Open Thread

So, what’s the over/under on Haley getting crushed in South Carolina? I’m going with 40.

She’s still in the race because a lot of big money people keep handing it to her. So, her staff has no reason to quit: they’re still getting paid. And that she hasn’t pulled the plug regardless tells me she’s a creature of her staff. Regardless of what happens in 2024, she’s off my list for 2028. I just don’t trust her.

Team Pudding Brain is now set to call the Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal. Basically asserting the Islamist position on the matter. Why? Gotta be Michigan – his people must be seeing disaster there and are desperate to shore up his support there among the Muslim community. But it probably won’t work: by and large the Muslim community anywhere in the world takes a strongly anti-Israel position.

But even if they kowtow to Islamist demands, I don’t think it is going to do the trick. The murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant is, by itself, just another in a long list of crimes committed by illegals who aren’t supposed to be here…but her death seems to be resonating far more widely than most. People are sick of it. Sick of illegals. Sick of the fact that once an illegal commits a really big horror we invariably find out he was in custody before and could have been deported.

It is all just getting to be too much. It is shifting the political dynamic, including in blue areas. It is such an easily fixable problem and everyone can see that government and business are conspiring to keep the illegals flowing. It makes people feel, correctly, that our Ruling Class hates us. This can lead to very odd things happening. Buckle up.

Some House Democrats are apparently working on ways and means of not certifying the 2024 election if Trump wins. They’ll only do this if they control a majority of House delegations next year – which may be different from who holds the overall House majority. Remember: when the House votes for President, it is one State, one vote. So, whoever has control of 26 or more State delegations wins. Currently the GOP controls 26 State delegations with 2 delegations split (so, essentially, no vote) and 22 under Democrat control. The Democrats would have to have a really good night in November for this to shift significantly. But, there you go: they are going to fight for democracy by denying the result. They are just lying, corrupt hypocrites determined to gain and retain power.

Open Thread

I’ll have it out hopefully very soon – still shooting for a February 14th release date, but that might slip.

If you haven’t started the series, you can easily pick it up with Book VI: Heirs. But even The Crimson Blade is a rather stand-alone part of the Narrative. Anyways, they’re getting better as I go along. The upcoming Home World is very high end, I think. In The Crimson Blade I delve into both the honor and the guilt of the combat veteran, how children can feel about their parents, the stumbling block of bigotry. With lots of love, laughs and battles, of course!

It didn’t really matter but Nevada had a GOP Primary (the delegates are awarded in a week via caucus) and Nikki Haley managed to come in massively behind “None of these candidates” in the vote. Word is that she’s still rolling in campaign money; that’s why she’s staying in. Perhaps with a hope that something, anything will happen to Trump and she’ll be the only alternative. But she’s about to get wiped out in South Carolina and then Super Tuesday is she sticks.

The White House is threatening to reduce deportations if the border deal isn’t passed…which proves conclusively that the border is under the control of the Executive and they can secure it any time they want. They are really garbage people running our country right now. Essentially trying to blackmail Congress.

Tucker did an interview with Putin and heads exploded – from Neocons to Commies, everyone in the USA and the larger West is furious. Why? Because Putin might say something the American people find reasonable. That is, Putin might not come off as Hitler II. Can’t have that! Gotta keep the money rolling in. Sure, 650,000 military-aged Ukranian males have fled rather than serve, but any day now the Glorious Ukrainian Offensive will push the Russians out. Just need $60 billion more!

All of that is jeopardized if people see Putin as someone reasonable. Of course Putin is going to lie…but the Ukrainians lie, too. Perhaps if we bounce lie against lie we might get to truth? That’s why we’re not allowed to talk to Putin…because the truth might not justify $60 billion.

Yes, it is Replacement

That sure is a dog of an immigration bill, isn’t it? I mean, if we really want to call it that. Its also got $60 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel in her hour of need…and $10 billion for the Palestinians so they can pay more people to murder Jews. Insane doesn’t really begin to cover this.

I mean, this thing is just horrible. And the talking points they’re using show that either they’re stupid or think you are. Just one for-instance, they’re saying “at 5,000 crossing in a day, the border automatically closes!”. As if 5,000 is ok…and as if there’s some magic counter along the border which trips at 5,000 and seals the border. Rather than as it actually is – Team Pudding Brain gets to decide if 5,000 or more have crossed and they get to decide if they’ll issue an order to close the border. Oh, and if you want to sue them about it, all cases will head to the Democrat-dominated DC federal court to make certain your case has no chance. And GOPers are saying this is the compromise position! Geesh – what was it to begin with? 10,000 a day and a free foot massage? There is not one aspect of this bill that actually secures the border but provision after provision ratifies the last 3 years and locks it in place until 2029 to tie Trump’s hands should he win in November.

This is our Ruling Class spitting on us.

My view is that we don’t need any immigrants. Our population is more than large enough that we can find people to take care of every task we have – yes, including picking our crops if they’re just paid an American wage rather than slave wages of which a portion is kicked back to the Cartels. But supposing you can make the argument that a certain level of immigration is acceptable and beneficial. Fine. But that’s easy: we set the criteria for immigrating (including the criteria for asylum seekers) and anyone who presents themselves at a legal point of entry is judged by the pre-set criteria. If you fit the bill, welcome! If you don’t, back you go.

But if you cross illegally then I don’t care if your oppressors are waiting for you on the other side of the border…back you go. We have ports of entry all along the border. There are US embassies and consulates all over the world. There is every opportunity to avail yourself of legal entry. If you are illegally crossing then you are, point blank, not an asylum seeker nor an immigrant…you are a criminal up to no good, or the victim of criminals up to no good. In neither case can I afford to let you in.

What we have now is complex, clunky and really outside of any one person’s control because that is what the Ruling Class wants. For two reasons:

  1. They’re making bank off it. Rely on it, the Cartels are shoveling money at people in the US government and NGO’s to keep things going.
  2. The Ruling Class hates us.

The second point is actually more important than the first. Run of the mill corruption can get very bad and cause all sorts of trouble, but you can also stop it very quickly. As soon as you are willing – like Bukele was in El Salvador – you just take or kill all the criminals. It really isn’t at all difficult; we’re not dealing with smart people. Criminals are monumentally stupid. If they weren’t stupid, they wouldn’t be criminals. Rounding them up and jailing them…or even having a series of terrible and unexplained accidents with them…is easy. Just takes the will to do it. But when your Ruling Class hates you, that becomes a problem.

When your boss hates you, he’s going to do everything he can to thwart you and if a combination of bribes and threats can no longer keep you in line, he’s going to get rid of you. Since before WWII – but massively accelerated after it – our Ruling Class has done everything it could to make certain the people don’t rule. Lies, bribes, conflict (foreign and domestic) have been used to keep us bewildered but mostly calm – the bribes were the big part of it. Welfare! Social Security! Medicare! They were stealing our money via inflation but until the 1970’s only a very little at a time. But that part of it couldn’t keep going – because when you keep giving out goodies financed by stealing the money of the recipients, you eventually provoke a financial crisis. The one that started in the 70’s and has really never ended, just masked by money printing at an ever more furious rate since then. Even the prosperity of the 80’s and 90’s was built on a house of (fake) cards. What the deepening financial crisis means, though, is that after a while the people you’re bribing start to lose fast enough to notice.

That really started after the 2008 financial crisis with only the briefest interruption under Trump. More and more inflation, fewer and fewer jobs…and more and more immigrants. To replace those who were being screwed. It works because while what is bad for you, an American, is a dream come true for the Indian.

Now, they’re going to screw the Indian guy, too…but they hope that he’ll vote Democrat long enough to see us into the hereafter. The most important thing is to get rid of us…with our silly notions about God and family and owning property and Rule of Law and having rights and all that drivel. That is what they’re trying to burn out of America…by teaching the kiddies that it’s all racist and importing enough people to outvote the adults who know better.

It is us or them, guys. Either we get rid of the whole Ruling Class – especially the GOP part of it – or they’ll get rid of us. And I mean we’ve got to want these people in jail. At a minimum. It isn’t enough to outvote them…we’ve got to uproot them. Take their money, take their positions, take their freedom.

Or they’ll take all ours.

Open Thread

The now-former head of the Arizona GOP was caught on tape trying to bribe Kari Lake to quit the Senate race. He’s former because Lake said she’d release the rest of the tape if he didn’t quit and he bailed out.

In case you were wondering the real reason we lost in 2022.

I’ve been pretty sure for a while that they cheated Lake out of a victory in 2022, now I’m very sure of it. Clearly, the Establishment GOP (still mostly owned by McCain people, though not for long, it would seem) worked with Democrats to sabotage Populist/MAGA candidates in Arizona all up and down the ballot. And when sabotage wasn’t enough to do it, they turned a blind eye to (and maybe helped?) Democrats do some last-minute box stuffing. It can’t be emphasized enough that most of our recent defeats have been because of treason.

The good news is that the old GOP fades away ever more rapidly. Most GOPers now signing on for Trump is proof of this. They still might not like the Populist/MAGA base, but they’re afraid of it. Sure, they also still hope for a miracle turning back the clock, but the smarter among them know that isn’t happening. It is either go Left and work to transition minors, or go MAGA and resign oneself to no longer being able to rake it in from corporations. We’ve already lost most of the GOPers we’re going to lose – the last bits of Never Trump will become Only Democrat over the next 10 months as they find that all along they wanted to be disarmed soyboys with a strange love for Hamas. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

We are not 100% sure what we’re gaining in return…but there are some hints that as the old line GOPers move left, black and Latino people are starting to move our way. Who knew that getting rid of some officious jerks would work out like that? I know of plenty of hard working black and Latino people who are ready for a GOP vote; and now we can talk to them because we’re not longer committed to lower corporate taxes, forever wars and figuring out how to lower labor costs for the Chamber of Commerce. In this, guys, Abbott’s busloads of illegals to blue cities has been a stroke of genius. It is really opening some black and Latino eyes as they see these guys get off the bus and into hotels, free food and free phones. They say the “Great Replacement Theory” is a bit of rightwing, racist conspiracy-mongering…maybe, but right now black and Latino Americans can see it in the flesh.

Speaking of Abbott, his defiance on the border issue is also beautiful. It is the perfect set up for us – either the border remains closed by the Texas National Guard, or Biden forces it open so that illegals can flood through. Either way it is a political win for us – and a massive political win.

To be sure, some are convinced that the damage is already done. That is, Democrats are willing to take the loss on immigration in 2024 knowing that these illegals will never be forced out and they, and their children, will become reliable Democrat votes. This supposition is based on the idea that as soon as the MSM shows one family of crying illegals being sent back, there will be a groundswell of opposition to deportations and that will be that. I’m not sure – in fact, I’m pretty sure it won’t go like that at all.

Oh, make no mistake about it – if a future GOP President starts to deport, the crying illegals will be on TV. All over the TV. It’ll be 24/7 Crying Illegals. All of whom were all set to become brilliant doctors who will cure cancer as they pilot the first ship to Mars. But I just don’t think it’ll work. CNN is getting beaten in the ratings by the History Channel. The Los Angeles Times just had to axe more than a hundred employees. The MSM just doesn’t have the oomph it used to have – and even the people still watching/reading it don’t really trust it. And at the end of the day, everyone outside the fever swamps of the Left knows we can’t take in 20 million people. It just isn’t possible. We don’t have the money, space or jobs for them. They have to go back.

So, if we get a GOP President and deportations start up, I expect to hear the shrieks from the Left…but the busses heading down south, as well. And the majority of the American people grimly determined to see it done.

Open Thread

On the death of Kissinger: he was neither monster nor genius. He was just wrong. The whole concept of Realpolitik is wrong. You can never – you must never – separate your actions from moral considerations. You always have to try to do what is right even if it is risky and dangerous…because if you instead chose what is expedient (such as torpedoing Saigon as part of a program to talk with Beijing) then what you get is…what we have right now: a China on the rise and growing ever more aligned against us. Had we done the right thing – continue to sustain Vietnam to victory and kept away from the anti-human regime in China, the world today would be a much better place.

Kissinger didn’t invent Realpolitik nor was he responsible for all the American foreign policy disasters from 1917 to 1969 but he kept right at it. With iron determination he kept doing what his fool predecessors did and it kept failing…and his successors also kept making the same mistakes. To put it into current affairs; we must back Israel because it is the right thing to do. We must call for the extermination of Hamas because it is the right thing to do. To call for anything else – a ceasefire – might seem like the realistic thing to do, but I remind one and all that Israel had both Egypt and Syria on the verge of unconditional surrender in 1973 and we forced Israel to pull back. Seemed smart…but the reason Hamas exists and just sent rape/death squads into Israel is because the Arab/Muslim world did not get the humiliating defeat they had earned decades before. People who do wrong things – like start wars – must never get to have a say in how things conclude and what comes after. The wrong must be punished until they beg for mercy. And then they must be shown mercy…but they don’t get a say. They are to be ordered about to the liking of the victors.

Senator Fetterman is surprising everyone – he’s come out with some sensible things of late, most recently his observation that if we’re going to kick Rep Santos out, why not Senator Menendez (D-Egypt)? Is Fetterman playing a game? Is he getting, as they say, “red pilled”? Not sure; I suspect that somewhere deep down inside there is the regular guy who has played the game to get into the Senate…but does still remember that they’re all garbage in DC. We’ll see how long the Democrats let this go on. I mean, think about it: sure Santos seems like a liar…maybe even a creep…but compared to the rest of them? Come on! Congress is awash in crooks, sexual abusers and traitors and Santos is the guy who gets the axe? Before there was even a trial? The anti-Semitic Squad gets to stay? I guess that maybe Fetterman saw that and just went, AYFKM?

Chauvin – who as far as I can tell, didn’t commit anything like a crime – was just stabbed 22 times in prison. Word is the assailant is a former FBI informant. Almost like they want Chauvin gone before the full story gets out.

Other thing heard today – the J6 video is missing. Gone. Nobody knows what happened to it. This is another thing they don’t dare let the full truth come out about.

A trucking company in Tennessee has been fined $700,000. The crime? They asked prospective employees to prove they are legal residents of the United States. You know: like the law says they’re supposed to be. The key thing to remember about our government is that it hates you.

A lot.

Open Thread

Of course sending the migrants to Martha’s Vineyard was a stunt – but it was a very good stunt. So was sending some to the VP’s official residence. Governor Abbot had been sending migrants to sanctuary cities for a while…but it took DeSantis to figure out how to make it really noticeable.

And that was the point of the exercise – to get the issue in front of the American people. Since Pudding Brain took office, our borders have been open and illegals have been flooding across…and Pudding Brain’s people were shipping these people all over the country…often at night and usually to Red States. Nobody really knows how many have come across since January 20th, 2021, but it has got to be in the multiple millions by now. And nobody is checking on who these people are – in and amongst the people just looking for a job and a better life are likely scores of thousands of hardened criminals and terrorists. And the MSM simply wasn’t covering it – the border States knew about it. Those of us on the Right knew about it…but the mass of the American people did not know about it. Now, they do.

It must be kept in mind that if we had a media – even a liberal media – which merely told the truth, then the whole world would be different. What is reported and how it is reported – even before you add in the outright lies – largely determines what is in the public mind and thus how the public decides. The mere truth and Trump would have won 70 percent of the vote in 2020. If people were really informed just what sort of utter scumbag Joe Biden has been his entire adult life – and if they hadn’t been fed a steady diet of lies about Trump – then only the most mindlessly partisan people in America would have voted for Pudding Brain. And not only would Trump have won in an epic landslide, but the GOP would have likely won Constitution-amending majorities in Congress.

The problem the GOP has is twofold:

  1. An unwillingness to point out what the other side is really like.
  2. A media system which has as its primary focus hiding what the other side is doing.

Take the abortion issue – supposedly, the GOP will now lose (or only barely win) because in getting the Dobbs decision, an infuriated mass of female voters will show up to smack the GOP down. This ignores that at least half of women are pro-Life. It ignores the tens of thousands who showed up every year, for forty years, in often freezing temperatures, to March for Life in DC since Roe came down. It ignores that when NARAL and PP get a mob together, it is paid, professional organizers renting a mob to shout for the cameras. It ignores the fact that as the overtly pro-Life party, the GOP has done better since Roe than before. The media says abortion is popular and they’ll produce an endless string of polls to buttress their assertion…but in actions and votes, the whole strength is on the pro-life side. And the GOP simply never pointed it out while the MSM was hiding that the Democrats position on abortion is federally funded on demand until the moment of birth.

So, too, on immigration. The Democrat position is open borders – and the MSM hides this by simply not reporting on what is going on at the border. When the MSM does talk about immigration, it is some pull-the-heartstrings story about some poor guy getting deported…not the tens of thousands flooding in at the hands of ruthless drug cartels. They don’t mention the illegals raped and murdered along the way. Fifty illegals show up in Martha’s Vineyard and the media is all over it, fifty suffocate in a truck because their coyote screwed them over…crickets. What DeSantis and Abbot did was to find the most effective way to point out the Democrat position…and show them up as hypocrites because when it became their community, they called in the Army and bounced those migrants in less than 24 hours.

With the possibility that DeSantis might be the GOP nominee in 2024 the MSM has now decided that DeSantis is worse than Trump. Because of course.

But we’re all worse than Trump, aren’t we? Essentially, to be in opposition to the Democrats is to be an Enemy of the State. The circle is complete – the Democrat party, infiltrated by Marxists since McGovern’s campaign in 1972, is now de-facto Bolshevik. This is very bad – because Enemies of the State are to be destroyed. We still have a window of opportunity to stop this, but only if we ruthlessly exercise power when we win it.

Open Thread

October already! Time flies. Of course, the reason why it flies is that as each year goes by, each of them is a smaller percentage of our life. To a ten year old, a year is 10% of life…seems like forever. At my age of 56, it is 1.7% of my life. Bad news: you’re much closer to dying.

But, cheer up! I’m still writing. Actually on the first draft of Book VIII of the Mirrors series. The other day, my granddaughter insisted that I needed a dragon…and this has now started to generate the children’s book, Aleste and the IceCrystal Dragons. Amazing the imagination abilities of children! I’ve ripped it from the Mirrors series with Aleste being the daughter of one of the main characters and so set it in Lontaria. It’ll be Princess Aleste and her two friends as they play with the IceCrystal dragons and thwart the designs of an evil witch yet to be named.

Nancy and Chuck are having some difficulty getting their Graft and Socialism Act of 2021 passed – Democrats came in with this idea that they would just do what they wanted as they had won an astounding victory in 2020. Never mind the fraud! But even if we want to call the election legit, the fact of the matter is they barely won…and unless Pudding Brain remained popular, getting anything large through was doing to be difficult as Purple District/State Democrats warily eyed the 2022 midterms. I’ve loved watching Left Twitter explain that this midterm would be different because Reasons and so those Democrats need not worry. I don’t now if these morons believed it, or simply hoped the at-risk Democrats would. Well, they’re not.

Officially, all problems rest on the shoulders of Manchin and Sinema – but that is just a dodge. They actually represent about 5 Democrat Senators in total and about 20 House Democrats…those most at risk of getting destroyed in 2022 if the Progressives agenda becomes law. Naturally, Democrats have been looking for an assist from the GOP…to get enough Republicans on board to allow cover to these Democrats in peril. But, so far, even people like Romney and Murkowski have shown little interest in pulling Democrat bacon out of the fire. And, honestly, why should they? Sure, they’d get a glowing write up in the Post, but that’s worn thin. They know that it actually harms them with the base to get a glowing write up in the Post. Eventually, something is going to pass – but I bet it is a lot smaller than the $3.5 trillion Bolshevik Boondoggle the Progressives want. There are already rumors out there that Nancy is promising a vote on the Prog agenda in 2022 in return for their votes today. Like that would happen in an election year!

An eco-terrorist has been confirmed by the Senate as head of the BLM: so, look for us here in the West to take huge hits in the timber and ranching interests as this nitwit tries to Save the Planet.

Team Pudding Brain is really determined to end Trump’s remain in Mexico policy, even if it means working around Court orders. This, to me, is where we see Leftist ideology trump reality. The policy is reasonable. it makes sure that real refugees can get in while keeping out the line jumpers and the criminals who prey upon them. But that it was created by the Bad Orange Man is all that matters…it has to go, no matter how popular it was with the public and how horribly unpopular Biden gets on border security. It is like the Democrats want us to have a massive triumph next year in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

Durham seems to be chugging along. Now, I’m confident that Biden’s “Justice” department will sabotage any prosecution…but props to the man for keeping at it.

Bush’s 2004 campaign guy, Dowd, is running for Lt Governor of Texas as a liberal Democrat. A wag asked the other day if any of Bush’s people, including Bush, are still Republican? Honestly, other than Condi Rice and a couple others, not many. We really do know why we kept mostly losing – and why, even when we won, we never got anything: all of our “Conservative” leaders were actually liberals who merely told us what we wanted to hear.

Meanwhile, the Latino vote in Texas and California continues to swing towards the GOP. And I mean, a lot. In Texas, it could lead to a rare political triumph next year…in California, it is just starting to pick up steam. It seems that Latino voters don’t like being called “Latinx”, aren’t in favor of open borders, and would rather have jobs, good schools and police protection rather than carefully crafted pronouns. Make no mistake about it, guys, to really nail down the Latino vote, we will have to go along with some Big State items…but our future depends on a coalition of white rural and Latino/POC urban voters.

Open Thread Futures at -$1.79

We were supposed to be hoarding oil, I guess.

I supported the lockdowns when they were announced – but I’m starting to think that we might have made a mistake. Perhaps we should have made it a matter of personal choice? Do as much social distancing as possible. Wear masks and gloves. Work from home if possible – but let everyone assess the risk for themselves? As we see Democrats trying to force us into a Great Depression over this, it is clear that we didn’t think this all the way through at the start. At all events, it is time to start easing up. We do have to get back to work.

President Trump is going to suspend immigration – which makes sense. Until we’re back to full employment, we simply don’t need more people here. Liberal heads will explode over this – they will step on this rake. They have to. Orange Man Bad, right? So they’ll be out there telling us to stay in our homes but we must welcome new immigrants.

The Experts are still telling us that Biden has it in the bag – which sounds familiar. Almost like I heard this four years ago, or something. But, be that as it may, Steven Hayward has a contrarian view – mostly because Trump isn’t afraid to hit back and the Democrats are a targe-rich environment.

North Korea’s dictator is said to be in bad health.

What I expected to find: Russia didn’t want to help Trump in 2016. Of all the absurdities these past few years, this is the most egregious: that Russia wanted Trump. Its stupid – they owned Hillary. And even if they didn’t own her, they knew her policies were tailor-made to let Russia do whatever it damned well pleased in the world. Russia always wants to sow confusion because that’s just the way Russia is…but to think they’d want to roll the dice on Trump when they had a sure thing in Hillary is ridiculous.

Open Thread

Jared Kushner’s peace plan was released – looks like it would be excellent for the Palestinians if they would accept the deal (and the money) and settle down to build themselves a national life…but we can rely on it the Palestinian leadership will reject it out of hand and work up some paid mobs to pretend to be the Palestinian people expressing their righteous anger. Two things will decide the fate of this plan:

1. Trump getting re-elected: if he is, then US policy on this won’t change any time soon.

2. Most of the Muslim world telling the Palestinians to accept the deal or get bent.

We’ll see how it comes out. Elder of Ziyon has a brief rundown.

The impeachment thing still goes on – now with Bolton being the White Knight who will save the day for the left. What really irks me is now many times we on our side went to bat for Bolton and this is how he pays us back. They really are garbage, these old-line GOPe types, aren’t they? You wonder if they ever really believed anything they ever said when they were supposedly on our side. Thanks to RINO’s like Mitt and Collins, there’s still some back and forth about whether witnesses will be called. Ultimately, the witnesses, themselves, don’t matter: there’s nothing for them to tell. But it is amazingly irritating that the RINO’s keep doing this stuff – they’ve got to realize by now that we really can’t stand them doing this. In the end, though, its all a big nothing: Trump won’t be removed – it is only a 1% chance that any GOPer actually votes to convict (10% chance that Manchin votes to acquit).

The Supreme Court ruled that Trump, indeed, has the power to enforce American law which bars welfare bums from immigrating.

Latest on the Coronovirus: 100,000 may already be infected. I’m still pretty “meh” about it.

Some of our Liberal and Never Trump Elite Expert Super Smarty-Pants guys yucked it up about how we Trump supporters are all morons. They have been massively dragged on social media for it, and deservedly so. But it got me thinking: these guys really aren’t too bright and really don’t know much. They are always insulting us as having not gone to college and that we don’t read books. But I’d stack my list of read books against any of these dimwits…and I’ll bet mine is a lot larger and covers more variety.

Open Thread

Looks like Hurricane Dorian may miss the USA…this after liberals went all gleeful at the prospect of it hitting Trump properties. Seems that MAGA has been granted a special dispensation.

Greece is seeing a new surge of migrants from the Muslim world – a lot from Afghanistan. By land from Kabul to Athens is 3,591 miles. That is quite a trip. It took Alexander the Great years to make it…and somehow I don’t think most Afghans own an SUV to make that trip go faster. Someone is organizing and supplying this migration. And government must be involved as before they get to Greece, they’ve crossed at least two international borders.

And here’s the sort of upstanding citizens Greece and Europe are getting:

A … asylum-seeker was arrested in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon, France, on Saturday after he allegedly killed a 19-year-old and wounded nine others at a subway stop.

The suspect, armed with a knife and a “skewer” of some sort, was arrested at the scene. He is reportedly a 33-year-old Afghan citizen who was hoping to gain asylum in France.

The bad news: I bet his attack will probably not be held against him at his asylum hearing.

Mickey Kaus talks Epstein:

We’re in the middle of a global populist surge. There’s a sense that elites are not playing by the same rules as everyone else. They might not even be playing the same game. It’s pretty clear that Epstein was running some kind of a sex ring for the rich and well connected. How big a ring? We don’t know until we try to find out. But there are reports out there [click if you dare] that it’s bigger than we might think — bigger than old, familiar Prince Andrew, involving a non-trivial cross-section of business and entertainment leaders, plus some prominent Anglo-American families and maybe a handful of nation states.

Read the whole thing – there are circles within circles going on here. I started out figuring someone handed him the hemlock (as it were) to protect some other interest of his…but I’m starting to wonder if he was killed? We don’t really know what he was doing all those years when the very top of the global elite were at his beck and call; even after his conviction. And sure in heck the global elite doesn’t want us to find out. But, we must: we have to know. We need to know how Epstein got his money; how he got his connections; who protected him; who was involved on all levels. Chips fall where they may – we need to find out every last detail…and then start arresting everyone who committed even the least crime related to it all.

Still lots of talk about the Hong Kong protests – but, in the end, the people of Hong Kong have no weapons. They are doomed, unless the rest of China rises…and from all accounts, the people of China don’t want to rise.

There was some renewed talk of the way the CIA backed modern art stuff in the middle of the 20th century. The official word is that the CIA felt we needed to have some cool, new art to show the world that we were hip and with it…what I think actually happened is that the CIA was penetrated from the beginning and the USSR used the CIA to push cultural garbage (like modern art) as a means of tearing down the West.