THEIR money where their mouth is. Look at Warren Buffet, he complains that he doesn’t pay as much as his secretary, but he has millions in outstanding taxes to be paid. Is he paying it? Nooooooo.

      Mindless drone proggies like tommy-boy just know to regurgitate the party line, nothing more.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:56 pm

        James could always do what conservatives do, and donate to private charities, where his contributions DO make a difference. His cop-out is that if he were to drop a few thousand dollars into the black hole that is the national treasury, it would not make a difference, but he could put $20,000 or so in a couple of charities that would spend the money in areas he finds important and really make a difference.

        Just think,he could personally be responsible for killing half a dozen or so babies a year! Maybe they could emulate what the Feed The Children people do, but instead send him photos of the bloody dismembered infants he paid to have butchered.

        Or he could personally pick up the tab for the Smart Phones, Air Jordans, elaborate manicures and body ink of a family living “in poverty”. Fifteen or twenty million Liberals spending THEIR OWN money instead of someone else’s could really make a dent in that Welfare budget.

        But then “the poor” wouldn’t know who to vote for, to keep the money rolling in.

        Never mind…………

      • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 3:55 pm

        Very well said Amazona

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:28 pm

      The EPA cannot “regulate the environment”. What a stupid comment.

      The EPA can make a determination that some actions of humans might have an impact on the environment, and it can then regulate those actions.

      The problem with the EPA is that it is so often completely wrong, as well as the fact that so many of its “determinations” are based either on guesswork or, more likely in today’s political climate, on advancing purely political agendas while pretending that they are environmental concerns.

      • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 2:32 pm

        tommy-boy (James) attended the same law school as hesindnile (sunny/velma), which makes good comedy.

  7. doug February 28, 2012 / 12:49 pm

    I don’t understand how Obamacare could possibly be a problem if he ends up against Romney. All he has to do is run an advertisement saying he was just doing what Mitt Romney said to do when it came to healthcare….Heck, Obama probably would start getting the media to change the misnomer Obamacare, back to it’s original Romneycare months before the actual election.

    • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 1:04 pm



      You may want to know that over 90% of Mass. residents still have private insurance, and that most states in our union have some level of state government administered health care. In fact, in my state, the program is called ACCESS and is actually a pretty good program for those in need. And loe and behold, constitutionally, states have the right to enact such programs, the federal government does not. So your little jab at Romney may work on the uninformed, but not so much with others.

      • James February 28, 2012 / 1:39 pm

        since when did the Supreme Court decide that the Feds don’t have that right? Did you get the decision before the court even heard it?


      • Jonathan Swift February 28, 2012 / 1:45 pm

        “You may want to know that over 90% of Mass. residents still have private insurance”

        Do you start your response with this to highlight it as different from the net result of the national healthcare bill? I haven’t read the thing myself. Is there some portion of it that is going to cause individuals on a national level to not use private insurance? I was under the impression that private insurance companies were in favor of the bill because the insurance mandate was going to get them extra customers.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:18 pm

        James, please tell us which part of the Constitution delegates the power to the federal government to force people to enter into contracts or buy products. After all, the Supreme Court IS supposed to apply the Constitution to efforts to legislate, so they SHOULD be bound by things like the 10th Amendment:

        The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

        A lot of people have searched the Constitution looking for the words that delegate such powers to the federal government, and I don’t believe anyone has found them.

        And you what else has not been found? Anything prohibiting the states from doing this.

      • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 2:30 pm

        Is there some portion of it that is going to cause individuals on a national level to not use private insurance? – Jonathan

        Yes, in that the health care bill limits insurance providers profits, so you will see attrition in that industry. Also, you will see shortage of health care providers due to the cumbersome red tape in that legislation:


      • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 2:39 pm


        You mentioned earlier that an abortion is purely a woman’s decision but failed to answer my question if in fact that child was yours. Would that give you reason to change your mind?

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 3:04 pm

        How about if the child was YOU? There are many people alive today because gestational creatures’ efforts to kill them failed–how many of them support the “right” of the conceiver to kill them off?

  8. bloodypenquinstump February 28, 2012 / 1:13 pm


    • Cluster February 28, 2012 / 2:15 pm


      Thank you for the juvenile rant but I will remind you that Bush did work closely with Ted Kennedy on NCLB, and the health care bill WAS Obama’s signature legislation, however your knee pad defense of Obama is duly noted.

      • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:23 pm

        Not to mention that the bill was brought to Congress not by the president but by Senators and Representatives who had not only not written the bill but who had not read it.

        No one said the president has to write every bill he signs into law, but it is reasonable to expect a bill’s SPONSORS to have written it, or if they are merely acting as servants of some other movement to at the very least have READ it.

      • Jonathan Swift February 29, 2012 / 12:44 pm

        “Not to mention that the bill was brought to Congress not by the president”

        Right, because the President does not have a Constitutional mechanism to introduce bills into Congress. I’m always confused when Conservatives mention things like this and Obama’s lack of control of the budget debate last year in a negative light. For somebody who wants a lot of power and leadership invested in the President, it would make sense, but I would have thought you guys would like the idea of the Office of the President divesting itself of some amount of direct control over the legislative process.

  9. bloodypenquinstump February 28, 2012 / 2:24 pm
    • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 2:28 pm

      bloodydump, thanks for admitting to the hypocrisy of the leftist drone proggies.

      Since when is saving lives not anyone’s business?

      Paying taxes you want to? Wesley Snipes tried that and look where it got him.

    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:31 pm

      But paying more of your own money IS a personal decision, while abortion is a unilateral decision to take the life of another human being, who is not allowed to vote.

      The refusal of the pro-death crowd to admit that there is more than one life, and therefore more than one interest, in an abortion is just proof of their inherent dishonesty.

      • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 2:35 pm

        Liberals won’t acknowledge the many murder cases where a pregnant mother was killed and the perpetrator was charge with TWO MURDERS not one.

        Mark Peterson comes to mind – convicted of TWO counts of capital murder after murdering his pregnant wife.

    • greg-o February 28, 2012 / 8:21 pm

      As long as my taxes are being funneled to pay for a woman’s abortion, then I have a say in it.

      Abortion advocates are real big on “my body, my choice” as long as someone else is footing the bill for it.

  10. Amazona February 28, 2012 / 2:44 pm

    stumpy, in the Climategate thread you made an odd, though evidently intended to be snide, comment:

    “Basically the conservative position is that the scientists who aren’t in the pay of “big science” are the ones that tell the truth…

    I responded with some questions, which remain ignored/unanswered. You may have just moved on to a newer thread, and not be trying to evade a response, but I think my questions are quite relevant and would like to hear your reply.

    Just what does an opinion on the alleged dangers of AGW have to do with the belief that the United States Constitution is the preferred political model for governing the United States?

    Just what does an opinion on the integrity of some scientists have to do with the belief that the United States Constitution is the preferred political model for governing the United States?

  11. Amazona February 28, 2012 / 3:12 pm

    We used to treat women as property, and deny them the right to own property or vote, based on their gender.

    We used to allow the enslavement, ownership, selling,beating and even killing of some people based on the color of their skin.

    We used to justify the taking of land of some people based on their ethnicity.

    We once turned a blind eye to the institutional butchery of millions, murder which was based, among other things, on religion or sexual orientation.

    Now we allow, and some passionately promote, the slaughter of millions, based on their age and the whim of the gestational creatures who simply want them to die.

    How bizarre that some pretend there is a difference between the first atrocities and the last.

  12. bagni February 28, 2012 / 5:00 pm

    Clean it up or take a hike. // Moderator

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 5:12 pm

      nanu nanu dork

      but you mentioned “mindless political gnats who can’t grasp….” blah blah blah
      unfortunately that term is much more applicable to repub voters than dems this cycle

      We are innercity uneducated flops who speak ebonics, have 2nd grade reading levels, voting for cigarettes, a bottle of beer and the color of a mans skin?
      who’d a known……..

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 5:23 pm

      Stop keeping stupidity alive by quoting it or take a hike. // Moderator

      • neocon1 February 29, 2012 / 3:44 pm


        shoot the messenger?

  13. RetiredSpook February 28, 2012 / 5:06 pm

    ObamaCare isn’t the only thing that’s hurting Obama. And in deference to James who dislikes MarketWatch, I’m linking to Bloomberg Financial News.

    Home prices in 20 U.S. cities dropped more than forecast in December to the lowest level since the housing crisis began in mid-2006, indicating foreclosures are hampering the industry’s recovery.

    The S&P/Case-Shiller index of property values in 20 cities fell 4 percent from a year earlier, after decreasing 3.9 percent in November, a report from the group showed today in New York. The median forecast of 31 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News called for a 3.7 percent decline.

    Distressed properties returning to the market mean prices will stay depressed, prompting buyers to wait for cheaper bargains and impeding construction. While sales have begun to stabilize, a rebound in home values may take time, underscoring Federal Reserve policy makers’ concern that weakness in housing is blunting their efforts to spur the economic expansion.

    “We’re still dealing with a lot of distressed properties and very low absolute levels of demand,” said Sean Incremona, a senior economist at 4Cast Inc. in New York, who accurately projected the 4 percent drop. “We’re not seeing any of the stabilization in housing activity filter through to prices.”

    A separate report today from the Commerce Department showed orders for U.S. durable goods fell in January by the most in three years, led by a slowdown in demand for commercial aircraft and business equipment.

    Poor Obama — just can’t catch a break. As someone said earlier in the thread, it just brings a tear to my eye.

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 5:14 pm

      only his winning would bring a tear to my eye for the stupidity of the late great USA

    • James February 28, 2012 / 6:50 pm

      Spook, a little honesty would do you good here. Orders for durable goods declined because of a tax break expiration.

      But I don’t expect you to be honest.

      On another note, the stock market is now above 13000 for the first time since 2008….Obama sure can’t run on that!

  14. bagni February 28, 2012 / 5:36 pm

    matt neo
    i’ll ignore your first insultingly racial comment
    but will chime in on your claim of my head/arse
    if true???
    unlike you
    at least it celebrates my flexiblity

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 5:49 pm

      so now being stupid is “racist”?
      how racist of you dork. the justice bros je$$e and al wont like dat!

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 5:53 pm


        nor this fine example of the donk party…….

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 5:50 pm

      unlike me, it does suit you well dork.

  15. bloodypenquinstump February 28, 2012 / 6:09 pm
    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 6:24 pm


      Maybe, just maybe we are for purity, chastity, sex education at home from the parents and sexual fun confined to the marriage bed room, and the recreational sex left for the dogs and sluts.

      BUT !!!
      who will pay for the dogs and sluts? …..OPM = BRILLIANT!!

      • James February 28, 2012 / 6:51 pm

        isms not allowed. Try to clean it up. //Moderator

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 8:11 pm

        james /sashole

        how about I move to Iran with the rest of your family?.

        I am an American by birth so I stay, how about we ship your FOREIGN backward scumbag heathen-muslim azz back to where you you diddle sheep and blow up women and children.

      • James February 28, 2012 / 8:42 pm

        good comeback! NOT!

        how do you know I wasn’t born here again? I didn’t know Raleigh wasn’t in the US of A.

        Idiot fascist. Get a life moron….

      • tiredoflibbs February 28, 2012 / 10:39 pm

        Tommy-boy: “Idiot fascist. Get a life moron….”

        Wow, weren’t you whining about personal attacks earlier in the thread?


        Have you written your check yet?

        You really ducked and dodged around that one! When push comes to shove, and you have to put YOUR money where your mouth is, you proggies run…run….run…..

        I called you out and you ran away!


    • Amazona February 28, 2012 / 9:56 pm

      Of course you can’t address the reality that there are people who try to excuse killing by applying arbitrary and flexible criteria for the right to live, based on the whims of those who benefit by the deaths.

      Instead you play the silly game of inventing a silly straw man, to try to distract from the ugly reality of your approval of some kinds of murder.

      BTW since sex ed became mandatory, the number of teenage and illegitimate pregnancies has gone up. Ditto for the easy accessibility of contraception. Of course sex for fun is not more evil than murder. It is just, when reduced to nothing more than fun, degrading and demeaning, reducing mankind to little more than animals at the mercy of hormonal imperatives.

  16. bloodypenquinstump February 28, 2012 / 6:40 pm
  17. J. R. Babcock February 28, 2012 / 7:07 pm

    OT, but sad news to report. Maine Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) has announced she will not run for re-election. The 5 term Republican Senator with a lifetime ACU rating of 48.39 (meaning she has voted with Democrats more than Republicans) will be sorely missed — NOT!

    • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 8:37 pm


      awwwwww geeeeee no more RINO from her.

      • James February 28, 2012 / 8:42 pm

        Dems will take that seat! thanks for the extra seat!

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 8:54 pm

        Homeschoolers can’t be taught ‘gay’ sex sinful
        You won’t believe latest intrusion by government

        Homeschooling families will soon be forbidden from teaching that homosexual sex is sinful as part of their schooling program, according to the government of Alberta, Canada.

        Under the province’s Education Act, homeschoolers and religious schools will be banned from “disrespecting” people’s differences, Alberta Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk’s office told LifeSiteNews just last week.

        time for an overthrow and a new beginning.

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 8:55 pm

        you dems sure like “seats”
        bwany is that you?

      • James February 28, 2012 / 8:56 pm

        isms not allowed. Try to clean it up. // Moderator

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 9:03 pm

        like Ochimpy’s occupy movement?

        how would you feel that the government dictated that homosexuality was a filthy perversion be taught eh ahab the arab ?

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 9:07 pm

        “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
        — Thomas Jefferson

        marxist, socialism, married to atheistic anti Semite’s and islam are those very tyrants.

      • neocon1 February 28, 2012 / 9:09 pm


        coming from a glorified DRAFTSMAN is hilarious.

      • Amazona February 29, 2012 / 10:40 am

        Yeah, but this is just the next step in Canada’s new Thought Police program. I wonder if the Mounties will be issued brown shirts to wear when they kick down the doors of home-schoolers to drag the children off for interrogation into what their mommies and daddies have told them.

  18. dennis February 29, 2012 / 2:04 am

    Amazona: “We used to allow the enslavement, ownership, selling,beating and even killing of some people based on the color of their skin… Now we allow, and some passionately promote, the slaughter of millions, based on their age and the whim of the gestational creatures who simply want them to die. How bizarre that some pretend there is a difference between the first atrocities and the last.”

    For the sake of expedience I won’t belabor the fact that nobody “passionately promotes” the slaughter of millions by abortion. Even the most ardent supporters of the legality of abortion don’t revel in the act itself. The entire point is that government has no business intruding into matters of personal morality.

    As for there being a difference, in the legal sphere there always has been. A person acquires legal identity at birth, not at conception. How about the ongoing pandemic of miscarriages that occur spontaneously by nature itself? Shouldn’t we be waging some kind of war against this massive demise of innocence? Seriously, we have a war on terror – and spontaneous miscarriage kills vastly more nascent Americans than terrorism does.

    The fact is that however one wants to slice and dice morality (and I’m on the side of those who feel abortion as birth control is morally wrong), you can’t legislate morality in very many instances. I can’t have someone arrested for taking the name of the Lord in vain, even if they are a war-mongering, Muslim-hating, immigrant-abusing professor of Christianity. With some things, you just gotta let God be the judge.

    It really does hurt that our system makes it okay for taxpayer dollars to help make refugees out of 4 million Iraqis (and those are already-born people with families, loved ones, hopes and dreams), and blow up innocent families with missiles from unmanned aerial drones. I’d strongly prefer things to not be so but that’s the way it shakes out in this present world. If it’s legal to do that, then abortion ought to be left unmentioned, purely out of hang-dog shame for all the murder of already-born and fully-aware humans our government does, with full support of right-wing conservatives.

    • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 9:07 am

      I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that you equate abortion with war as liberals often make false comparisons but this one is especially offensive, primarily because of your “fully aware” reference. Is that how you make that distinction? If that’s the case dennis, why don’t you advocate the slaughter of all of those brain damaged patients in comas? Or how about the mildly retarded? Many of them are not fully aware either, so where do you draw the line dennis?

      In terms of your juvenile rant on wars, it’s obvious dennis that you have yet to enter the adult world and fully understand that bad things do happen at the hands of bad men who lead countries with an iron fist and sometimes, another country with noble intent risks their lives in an effort to stop the madness and pave the way for a better future for those involved, and sometimes, deaths of civilians can result. You obviously see this as a right wing construct where unilateral bombs are dropped by zealots you disagree with, but let me be the first to tell you little guy, it’s a lot more complicated than that, and difficult to prevent. On the other hand, an abortion is very east to prevent. See the difference dennis? Now run along.

    • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 9:43 am


      One other thing has just occurred to me in regards to your “fully aware” comment. I can recall on a few occasions wherein states would not execute a prisoner that was mildly retarded, and/or not “fully aware” of his actions and consequences, and I know from previous comments that you oppose the death penalty, so how do you square that one?

      On one hand you oppose the execution of someone who is not fully aware, yet on the other hand you dismiss the execution of another who you deem is not fully aware. Care to explain?

    • Amazona February 29, 2012 / 10:37 am

      For the sake of expedience I won’t belabor the fact that nobody “passionately promotes” the slaughter of millions by abortion.

      Wrong. Right here on this blog we had one such who “congratulated” those females who had chosen to kill their babies that day. Pay more attention. Check out the stories of women and girls who have been pushed in the direction of abortion by groups like Planned Parenthood.

      …government has no business intruding into matters of personal morality… yet the only thing that allows people like you to call this a matter of PERSONAL morality is the age of the human being targeted for death. Otherwise it would just be a matter of “personal morality” for a man to kill his wife, or for a student to open fire in a school.

      The strange effort to conflate purposeful ending of human life with the biological accident of spontaneous miscarriage is nothing more than a transparent effort to excuse the inexcusable by trying to introduce some other subject. It is patently stupid.

      So is the silly effort to drag war into this, but your desperate efforts to distract from the horrors of the butchery of children illustrates the chaotic nature of your thought processes as well as your inherent dishonesty. Just look at all the straw men you tried to drag in—Iraqis, some alleged Christian professor, “racists”, miscarriages, drone strikes, terrorists. This is what happens when people try to distract from the ugliness of females killing their inconvenient young, and the ghouls who support and enable them.

      • Margaret Sanger: Founder, Planned Parenthood February 29, 2012 / 12:31 pm

        It would be wrong to assume we have any particular agenda over which we revel in facilitating abortion on a grand scale, we have always planned for the contingency that some of the targets of our efforts might become suspicious of our motives, that’s why I suggested that “we should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

        We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” “Those irresponsible and reckless ones having little regard for the consequences of their acts, or whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers. Many of this group are diseased, feeble-minded, and are of the pauper element dependent upon the normal and fit members of society for their support. There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped.

        Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism.” Sure, they VOTE for our advocates in Congress, but if we can eliminate these morons from society we’ll all benefit.

      • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 1:03 pm

        Completely inappropriate

      • RetiredSpook February 29, 2012 / 1:14 pm

        Completely inappropriate

        It was when Sanger first said it; now it’s just repugnant to everyone but the Dennises of this world.

  19. dennis February 29, 2012 / 1:50 pm

    Sorry Cluster and Amazona, you’re both so wrong on the matter of wars of preemption there is no way to square that circle. Amazona speaks of “butchery” – the number of civilian deaths from the Iraq war is in the hundreds of thousands, and the number of refugees is reliably 4 million. I could rant for a very long time about the vanity and complete waste of that war, which stains America’s moral legacy more deeply and irrevocably than did Vietnam, on every level. And the deaths will continue (witness last week’s carnage) from the great destructive forces it unleashed in the region, that we will never be able to stop or control.

    I don’t recall a single B4V fanboy or fangrrrrl ever addressing all the deaths from birth defects and cancer that will be happening into the indefinite future from the countless tons of depleted uranium munitions we’ve left scattered across densely populated areas of Iraq and Afghanistan. How very convenient (and essential) for you to ignore. That enormously toxic legacy from America will continue killing the innocent for generations to come – primarily the unborn and very young, those very lives you pretend to care about so much. Except they’re Arab lives, over there in that other place. Okay with all that, aren’t you? Your fine sense of moral outrage is highly selective, even when it comes to the unborn.

    As for the anecdotal story of someone congratulating mothers for aborting their babies, I find that just as offensive as any of you do. Sure, there are people whose morality I find repugnant on either side of the political divide. However your demonization of Planned Parenthood just doesn’t get traction in the real world – even the venerable magazine Christianity Today verifies that abortions constitute three percent of all PP’s services, and just ten percent of PP’s clients receive abortions. In other words, ninety percent of PP’s clients rely on it for health-related services having nothing to do with abortion. For more fact-checking see http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2011/aprilweb-only/plannedparenthood.html

    Finally, Spook, right-wing zealots’ proposal to make every fertilized egg into a legal person is a joke of a legal concept. How can anyone who possibly claims to be for small government defend such an idea, and how could it ever be reasonably legislated or enforced?

    • Margaret Sanger: Founder, Planned Parenthood February 29, 2012 / 2:18 pm

      I can demonstrate where the mind of today’s liberal goes; “There remains only the third expedient—birth control, the real cure for war.

      “The Malthusian League desires to point out that the proposed scheme for the League of Nations has neglected to take account of the important questions of the pressure of population, which causes the great international economic competition and rivalry, and of the increase of population, which is put forward as a justification for claiming increase of territory. It, therefore, wishes to put on record its belief that the League of Nations will only be able to fulfill its aim when it adds a clause to the following effect:

      “‘That each Nation desiring to enter into the League of Nations shall pledge itself so to restrict its birth rate that its people shall be able to live in comfort in their own dominions without need for territorial expansion, and that it shall recognize that increase of population shall not justify a demand either for increase of territory or for the compulsion of other Nations to admit its emigrants; so that when all Nations in the League have shown their ability to live on their own resources without international rivalry, they will be in a position to fuse into an international federation, and territorial boundaries will then have little significance.’”

    • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 2:25 pm


      You know what’s really convenient? Laying the blame of the war and destruction solely at the feet of America. Do you suppose the citenzry of Iraq had any culpability? Or are they just innocent pawns in the place “over there” as you put it, with nothing but pure and noble intent in their hearts? I am convinced that that thought hasnt even crossed one of your few brain cells because of your determined effort to paint America as that evil bastion of right wing Christians.

      You know what else is convenient? The fact that you just glossed over the “fully aware” component of my response to you. I am assuming you realized how ridiculous that position was and have abandoned it. One can hope right? But now I see your leaning on the “legal” angle of life which is again “convenient”. I assume then that you support partial birth abortion because those babies are not yet ” fully aware” and do not have legal protections as you so described. So tell us Dennis, do you support sucking the brains out of babies? And furthermore, do you agree with Obama on the issue of infanticide? Obama fully supports the killing of a baby outside of the womb if in fact the child survived the abortion attempt. How about you Dennis? I want to know just how much of a cretin you are?

      • Caveat Emptor February 29, 2012 / 2:32 pm

        I don’t understand how war being wrong makes abortion right?

      • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 2:36 pm

        Dennis has a unique ability to conflate issues.

    • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 2:34 pm

      Another thing Dennis,

      I know how you like to piously lecture everyone about the atrocities of war and call pro lifers hypocritical if in fact they do support war – but couldn’t the hypocrisy label be just easily applied to you? Aren’t you just the opposite in your disdain for war but glee for a woman’s right to kill her own child?

  20. bloodypenquinstump February 29, 2012 / 2:26 pm
  21. Margaret Sanger: Founder, Planned Parenthood February 29, 2012 / 2:27 pm

    “[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children … [Women must have the right] to live … to love … to be lazy … to be an unmarried mother … to create … to destroy … The marriage bed is the most degenerative influence in the social order … The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

  22. Cluster February 29, 2012 / 2:30 pm


    I hesitate to engage such an inferior mind into a discussion, but what in the hell do you even mean that it is an ironclad fact that conservatives would rather murder babies than have sex for fun?

    • Amazona March 1, 2012 / 10:20 am

      The ironclad facts are:

      1. The Psuedo-Leftist trolls who pollute this blog don’t have the slightest clue about the definition of “conservative”—and couldn’t care less.

      2. They have been suckered into a strange fantasy concept of “conservative” (easy to do, given their innate attraction to whatever is ugly, spiteful and negative) upon which they then apply whatever silly, stupid or hateful comment floats to the surface of their consciousness.

      These are not political people, and they do not think in political terms. These are hyper-emotional hate-driven emoters who try to justify their personality disorders by cloaking them in political terminology.

      But they have no true political compass. They don’t understand the system they support through their sniping at another system they don’t understand. To the stumpys, it is adequate to come up with an utterly stupid and meaningless comment, attractive only because it is hateful, and then slap on the word “conservative” somewhere along the way to pretend it is a political commentary.

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 10:56 am

        Andrew Breitbart……DEAD
        RIP we have lost a good conservative warrior.

      • Cluster March 1, 2012 / 11:06 am

        Holy shit!! I just saw that – what the hell. 43 years old and natural causes??? Weird

      • James March 1, 2012 / 11:23 am

        This is what we expect from you but that does not mean it will be tolerated. // Moderator

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 11:28 am

        Verrrry intrrresting

        Arpaio’s investigation is the first official law enforcement look at the allegations surrounding Obama’s eligibility. Many of the private investigators who have examined it contend there are too many questionable circumstances to believe that everything regarding Obama is above-board.


      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 11:29 am


        …I can’t say I will miss him.

        class act akbar.

      • freethinker March 1, 2012 / 11:27 am

        If you are an example of what it means to be a “conservative” I have no desire to go down that road. You have a bitter and angry tongue always degrading those who do not agree with you and your philosophy. If you were truly interested in getting others to agree with your philosophy you would use language that indicated you may disagree but here is something to consider. You have no intention to bring others to you point of view of thinking. You take much more satisfaction in berating and degrading others. That is where you find joy.

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 11:43 am


        I have NO room or desire to “dialogue” with commies, perverts, muslims, socialists, racists, ageists, or leftist Morons…deal with it.!

      • James March 1, 2012 / 12:04 pm

        you don’t have desire for dialogue with anyone. you aren’t capable of dialogue. only cut and paste….

      • tiredoflibbs March 1, 2012 / 1:10 pm

        tommy-boy: “you don’t have desire for dialogue with anyone.”

        Project much?

        BTW, Have you written your tax check yet for what you FEEL you really should pay, hypocite?

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 1:31 pm


        the $$$$$150K Law Yah – engimneers wants to pay more?
        LOL I still hear the crickets chirping waiting for his answer….

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 1:32 pm


      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 1:34 pm

        and neo, I sustain the social security and medicare you enjoy.

        I am merely collecting PART of the $550,000.00 the GOVT OWES me….
        remember that “lock box” with MY funds in it? that was taken at the point of a gun and a threat of imprisonment

      • dennis March 1, 2012 / 2:12 pm

        This may be the only way to get a post at the bottom of the thread. Spook and Amazona, I responded to your comments but new posts are being randomly scattered up the thread. Scroll up an inch or two to find it.

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 1:36 pm


        I signed OVER $150k in contract work THIS week…NEXT?

      • tiredoflibbs March 1, 2012 / 2:16 pm

        Tommy-boy: “I pay my fair share”

        Tommy-boy, now you are just plain lying, just like your pResident! When liberals are caught in massive hypocrisy, the resort to their tried and true tactic- they lie!

        Tommy-boy:”I believe in higher taxes, and a progressive tax system. I believe that people like me, making over 150k a year in base salary should pay more than I do now.”


        Hmmmmmmmm…. YOUR QUOTE! It sounds like you don’t pay your fair share – you believe you should be paying more in taxes!!!

        Caught you again! This is too easy.

        “the government is in charge of dictating how much people should pay. ”

        They do! BUT…BUT..they have a mechanism is place for people to pay more than what they are supposed to. This has been brought out here several times. Liberals whine that they don”t pay enough (for the media only of course), but they never write a check for what they “feel they should pay”.

        Charitable contributions are separate from taxes there “pal” ($8k that’s all?). What is your “charities” – ELF? WWF? ACLU? They are not taxes, so you cannot count them in “your fair share”. LIke all proggies believe it is the government that determines what is best for you to pay and to whom. How dare you take it upon yourself to donate your hard earned money, that they (the gov’t) allow you to keep! and not consult them on who to pay that money to!!!

        So, the answer is NO, you coward, you haven’t put your money where your mouth is and actually pay “more than you do now”.

        You, the typical hypocrite, wants others to pay more but himself, the moocher who does get the wealth redistribution payments for those “according to his needs” since he can’t produce “according to his means”.

        This means my taxes (from a producer) goes to mindless drone moochers (you).

        I caught you again, coward!

      • tiredoflibbs March 1, 2012 / 2:18 pm

        tommy-boy: “I know, I know you’re an ignorant conservative with no backbone to discuss facts”

        Well when you present your first TRUE fact, then we can have a discussion.

        You have been caught in so many lies, you are incapable of anything close to what you “dream” of having.

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 3:18 pm

        Ubomas thugs

        Teen Set on Fire in Racial Attack; Media Silent | 01 March 2012 | Selwyn Duke

        “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” So spewed the attackers of Melissa Coon’s 13-year-old son, as they doused him with gasoline and set him alight.

      • tiredoflibbs March 1, 2012 / 1:16 pm


        Again with the name change there shesindnile/sunny/velma?

        Freethinker? From one who regurgitates the same debunked crap and proven lies over and over and over just like the rest of the leftist drones?

        Oh please! Shesindnile suits you better.

        Your constant criticism of Amazona is pure projection of your own personality. You can change your name but you cannot change your personality and writing style ….. oh yes, and the same regurgitated BS.


      • Amazona March 1, 2012 / 4:28 pm

        Aww, she’s just sulky because I won’t play her kinky biting games.

        That, and I call her on her viciousness and lying. That really gets her in a tizzy.

      • J. R. Babcock March 1, 2012 / 1:26 pm


        You have a serious reading comprehension problem if that’s what you get from Amazona’s posts. I’ve only been a regular here since last summer, but I’ve not ever seen Amazona attempt to change anyone’s mind. All I’ve ever seen her do is attempt to get those who disagree with her to explain and defend their points of view. Very few have even tried. None have succeeded. It’s next to impossible to have a “meaningful” discussion when one side gets to define the other in arbitrary terms but can’t (or won’t) even try to define itself.

      • Jonathan Swift March 1, 2012 / 1:08 pm

        Okay, that actually made me grin. There isn’t even a consistent and universal definition of “conservative” among those who self-identify as conservative, and you’re complaining that people don’t agree on a definition from the outside, either? How about the dictionary definition of “conservative”:

        1.) Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

        I’m excited to hear what your personal definition is, but bear in mind that by the most general definition, the members of the Continental Congress and Jesus Christ had something in common: they were so liberal as to be (forgive my pun) Revolutionary.

      • Jonathan Swift March 1, 2012 / 1:09 pm

        Oops, this comment system is weird. This was intended as a reply to the following comment by Amazona:

        “The ironclad facts are:

        1. The Psuedo-Leftist trolls who pollute this blog don’t have the slightest clue about the definition of “conservative”—and couldn’t care less.

        2. They have been suckered into a strange fantasy concept of “conservative” (easy to do, given their innate attraction to whatever is ugly, spiteful and negative) upon which they then apply whatever silly, stupid or hateful comment floats to the surface of their consciousness.

        These are not political people, and they do not think in political terms. These are hyper-emotional hate-driven emoters who try to justify their personality disorders by cloaking them in political terminology.

        But they have no true political compass. They don’t understand the system they support through their sniping at another system they don’t understand. To the stumpys, it is adequate to come up with an utterly stupid and meaningless comment, attractive only because it is hateful, and then slap on the word “conservative” somewhere along the way to pretend it is a political commentary.”

      • neocon1 March 1, 2012 / 1:18 pm


        : they were so liberal as to be

        drugs or stupidity?

      • Count d'Haricots March 1, 2012 / 2:23 pm

        We don’t quote dictionary definitions here, otherwise you’re stuck with:

        Liberal – Morally unrestrained; licentious~ Not strict or literal; loose or approximate.

        Now, if you want to describe us in political terms, we’re listening.

      • Amazona March 1, 2012 / 3:54 pm

        This is why I so often use the phrase “21st Century American conservative”. I know how desperate the PL contingent is to duck and dodge actual political commentary in favor of Identity Politics and other politically-deficient insult-fests, so I often pin down the term. Often enough to remove any wide-eyed disclaimer of not knowing that this is what we are talking about.

        So grin away. Snicker, titter and giggle while you are at it. But none of this will disguise the fact that you are either completely politically illiterate or a liar trying to obfuscate truth and fact.

        Not, in your case, that the two are mutually exclusive.

      • Jonathan Swift March 1, 2012 / 5:55 pm


        I note that you still did not give a definition of conservatism, nor any indication that anything you can provide is actually widely accepted.

      • Amazona March 2, 2012 / 12:24 am

        Nobody ASKED me for my definition of 21st Century American Conservatism

        But BTW I have offered it, many times. Have you really missed it?

      • Amazona March 2, 2012 / 12:25 am

        How “widely accepted”? And by whom?

      • Jonathan Swift March 2, 2012 / 3:27 pm

        We’ll let “widely accepted” mean that a majority of people self-identifying as conservative would agree that the definition is applicable to them.

      • Amazona March 2, 2012 / 5:42 pm


        21st Century American Conservative: One who believes that the Constitution of the United States is the law of the land and provides the best possible blueprint for governing the United States.

        Run that up the flagpole and see how many “self-identifying as conservative” salute it.

        There are some conservatives who hold some social value views, others who don’t. Just as some are tall, some are short, some like chocolate, some drink beer, some drive SUVs and some drive compacts, some live in cities and some are rural, etc. Some are Republicans, some are not. You can drag in all the superficial, extraneous, trivia you want to try to define the term, but it is a political term and can only be defined in political terms. Not just that, but in contemporary political terms.

        And BTW, this is the same definition we always give. I myself have given it dozens of times. Of course, if you have not read the Constitution, you can’t possibly understand it.

      • Jonathan Swift March 5, 2012 / 10:55 am

        Let’s follow up on that definition a little. A lot of this discussion thread has been about abortion. How could your definition meaningfully relate to that conversation at all? Does the Constitution have something to say on what point during the reproductive process that personhood begins?

        In coming up with a definition that is inclusive, you’ve deliberately made it vacuous enough that as a hypothetical person with no previous perception of what defines a “conservative”, I can make nearly no inferences about your stances on individual issues. Is it any wonder that people have a hard time figuring out what you stand for? As best as I can tell from your definition, you have all of the political acumen of a bumper sticker that says “I ❤ the Constitution".

  23. Cluster February 29, 2012 / 2:31 pm


    Do you support infanticide like Obama?

    • James February 29, 2012 / 3:51 pm

      I support abortion up to and including the second trimester. Anything after that, and the mother should carry the baby to term.

      Unless its viable outside the womb, it has no rights and can be aborted at will.

      Thanks for playing. i love how the GOP gets stuck on social issues that have NOTHING to do with how you win an election.

      I think Clinton said it best…its the economy stupid.

      ps. Cluster do you still stand by your 9% unemployment figure? I know you like to ignore official BLS numbers…but they are due this week….

      • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 4:41 pm

        That was gallups poll number James. Try and improve your retention skills. And as far as being stuck on social issues, I believe that would be the liberals. Conservatives are nominating a CEO who is all about the economy (stupid), while liberals and obama are obsessed with contraception rights.

      • James February 29, 2012 / 4:54 pm

        Oh I see, so you support gallup poll numbers over the official BLS numbers? Hmm….interesting. Let’s see if your new found belief in Polls lasts when you don’t like the results of one of those polls.

        you’re nominating a CEO? no, more like a vulture capitalist like Newt called him. more like a guy who took pictures with money in his mouth! HA! How out of touch can this guy be?

        The trees are the right height? my wife has a couple of caddy’s? really?

        Obama will win in a rout, Dems have saved this economy from collapse and we have had more than a year of continuous job growth. Unemployment will be below 8% be election day, and it will be the kind of romp that the GOP wish it could have.

      • tiredoflibbs February 29, 2012 / 5:17 pm

        Tommy-boy, the BLS purposefully ignores millions that are unemployed because they are no longer looking due to the fact they can’t find work. The CBO has higher unemployment numbers but of course it makes your president and you drones liars.

        Have you written your check yet coward?

      • Cluster February 29, 2012 / 5:22 pm


        You’re getting fired up again so just take a breath. Gallup did predict 9% and that number has to be determined so really no need to argue that, right? So aside from your cliched swipes at Romney and well known devotion to Obama, you really said nothing, proving once again that you really don’t think things through. Yesterday you posted a very superficial list of political positions which amounted to “I am in favor of clean air”, and other well shared, noble efforts. The problem is that you don’t take into account the results of those efforts, which by any measurement are abysmal. We have spent a trillion dollars on the war on poverty with poor results. Our current entitlement programs are exploding and most politicians would rather politicize it rather than doing anything about it. Believe it or not, most conservatives also want safety nets for those in need, want an updated infrastructure, and want good jobs and wages. We just are more focused on results than intent, and a top down, centralized federal government administering largely bureaucratized massive entitlement programs is not the right prescription. A more decentralized, smaller government can be much more efficient in getting the help to those who truly need it while not impeding on those who don’t.

      • Caveat Emptor February 29, 2012 / 5:32 pm

        Why are you bothering with Sasshole? He can’t “write a check” because he lied about what he makes; a bid manager’s salary is between $63,000 and $86,000, and since he’s only been at it for less than a year, I’d guess he’s on the downside of that scale. Even if you include the “gratuities” his wife makes from visiting his friends, he still doesn’t come close to that $150.0k.

        His wife came home one night and Sasshole asked how much she made. She said “Two-hundred dollars and twenty-five cents.”

        He asked, “Who gave you twenty-five cents?”

        “all of them.”

      • James February 29, 2012 / 5:40 pm

        You need to understand that isms and vulgarity will get your posts deleted. // Moderator

      • <James February 29, 2012 / 5:45 pm

        You need to understand that isms and vulgarity will get your posts deleted. // Moderator

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