Post Iowa: Now, What?

Over the past 48 hours I have seen enormous amounts of hurt feelings over the Iowa result. I don’t really know why – I mean, come on: a white, Evangelical State. That is Trump’s meat and potatoes. There was little chance anyone was going to gain traction against Trump in that electorate. I was a bit surprised that DeSantis staked so much on it: he’s a much better fit for the New Hampshire electorate. But, nobody calls me up for campaign advice.

But a lot of DeSantis supporters are very upset about it all – and not just the Never Trump plants who were paid to go on social media to talk up DeSantis as a means of harming Trump. I’m talking about some sensible people. I can only assume they just invested too much emotion in their guy. Never do that: no matter what, they’re all politicians. All politicians are at least a little bit insane and they all hedge a bit even when they don’t outright lie. The people running for office are the merest tools – and sure I’d always like to have a perfectly made hammer to drive the nail in, but the nail must be driven and if all I’ve got is a wrench, I’m still going to pound away at it.

But it was also a pretty big result for Trump. True, the turnout was lower but the weather wasn’t just bad, it was downright awful. But Trump’s 51% was astounding and probably would have carried through in a high turnout. To compare, the 2016 winner got 27%, 2012 24%, 2008, 34%, 2000 40%. You generally don’t get close to a majority because the field is usually very crowded and so the votes are split up. Bottom line is that the GOP base is still solidly behind Trump. There isn’t much chance of anyone knocking him off – they’d have to win NH and SC to have a shot and polling in both States is favorable to Trump and likely to go more favorable now. Nutshell: it is highly likely that Trump is the 2024 nominee.

That the base is so solid for Trump is, I think, another reason for the anger – people were talking themselves into believing that the Orange Man, being Bad, was done for. When the results came in for Iowa that theory was proved wrong. But do keep something in mind: everyone who hates Trump (this is different from someone who might not want Trump for policy reasons) does so because the TV told them to. Tell them this and they will hotly deny it. Usually claiming they’ve hated Trump since he first became famous. But that is absurd: why in heck would you invest in hating a real estate tycoon/television personality? Nobody would do that. Nobody hated Trump before he came down that escalator. It has become for many a negative feedback loop: they took the Orange Man Bad position, have diligently sought arguments supporting the Orange Man being Bad and are absolutely shocked to find that for a lot of people, the Orange Man ain’t all that Bad.

Make no mistake about it, there was a drift away from Trump in 2022. I saw it. I talked with ardent Trumpsters. They were ready to move on. They were casting eyes at DeSantis as RDS went his most Trumpy in fighting woke ideology. But then the Mar a Lago raid happened and the GOP, on the whole, did not rise to Trump’s defense in what was clearly a politically-motivated prosecution. On the sly – and it could be seen – they, too, hoped that this would sink Trump. At that moment, I started saying that the only way to beat Trump would be to out-Trump him: in this case, it would require people to get up and loudly condemn the raid, condemn 2020 as a fraud and call for the pardon of all J6ers. That would show the Trump base that you’re serious…and failure to do that makes you a RINO/Commie traitor. And so it is happening.

Some are saying that the indictments, etc of Trump are 4D chess where the Democrats are hoping to make Trump a martyr and so get the GOP to nominate the guy they think they can beat. No. They’re not that smart. They are, in fact, enormously stupid. They are indicting Trump not as 4D chess but because the TV told them to. Yes, I know that the TV was told to say that by the DNC, but the actions of the DOJ and others are motivated by what the TV said. They consider indicting Trump a righteous act and they are certain everyone wants them to do so…after all, everyone on TV says that is what everyone wants. Maybe Trump will lose in November and the Democrats will luck out…but it is just as likely that they needed Trump as much as they needed a hole in their head.

Can Trump win? Sure. There’s a non-zero chance he wins big but don’t make any plans on that. Right now, given polling, he’s well positioned to get past 270 outside the margin of fraud. A lot of people are harping on suburbanites and Independents hating Trump. True, they do. But at least the Independents also hate Biden. Stepping away from the fraud that actually installed Biden, he did do better among Independents in 2020 than Hillary did in 2016 – but at that time he was still a mostly unknown quantity and the MSM pumped him up as kindly Uncle Joe who was going to end the stress of the Trump Era and let America just move forward…we were supposed to get the late 1990’s and this time without even so much as a blue dress to disturb the peace.

Didn’t get that, did we?

The MSM is still relentlessly covering for Biden but what the MSM can’t do is make us not see the price of gasoline and butter. Can’t spin the Afghan defeat into a win. Can’t make us think that Ukraine is going well. Can’t shake us from seeing that under Trump the middle east was largely peaceful while under Biden it has exploded. Sure, the MSM will never talk about the border crisis…but it is a crisis and via non-traditional media, people are seeing it…and the GOP sending illegals to Blue cities is also making it more noticeable. The pragmatic facts of life is that the Independents now hate Biden at least as much as they hate Trump…and as Biden is the person currently making them mad, the jump ball for independents slightly favors Trump at the moment.

As for the respective party bases: who is going to be more motivated in November? My bet is on the GOP base. Democrats are trying to work up “democracy” and abortion as their key campaign messages but that is thin gruel…especially as a crucial part of their base, black voters, is very much angry when they see illegals getting free housing and phones while black Americans get nothing. Not saying these people will vote Trump…but staying home works out just the same.

It is a wide open race and there are so many variables that nobody can say what is going to happen. For goodness sake, Biden might keel over at any time now and that would just put a tornado into politics as Democrats scramble for a replacement. And imagine if that happens in, say, September? Buckle up, kiddos, we’re in for a wild ride.

Open Thread

This week, the rubber hits the road as far as Team Trump’s efforts to Stop the Steal. We’ll see if they can do it. More people are coming around to my theory that Team Biden thought it in the bag (with some fraud already baked in), but then Trump’s Election Day numbers showed a near-landslide win for Trump and so they had to stop the count, manufacture/flip ballots and then hope they didn’t get caught.

Well, they got caught: the amount of fraud was so large that you can’t miss it. All that remains to be seen is if the courts will accept the evidence and act accordingly.

It looks like Nancy’s majority will be 222, maybe 223. Razor thin – and some Democrat House members are salivating at the thought of a Biden Administration cabinet post. It is very dicey for Nancy: she can’t afford to lose anyone and if a seat comes open, even if in a relatively blue area, there’s no assurance the GOP won’t pick it up in a special election. The bottom line is that both the Squad and the few moderate Democrats are going to cause her no end of trouble – the former because they want to push further left, the latter because they don’t want career suicide. You and I get to watch and laugh.

They are ramping up the ‘Rona Panic again and I think it is twofold:

  1. Get your mind off the still disputed election.
  2. Make out that it is a horror show so that St Joe of Biden can save us all.

It is irritating me no end and I’m hopeful we start to get revolt as the Danes did. The masks do not work. The lockdowns mar more than they mend. We’ve got two apparently good vaccines on the way. End this nonsense.

Joe and the Democrats want to forgive student loans. But, please note: not all of it. I think the figure they are passing around is $10,000.00. Now, why not go large and forgive it all? I mean, they are Democrats, right? The cost doesn’t matter…but they know that annulling the debt would put huge pressure on to end the loan program. They don’t want that. And they don’t want the kids to be entirely relieved of debt, either. Debtors hoping for a break are dependents…people you can pressure to do your bidding. And the Democrats don’t dare risk the program, itself, as it is merely a gigantic subsidy for the college Left.

I’ve said for a while that I want the debt annulled (tax credits for those who paid) and then cancel the program. At the very least, I think we should allow it to discharge in bankruptcy seven years after leaving college (by then, they are either making enough money to pay – and so can’t go bankrupt – or they aren’t and likely never will). The whole thing is a scam: a soak the young scheme to keep tenured radicals on the gravy train.

Ted Cruz ripped Jack Dorsey to shreds in a Senate hearing. This is fine: but unless we start to punish these totalitarian propagandists, they’ll keep right on suppressing the truth and serving up the DNC Narrative. I’ll go to my grave convinced that if the mere truth had been told this past four years, Trump would have crested 60% of the vote.

Open Thread

Right below “House GOP” in 2020 winners is CNN – because Fox is imploding. And, hey: if you want MSM lies, might as well go with the pros – Fox is completely amateur at it.

Noah Rothman has a bit of disdain for the notion of a “working class” GOP. I suspect this stems from Noah not knowing a lot of working class people. But it is where we have to go: if we can’t get working class people on our side, we can’t win long term. We found over the previous 20 years where reliance on upper class white suburbanites got us: nowhere. In fact, it forced us into gradual retreat as keeping upper class whites means we ceded all things Conservative except low tax rates. Meanwhile, Trump is now past 73,000,000 votes. This is 12 million more votes than Romney got in 2012. Twelve million. We play this right, and the GOP nominee in 2024 will push towards 80 million votes. So, yeah: heck with white suburbanites.

Here’s what I think happened vote fraud-wise: Team Biden thought they were good based on Vote By Mail and Early Voting numbers…but then Team Trump’s Election Day vote starting coming in like a tsunami: they pushed the panic button. They stopped counting in the deep blue cities in the swing States and simply stuffed the boxes for all they were worth. Flaw in the plan: they did so much fraud that it is easy to detect. All that remains to be seen is if Team Trump can sufficiently prove it.

In Georgia, they claimed a burst pipe forced them to stop counting. This is a lie. But, you already knew that: because after they stopped and then started, all of a sudden a huge Trump win turned into a narrow Biden victory. It was like that PA, GA, WI, MI. Trump won: Democrats stole.

‘Rona panic is being revived in a big way. I can’t but think that the desire to take attention off the election is driving this.

The Arizona SecState who is in charge of the vote count thinks Trump’s base of voters is neo-Nazis. Seventy three million neo-Nazis. Which includes record numbers of Jews, gays, blacks and, believe it or not, Muslims. Now, as she thinks we’re Nazis, how could she not cheat? After all, wouldn’t you cheat to get Hitler out of power?

That Didn’t Go As Hoped

It does suck, doesn’t it?

Plus side: it looks like we’ve held the Senate, and that means that total disaster has been averted. They won’t get to pack the court and make DC a State.

Downside: we’re now in a fight to stop fraud long enough for Trump to get certified for 270. There are some bright spots: Team Trump seems very confident about Arizona and Pennsylvania. Get those two – and hold Georgia and North Carolina (which both look likely) and Trump is at 279. Team Trump has the lawyers and they are already going toe to toe with Team Biden (they’ve demanded a recount in Wisconsin already).

I really don’t know how this will turn out: I hope that Trump prevails, of course. But we know the Democrats are masters of fraud. So, buckle up!

Some bright spots:

Trump’s share of the non-white vote appears to be about 26%, the highest since 1960. 18% of black males voted for Trump. Trump is a refutation of the Democrat’s identity politics and we need to build on this. Push that to 30% and the Democrats don’t have a chance in national elections.

We blew the Democrats away in Florida – they were utterly crushed. Florida is a Red State. Pennsylvania is turning into a Red State. Though we hope Trump wins Arizona, we have to realize that it is turning Blue. What we should do is try to duplicate our efforts in Florida and Pennsylvania in other Blue States. It can be done. It may take years: but we have to do it. We can’t let the Democrats have a bunch of States where we can’t even try.

We picked up House Seats – and if Biden wins (shudder), we’ll blow the Democrats out of the water in the 2022 midterms.

Happy Election Day!

How ya feeling? Everything cool?

Today is The Day: we find out soon enough how all this went.

Vent, scream, cheer all you want. Get it off your chest!

Governor Descantis thinks they’ll be able to call Florida for Trump by 9pm Eastern.

The Experts are now saying that the Landslide which will carry Biden triumphantly into the White House will be…290 Electoral Votes. They are counting on Biden winning PA and AZ.

Not quite sure I see that.

Anyways: have fun!

Pre-Election-Mageddon Open Thread

As of this moment in time, I think that Trump has 258 locked down. That includes Florida. But I’m still leaving the upper Midwest in play, in spite of the astonishing crowds for Trump in Pennsylvania.

The bottom line is that I do expect Trump to win on Tuesday – and maybe a pretty big win. But there are so many unknowns that I think those confidently predicting final Electoral outcomes are getting a little ahead of themselves. The Democrats have their polls plus a theory that huge numbers of early voting GOPers are voting Biden. I have my confidence that the former are lies and the latter is drivel. The GOP has had large gains in voter registration in the past four years and these people signed up after Trump’s victory. They signed up for Trump. They won’t vote Biden. It think we lost 99% of the GOPers we were ever going to lose in 2016; those who voted Hillary or third party that year. Some of those voters are coming back to us: I can’t imagine a GOPer who voted Trump (other than Walsh, who is a grifter) being so disappointed in Trump that they’d vote Biden.

Trump seems geared up and happy while what I’ve seen of Biden is an angry, shouting old man. Biden can still barely draw flies while Trump gets 20,000+ to show…and that’s not counting things like the Jews for Trump rally in New York City today.

This is just not normal. The MSM is trying to ignore it or, when they do take note, downplay it. But I’m 55. I’m no spring chicken: I’ve never seen spontaneous demonstrations in favor of a political candidate in my life. I’ve doubly never seen them in places where their guy doesn’t stand a chance. We are told that people hate Trump – and he is despised by a large majority of Americans. This is the underlying theory of a Biden win. But for a guy who’s hated, he sure gets some love, doesn’t he?

I won’t even be tuning in to TV for the results – I just don’t want to put up with the mindless news actors and their paid-for “Experts”. I’ll be watching on line. I might tune into MSNBC as Trump nears 270 – but that will be for mere gloating purposes.

Now, to prepare for all eventualities: what if Trump loses? Well…I guess I’ll just keep on living and do my best to boot the Democrats in 2022 and 2024. What the heck else can we do, right? Going on a four year psychotic episode certainly doesn’t commend itself to me.

Trump lost Minnesota by about 45,000 votes in 2016: and there are some indications that this State might go his way. It didn’t even go for Reagan in 1984.

Space-X is sending four astronauts to the space station on November 14th. Why bring this up? Because Trump is returning the USA to space in a big way. Biden would probably have it back to conducting Muslim outreach again. Let’s re-elect Trump and have his name on the plaque left on the Moon when we return in 2024.

Three Weeks Left!

If you need a poll to make you feel good, Zogby has it Biden +3 over Trump…which works out, at least, to an easy EC win for Trump. Zogby was pretty good in 2016: but I don’t trust any polls this year. Even if they are being honest, I really do think they are just missing some huge shifts in the electorate.

Keep in mind that Hillary only got about 340,000 fewer votes than Obama did in 2012 but this worked out to dropping the Democrat total from 51.1% to 48.2%. Trump got 2 million more votes than Romney, and that was all the difference because of who and where they were: white, working class voters in the Midwest. And sure they frauded up Hillary’s total, but they also frauded up Obama’s…so, it probably all worked out in the wash. The bottom line isn’t that Hillary did so bad, but that Trump did so good. The joker in the deck for 2020 is can Trump add black and Latino working class votes to his white working class total? There are some indications he is: but it doesn’t show up in the polls. If Trump can push his African-American vote north of 10% and get near or over 40% of the Latino vote, this could end up being quite a different election than anyone expects.

Another unknowable is that in 2012, about 2.2 million third party ballots were cast but it rocketed up to 7.7 million in 2016. Those 5.5 million votes: where do they go? If its about 50/50, then it doesn’t matter. But if its 60/40 for one over the other, it could be decisive. They didn’t vote Trump in 2016 because they just couldn’t go there – but they also rejected Establishment Hillary. Do they now go, “I guess the Establishment is great” or “well, Trump turned out to not be nearly as bad as I thought he’d be”? If I had to bet, I ‘d bet the latter. Especially as I’ll bet of the 5.5 million extra votes, a huge majority were traditional GOP votes – some are now gone forever because of the evolution of Never Trump to I’m a Democrat has been completed. But how many? There is no way to know – and, once again, this probably won’t show in polling.

Voter registration trends have been remarkable, and almost all in the GOP’s favor. We’ve probably lost Colorado and Virginia for a generation or more, but trends indicate we may be on the way to locking down Florida, North Carolina and Ohio while making deep inroads in Pennsylvania and holding our own in Arizona (for a while there, AZ voter trends were against the GOP…but the past 18 months or so have seen a resurgence of the GOP so we’re now back to par for 2016). As for early voting and VBM: I’ve seen this and that. Most of what I’ve seen indicates some good news for the GOP…but I place small weight on it: just because a ballot was returned by a person of a particular party, doesn’t mean it’s going your way.

And that is another thing which I think the pollsters are missing: the number of Democrats who are now functional Republicans. Voter registration trends indicate that people are far more switching GOP to Dem than Dem to GOP…but not everyone is going to bother themselves to switch registration, especially if there isn’t an intense primary battle to be fought. Just because a State has a Dem voter advantage of, say, 200,000 doesn’t mean you’ve got that many Democrats. You’ve just got a lot of people who haven’t bothered to make it official. But their returned VBM ballot goes into the Democrat pile…until it is opened and counted.

Trump, himself, seems to be in a good mood. His team exudes confidence. OTOH, Team Biden is floating Hillary for SecDef and Cuomo for AG – measuring the drapes, as it were. Or just trying to score some excitement in a flailing campaign? I don’t really know. Biden’s campaign is ridiculous: he’s clearly too old for it. He could get bigger crowds, of course: but that means more advance planning and that means he’s committed to be there…but if he’s sundowning just before showtime, it would be a disaster to have 10,000 people waiting for a guy who either can’t show, or shows up clearly senile. So, small venues and only little advance notice (one of his events in Arizona literally had no one show up for it). If Biden wins, it means that a massive campaign of lies can get just about anyone the Ruling Class wants over the top: this would bode ill for our chances long term.

Biden won’t be forced out right away if he wins, by the way: not if Harris has anything to say about it. She’ll want it as soon as possible, but she’ll also want two terms for herself: and that means Joe goes in January (highly unlikely) or Harris waits until January 21st, 2023 (a VP taking over for less than two years of a term is still eligible to be elected twice). No one can move against Joe unless Harris signs off on it: that is the way the 25th is written. VP can’t do it alone, but no one can do it without VP. So, Joe wins and it becomes Harris’ decision on when to act…unless Joe dies. But as long as he isn’t dead, they’ll keep him in there until Harris is ready and all deals have been cut.

Will they pack the courts? Only if they also get the Senate and even a Trump loss doesn’t ensure that. Everyone has signed off on the GOP losing CO and AZ while the GOP gains Alabama: net loss of one and the Democrats need two more. They’re making their play in ME, AK, SC and NC for those seats. I doubt they’ll win any of them. OTOH, there is the outside chance the GOP holds on in AZ and maybe even scores a miracle win in MI. Be that as it may: no Senate, no packing. If they get the Senate, they will try: but the move is unpopular and the GOP will fight tooth and nail to prevent it: this is something even the Establishment squishes would go to the mat on. OTOH, a Majority Leader Schumer has a Dem-friendly map for 2022; only three Democrat seats will be at any risk. But if the Senate is 51-49 come January, which Democrat walks the plank to pack the courts? In other words: packing is more easily said than done.

Now, to end on a high note: suppose Trump wins? It means that for the next four years Trump will continue to deregulate and will have years where he can weed out the worst of the bureaucrats: that is the most important thing he can do. It rolls back Democrat power and allows our side to compete on a more level playing field. And we’ll need that: if Trump wins, then we’ll have to do one of the hardest things in American politics: win three in a row in 2024. It rarely happens. It rarely happens even when the economy is good and the incumbent is popular. In recent times, only Reagan managed to pull it off. Clinton, Bush and Obama all failed to install their chosen successor into office. The person the Dems will nominate in 2024 will be very far left – and so we’re going to be against the wall trying to stop it: getting rid of backstabbers in DC will help us a lot.

Anyways: be of good cheer! God actually gets to decide how things turn out in the long run.

Open Thread

I hope you guys like my fiction more than my non-fiction…because I’m definitely liking fiction more! Nearly done with Battles, the sequel to Secrets (last night I did a big bit on the final battle between the good guys and the bad guys; its quite exciting!) and I’m already way into Shadow Army, which takes our heroes six years after Battles and continues the story. Shadow Army came up because the Mrs invented the evil creatures in it…she just suddenly thought about them and before I knew it, I had 25,000 words down.

The Democrats and the MSM (but I repeat myself) are sticking to the 2016 script relentlessly. They are even now on “GOP insiders say Trump is looking for a graceful exit and a symbolic win”. Hey, who knows? Maybe they’re on to something this time…but I suspect they are just churning out what they are told to churn out by the DNC.

I’m thinking we need to ban political polling: just get rid of it. It doesn’t inform any more, if it ever did. It is now a mere tool to drive a Narrative and try to convince people that reality is different from what they can see right in front of them. If we did that, then the Experts would actually have to go out and see what’s happening before they could tell us what they think is going on. Now, they just refer to the polls and call it a day – and call you an idiot if you don’t respect the Holy Polls.

Trump’s White House speech as called a “peaceful protest in favor of law and order”…and as we know peaceful protests can’t spread the ‘Rona, it was all good. And it was also pretty amazing: mostly because of the number of “Blexit” people involved (Black Exit: black people leaving the Democrats. We’ll see how that comes out: there are some indicators that Trump will score pretty high in minority communities. But, unlike the Experts, I think I’ll wait for the votes to be cast and counted before deciding what will happen.

Joe says we voters “don’t deserve” to know his views on court packing. Which, of course, means we know: he’ll pack it in an instant if given the chance. But, it doesn’t poll well: it really is just a tiny minority of really butt hurt liberals upset that Trump got to appoint 3, so they want to appoint 4. Joking aside, it is a danger to the Republic because if they did pack it to a 7/6 liberal majority, that Court would rule any way the Democrats wanted at the moment. Better to avoid that by keeping Trump in the White House and Cocaine Mitch running the Senate. This issue is causing some heartburn for Democrats – in both the AZ and CO Senate races, the GOP incumbents scored pretty heavily in debate by getting both their Democrat opponents to refuse to answer the question. I just have to think that voters aren’t going to like this “you don’t deserve to know” attitude. Could make some tight races flip our way.

Seems like the kooks set up by the FBI in the “kidnap Whitmer” scheme have one thing in common: they don’t like Trump. No surprise: real 2A, Conservative militia types are law-abiding patriots. We will fight if our lives and liberty depend on it, but we’re not lunatics…you know, like liberals are. My view of this is that the FBI got wind of these losers and then egged them on until they broke a law…all so they could blame Trump. As far as that goes, it worked: to the end of time, liberals will assert that MAGA-hatted Trumpsters plotted to kidnap Whitmer.

Trump vs ‘Rona Open Thread

How will Trump’s illness play out? I have no idea; less than an hour ago he was out driving around Walter Reed greeting the crowd of supporters which has been out there since he arrived…and this is in DC, which means people came from a ways away to see him…which does seem to be an enthusiasm indicator.

The Left, as usual, was nauseating about it: glad that he was sick, hoping he would die. This did not in any way surprise anyone: and I’ll just say it – they are in favor of abortion and so have no actual moral sense. You can’t be in favor of abortion and have the slightest concern for human life. The end. This is different, by the way, from someone who is just unwilling to ban abortion…but the Left isn’t like that: they believe abortion is health care and a good thing. So, they are depraved.

I’m thinking that the disgusting reaction of the Left to the President’s illness is going to play very poorly out there.

The MSM put out a poll which shows Biden up 14 – getting a huge bounce from the debate. Which is stupid: even if you didn’t like Trump’s performance, you couldn’t be at all impressed with Joe’s bumbling performance. Aside: this same MSM poll had Hillary up 14 a week later in the 2016 cycle. In fact, someone screenshotted the October polls for 2016 and only one had Trump in the lead…and most had Hillary up huge. Maybe they’re right this time, but it is to be doubted.

We’re a month away. In 30 days, all questions will be answered. Either Trump wins, or Biden does. I’m back to being very firm about a Trump victory…a guy with ‘rona heading out to greet the crowd isn’t going to lose to a guy who put a lid on the day’s activities before most of us west coast time people woke up this morning.

Open Thread

Looks like Joe will show for the debate tomorrow: though, of course, don’t think he won’t back out if his meds aren’t kicking in on time.

I’ve seen some prep work done in Bluecheck social media to allow Biden to go after Trump’s kids: this to deflect from Hunter Biden, with the most recent revelation that he got $3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow. As someone pointed out: maybe the Russian dossier was about Hunter and they just put Trump’s name into it?

Not only does Mitch have the votes to confirm ACB, it looks like they might move this one right along and allow Trump to swear her in before the election – which could be crucial if it is close. Personally, I don’t think it will be. I think that however it goes, it’ll be big one way or the other. Either people will reaffirm their rejection of the Establishment in big numbers, or they’ll reject Trump by big numbers. I’m hopeful for Trump, of course: and I still see voter registration and early voting numbers which indicate Trump might have this. But, we’ll see!

But, with Pelosi wondering if Democrats can control 26 House delegations, my view is that the Democrats know they are sinking fast and are desperately hoping for something so screwed up that they can fraud their way to the White House. And why 26 House delegations? Because if the House picks the President, then each State gets 1 vote. Right now, it is GOP 26, Dems 22 and 2 split. And this, mind you, is with a Democrat House majority – and even if the House remains Democrat, there is little chance that four delegations will flip.

Trump’s taxes – which, by the way, he paid millions; don’t buy the MSM lie that he only paid $750.00 – are just one in a huge series of “bombshells” which the DNC/MSM will drop on us now until Election Day. This particular one was likely timed so that the debate moderators tomorrow can dwell on it and thus not have time to discuss Hunter’s dealings.

Cindy McCain, fresh from spitting on us by endorsing Biden, has been named to Biden’s transition team. If Joe wins, maybe there’s a cabinet slot for her…the bottom line is this is who we used to have. And I’m glad their gone.

More evidence of water on Mars – which is cool and no matter how you slice it, it makes exploration of Mars a lot easier in the long run. But I still doubt humans can live there long-term: there are too many hazards for us to overcome. Until we can figure out gravity and a sure-fire way to block solar radiation, brief visits will be all we can do.