
Blogs For Victory is an online community of bloggers dedicated to victory for the Republican Party, conservative principles, and the war on terror.


Blogs For Victory was formerly known as Blogs for Bush. Matt Margolis launched the site in November of 2003 to cover the 2004 election, organize a community of pro-Bush bloggers, and encourage grassroots activity on behalf of President Bush. Blogs for Bush became one of the most popular blogs during the 2004 election. The site was called “a must read every day” by nationally syndicated radio talk show host and bestselling author Hugh Hewitt.

Blogs for Bush was also one of the first blogs to receive media credentials to cover the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City and media credentials for the 55th Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2005.

According to Intelliseek’s BlogPulseBlogs for Bush was one of the Top Blogs Cited in Political Postings, and ranked in the Top 30 of the Top Blogs Cited in 2004.