Team Biden Implodes

Biden’s intern put up a post on X where a picture of a smiling Biden has the caption, “On my watch, when we make promises, we keep them. And we leave no one behind.” This is after Afghanistan and was posted the day after Team Pudding Brain announced a suspension of military aid to Israel. Here’s the thing about it: as of this writing, it has 3.7 million views…and 11,000 “likes”. Of the people who have seen it, 0.29% have liked it. And keep in mind that on X a certain large percentage of likes are really just “I saw it”, not necessarily an indication of approval. For a bit of comparison, I checked Trump’s old X account – it has been restored but the only time Trump has used it since his suspension was to post his mugshot. He was routinely getting low end 50k likes, high end 300k.

Then there’s the comments! It is hard to find positive comments at all – and the post has been “ratioed”; that is, far more comments than reposts (and indicator that the best time to delete the post was before you sent it; second best time is right now). Most of the comments you’ll find could be shortened to two words beginning with “f” and “y”. This guy is getting scorched by a nation increasingly outraged by how bad things are going.

Meanwhile, Decision Desk (a normally very reliable source) figures that Trump leads in both head-to-head and wide-field matchups in the 7 crucial Swing States.

You can never tell when a shift will happen in politics. In hindsight you can always see it, but while it is happening it is easy to miss. We might not be at the point where it all changes. Heck, Biden could still win this thing. But it seems to me that people are just sick and tired of all this. The betrayal of Israel to curry favor with college anti-Semites might be the last straw – not that most Americans are deeply invested in the outcome in Gaza (they aren’t) but it is just a sleazy move. Everyone can see why Biden is pressuring Israel – and pressuring Israel by denying aid which he and his people rammed through Congress just a couple weeks ago on the assertion that it had to be sent right now. This might be straw/camel’s back stuff.

But it is also a rather large pile of bad – the war in Ukraine is clearly failing. We’re pumping money into Ukraine and while the number of Ukrainian millionaires is at an all-time high, the Ukrainian government has announced that they’ll be combing the prisons for men to draft into the army. Russia continues to advance slowly but seemingly inexorably and we’re just waiting to see if there’s a major Russian offensive this summer (June is the time when the ground is really hard and dry enough in Russia for major movements).

Inflation continues to bite – gas prices are high, food prices are getting ridiculous. Everyone but the rich are being priced out of single family homes. The American Dream is currently unobtainable by youth.

The border remains open – today the story broke of an illegal dragging an 11 year old girl into a van in broad daylight and raping her. Yep: Biden’s people had refused to deport this Dreamer who Just Wants a Better Life. Hey, we gotta have these illegals in order for wages to be crushed so guys who fly private jets to climate change conferences can make a higher rate of return. We’re talking maybe a whole percentage point more annually, guys. That ain’t chicken feed…and if your daughter has to be raped, that’s a price they are willing for you to pay.

And what is the Team Biden program here? Abortion! Our Democracy! Orange Man Bad!

That’s it. All they’ve got. Could it work? Yes. As I said, if it does, we never had a chance.

But I think it won’t work. In fact, I think Biden might already be toast.

Open Thread

Biden promised to unify us – and if you click here you’ll see Right and Left both shouting “F*** Joe Biden”. Unity: achieved. Biden doesn’t win with this sort of attitude at large in the Republic. Its not that the Hamasses will vote Trump, but they’ll vote third party or stay home. I remember the Carter years: I don’t recall anyone held in as much contempt as Biden is.

Trump is doing well right now – and we are getting to the point in time where it would take something massive to shift it back to Biden. One can’t predict massive events, of course – they come when they come. But if polling is still tied or favoring Trump by June, then the November result is probably baked in. That said, we are having trouble down ballot. Lots of it. To be sure, special elections are not very predictive of general election results, but we are seeing a general lack of enthusiasm for GOP Congressional candidates all across the country.

Democrats are, naturally, pointing to this as an endorsement of Biden…but its is more that GOPers just aren’t showing up. And I believe this is because there’s no reason for them to. The Congressional GOP has knifed the base in the back over and over again…so what does it matter if the GOP keeps the House? We used to all think that at least we’d get something if we had a majority…now we know we won’t just get nothing, but we’ll get nothing along with egregious insults. If the GOP wants to win Congress, they’d better pick a fight with Biden. A big one. As it stands right now, the only thing that can possibly save them is a big Trump win dragging a few marginal GOPers over the finish line (this is why there’s still a solid shot at the GOP retaining a House majority and gaining one in the Senate). But we could have had a Red Wave year in Congress…if the GOP had just given GOPers any reason to fight for one.

Red State colleges are being brought under control. Blue State colleges are still the home of raving anti-Semites. One funny note – at one college, some frat boys dragged down a Palestine flag and raised Old Glory. There’s now a go fund me to give them a party and last I checked it was over $270,000.00. It is all great and fun – and watching our flag go up was moving. But I think the GOP – and Trump – could make a big impact. They should have the party – and Trump should be there. It just so perfectly encapsulates what is going on…Democrats coddling foreign savages and domestic traitors while we patriots stand tall for America.

It is just terrible what we’re seeing here – Jewish kids being denied access and physically assaulted. As if an American who happens to be Jewish has anything to do with Israel. Even if one wants to say that Israel is the bad guy, what does a 20 year old college kid in New York have to do with it?

Nothing, of course. But, neither did the 20 year old Israeli girl who was raped and murdered on 10/7 have anything to do with Israeli policy. This is the wages of anti-Semitism. Once you start down the road of saying “the Jews” then you’ll become an increasingly evil person…willing to commit and tolerate all manner of horrors. I blocked yesterday a Catholic account on X because they started in on “the Jews”. I know that ignorance is the foundation of it all, but I think, also, there is something more sinister…something deeply embedded within Fallen Man. That is, to find the scapegoat. To relieve ourselves of responsibility by finding someone at fault for our own shortcomings…or even our own cowardice when faced with a difficult problem. It is hard to do things…but blaming someone is easy. And it is an ego-stroke when it presents itself as esoteric knowledge that only the Wise have access. Rely on it: if you confront an anti-Semite and find an unanswerable argument, their response will be “educate yourself” as if it was you, not they, who is ignorant. But that sort of ego boost is what keeps people on the train…and makes them become worse over time as they must either repent or go all the way.

There is a bill now passed by the House which makes anti-Semitism illegal. This is Democrat/Uniparty window dressing – something to do to make it appear they are doing something (and you know darned well that if the law is enacted it’ll be turned against us in a heartbeat). The bottom line is that the Hamas protestors on campus are already violating civil rights laws. If two or more people conspire to deny a right or privilege then that is a civil rights violation carrying a max of ten years for each offense. When a Jewish kid is blocked from access to campus because he’s Jewish, that is against the law. Period. Under US law you are allowed to hate Jews all you want, but you can’t stop them from enjoying the rights and privileges that all have under law. All of these kids are looking at hundreds of years in jail…if they get prosecuted. And that isn’t happening. And nobody in the Ruling Class wants it to happen. Why? Because of Arab oil money – nobody wants to jeopardize that. Huge amounts of it flow through American institutions and it is all predicated upon allowing the anti-Semitic tropes about Israel to persist.

If we do get Trump in, my hope is that he goes after these people – the statute of limitations is 7 years for these offenses. I want hundreds of these rich, privileged white kids dragged through the judicial system for years over this. We must instruct them: you can’t do that. You can’t, that is, sign on to a fashionable cause and violate rights and think you’ll just walk away from it.

Open Thread

The polls are tightening! Biden is surging!

Or, so goes the conventional wisdom. And, hey, there might be some tightening as the primaries end and everyone sorts themselves out on partisan lines. But, there also seems to be in the latest raft of polls some significant oversampling of Democrats. Maybe the earlier polls oversampled Republicans? Could be. But as we’ve said here for years now, don’t put your faith in polls. 2016 was the definitive year on that – wasn’t it something like a 97% chance Hillary would win based on polls? This, I think, is far more decisive:

Except for a very slight uptick in Colorado (which was probably out of reach for us all along), this is a catastrophic collapse for the Democrats. And keep in mind that this shift happened while the GOP was largely run by anti-Trump GOPers who were diligently trying to finish off the whole MAGA movement. This is registration gains in spite of deliberate RNC incompetence. This is people looking at their nation and saying, “we’ve got to do something!”. Not that the GOP is great, but it is the only way to stop the increasingly insane Democrats.

I think that the Biden vs Trump rematch will revolve around the fact that here in 2024 there is no longer any mystery about Biden. Even discounting cheating to get him into the White House, the thing about him was supposedly boring and conventional. That there would be no massive policy changes and we’d coast along in peace and quiet after the alarms of the Trump years. That might have been the plan – in his lucid moments, it was probably what Biden wanted – but given that he is increasingly senile, his aides are running wild, imposing ever more far Left lunacy without a shred of legal power to do so. Biden can’t hide behind a Narrative any longer – he sucks. And the price of food and gas are through the roof. I expect at this moment a 49% to 47% Trump victory. Keep in mind, of course, that anything less than a 3+ point Biden win in the popular vote works out to a Trump electoral victory. Basically, Biden has to get above 50% to win because I can’t see Trump getting less than 47%.

Team Pudding Brain has pretty much abandoned Israel. They tried for a while to triangulate support for Hamas and Israel but the Muslim voters they count on aren’t having it – they demanded abandoning Israel and that’s what they’re going to get. Nothing matters to the Democrats more than winning and if they have to hate Israel to get a win, they’ll do it. Don’t put too much stock into this for us as a Party – most Liberal Jews are Liberals first and last…they are just Jews by descent for the most part; they’ll swallow the insult. Orthodox Jews were already moving towards us. This will accelerate that and it might mean a House seat or two but nothing decisive for 2024.

And it is just disgusting what they are doing. Hamas already has a plan written up for what comes after they kill all the Jews of Israel. Plans for what happens to Jewish property. All neatly typed up and ready to go. There are genocidal maniacs in this conflict; its just that they’re all Muslims. I do worry that Israel is losing the will to finish the job. Anything short of the total destruction of Hamas will be an Israeli defeat, and perhaps an ultimately fatal one. A nation can’t afford to have something like Hamas as a living enemy. I did hear the theory that they are just hunkering down and waiting for November’s result. This could be true. Biden’s people do have a lot of control over deliveries of war materials to Israel and so can exert a lot of pressure…pressure the Israeli’s know will end with Trump’s victory. But that is also a long time from now. Its all very murky at the moment.

Did you notice that the MSM was 24/7 eclipse for a while? I did. Lots of people did. Personally, I think it was to deflect attention away from Trump’s statement on the abortion issue. This is crucial. What he said did upset some pro-Lifers but the pragmatic facts of life are that a majority of Americans currently want abortion legal, at least through the first trimester. We just can’t get around that. Took 50 years of relentless pro-abortion propaganda to get us here and we won’t undo that in a day. It will take decades for us to build a culture of life – and we can’t do that if for purity’s sake we turn all power over to the fanatic pro-abortion Democrats. We have to take what we can get – that was Trump’s essential message. And it is a message Democrats want to bury because their whole Fall campaign is going to be “Trump wants to ban abortion” as a means of scaring upper class urban/suburban white women. Trump does need to get out in front of this – my view is that our failure to do so in 2022 cost us at least 3 Senate and a dozen House seats. Failure to address abortion squarely turned a Red Wave into a Red Trickle. Trump is doing the right thing here; nobody likes a coward so lets be a bit brave and say what we want.

Team Pudding Brain is also cooking up more illegal plans to annul student debt. You can get mad about it, if you like, but it is what it is. They’re playing to win. Those on our side who are all “pay your bills” are simply not getting it. In 2024, some votes have to be purchased. As I said years ago we should have been out in front on this one – and casting it as “Democrats enslaved you to college debt and we freed you from it”. If not cancellation, then at least make it dischargable in bankruptcy. And put the colleges on the hook for at least some of it. Tax college endowments to pay for low income college. So much we could have done and we just blew it. I’m hopeful that Trump comes up with something along these lines. There’s already indicators that youth is prepared to abandon the Democrats…we just need something to tip them.

Open Thread

We were all wondering when it first came out if it were an April Fool’s joke, but it does appear that Biden is denying he proclaimed trans visibility for Easter. Now, to be sure, one must think carefully about this: the Party Line on it now is that the day has been around since 2009 and it just happened to fall on Easter…and, hey, isn’t this just as important as the observation of the resurrection? So, it might be just on that level that Biden is denying he made it happen – that he was just rote doing what you’re supposed to do on national observations that we all participate in. Because, you know, we all can’t wait for trans day of visibility to roll around each year.

That, of course, is actually damage control: someone decided that Biden and the rest of the Democrats would make a to do about trans on Easter as a malicious insult…and they thought that our outrage would get blowback that would work to Democrat advantage. When it was actually done – when the thing was in the public square – they suddenly realized how absolutely hideous it was and now they’re trying to back and fill.

My advice: forget the polls. They are going to fluctuate a bit back and forth. Carter had a 7 point lead in Gallup in April of 1980. Dukakis was down 2 in April of 1988, up 16 in May. On and on like that. This is what I think is the real dynamic of 2024: that people are just getting sick of it all. The trans on Easter thing is just another element in a large tapestry of things people just don’t like about the Biden years. The biggest thing will remain the price of gas and groceries but in all respects, just nothing is going right. That is why Democrats are now pinning their hopes on abortion: they just managed to get a pro-abortion amendment on the Florida ballot. They’ll do that in as many States as they can. Trust me on this: by September it’ll be 24/7 abortion. It did work partially in 2022. Will it work again? I doubt it. If it does then it means we never had a chance, anyway: if America returns Biden to office just to make sure children can be killed, then we’re out of the political market altogether. But outside a desperation move like that, there’s nothing Biden and the Democrats can do – any policy that would actually fix the problems they’ve created (notably reducing spending to cut inflation and closing the border to stop illegal immigration) is opposed by too large a part of the Democrat base. They are caught in a bind and can only hope that something else gets them out of it. Abortion is something else. So, too, things like trans day of visibility…but that has already backfired.

People are tired. Biden was supposed to be a placeholder. The Not Trump. He wasn’t supposed to do anything but end Covid and then let things coast until someone else got in. But they forgot he is senile – and when not senile, stupid. He isn’t running the show. He lacks the wit or will to ride herd on the far left like Obama and Clinton did. Thus the far left is setting the policy – but nobody ever voted for the far left. The more they do, the worse it gets for Biden.

Louis Conter, the last survivor of the USS Arizona, passed away. He was 102. God bless the man. Almost all the WWII vets are gone. Korean vets, too. The old soldier you see these days is likely a former 19 year old Marine from Vietnam, 1967.

Open Thread

I have this friend whom I’ve known since 1971. When we were kids, we liked science fiction (heck, we both still do) and so we’d ponder in, say, 1978 what the future might hold. We came up with some pretty fantastic ideas of what humanity might achieve but among the possibilities, cannibalism wasn’t one of them. Now we’ve got alleged cannibal gangs in Haiti and there was this train accident in California the other day where a leg was thrown clear and a guy apparently picked it up and started snacking on it. We seem to be devolving at an increasing pace.

Gas prices are starting to rise again and this is putting downward pressure on Biden’s poll numbers. In response to this, Team Pudding Brain has asked Ukraine to not blow up Russian oil facilities which would put even more upward pressure on gas prices. So, we’re paying for Ukraine to fight the Russians while also doing what we can to ensure Russia has money to fight the Ukrainians. Got a call from Zombie Kafka and he asked that we knock it off.

That terrorist attack in Moscow was of the quite horrific variety. Moscow is, of course, tightly protected and gun control is universal in Russia but this terrorist squad managed to get there and accessed a pre-positioned cache of some pretty heavy weapons. You can’t stop determined lunatics. Aside from that, what’s it all about?

Nobody knows. Very good chance that nobody will ever really know. US government word is that ISIS took responsibility and that is a possibility: ISIS has a gripe against Russia over the Syrian Civil War where the Russian- and Iranian-back Syrian regime fought ISIS. The Russian government is clearly indicating a Ukrainian connection and even if that wasn’t true, the Russian government would be keen to make it true. If any element of the Ukrainian government was involved – even rogue – the US will do all it can to suppress that information. We’re in for a raft of conspiracy theories on this one, guys.

Could Ukraine have had a hand in it? That is a distinct possibility. The Russians are advancing again; not very fast or far, but definitely moving the line westwards. There was a massive Russian missile strike against Ukrainian electricity production a couple days ago. Ukraine is having ever more trouble filling its depleted ranks (there are stories that French combat units are moving into Western Ukraine; don’t guess wrong here…this is probably more to prevent Russia from moving too far west in the event of a Ukrainian collapse; the French don’t want a shooting war with Russia; they don’t have the army for it). Could desperate times in Kiev lead to desperate, even foolish, measures? They could.

Bottom line: a messy situation just go messier – and if the Russian government can pin this on Ukraine, even with bogus evidence, it will strongly motivate the Russian people to take a pound of flesh from Ukraine.

Biden’s people are pushing very hard to stop Israel from hitting the southern part of Gaza. This is because of polling in Michigan and Minnesota with their large Muslim populations. But it is also rather disgusting that our government is increasingly aligned with Hamas against Israel. I don’t think the Democrats really come back from this – once you start down that road, it ends at Der Sturmer; they’ll be repeating blood libels by 2028.

State of the Open Thread

There were two things the Left settled on after last night’s senile rant by Pudding Brain:

  1. He’s SOOOOO vigorous!
  2. He shouldn’t have called Laken Riley’s killer an illegal.

Point one was, of course, pre-set; they were going to say that no matter. It was a chorus clearly scripted. It mostly drew chortles.

The second point was just as universal but came out a little later as the Left absorbed the performance. Biden mangled the poor girl’s name in his scripted attempt to defuse the issue and that did generate a lot of negative comment but the “don’t call them illegals” thing is more telling. The Laken Riley issue is highlighting the broader issue of border security and the Democrats want it gone. That is why they are demanding we stop saying “illegal” when referring to illegal immigrants. They don’t want the American people thinking in those terms, because that terminology cuts against them.

Call them Dreamers or Newcomers or Migrants or any other positive-to-innocuous term you can think of, but don’t call them illegal! They don’t want the outrage of the American people getting focused here. I don’t think it’ll work; the cat, as they say, is out of the bag – and anyone with a daughter or granddaughter sees Laken Riley. It could have been ours on the slab in a morgue…and set there because Biden’s people maliciously opened the border and cruelly refuse to close it. It does sometimes work like that – things can be horrible and everyone knows it is but there is no focus…until something happens that provides the focus. Riley’s murder has done that – she really just was a nice, young girl starting out her life and a miserable excuse for a human being killed her for no reason. And it wouldn’t have happened if illegals weren’t here.

One thing that especially disgusts me: pro illegal people saying, “illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes”. This is obviously untrue drivel but even if it is true, does that matter? For heaven’s sake, Riley would be alive if the illegal wasn’t there. If that was the only crime an illegal committed this year, it would still be an outrage. An entirely preventable death. It is like people just don’t care about other human beings dying – except when its fictional Palestinian deaths, of course. Anyways, I’m not about to take moral lectures from people just back from the “shout your abortion” rally.

Among the diseased mental droppings last night was a program to have the US military build a pier in Gaza to ship supplies in. Among the history of dumb ideas, this one is right up there. First off, all we’d be doing is providing supplies to Hamas, thus prolonging the war. Second, it puts a wedge between the USA and Israel and thus encourages Hamas to resist in the hope that the USA will eventually pressure Israel to leave Hamas alive. Third, and worst, there is zero chance Hamas won’t take a shot at us. If a Hamas militant is any way within range of US troops, he will open fire. He can’t do otherwise; we are the enemy to Hamas. They hate us; and it is likely a tie between hating us and hating Jews. This means there is a very good chance that one or more American will be killed by Hamas in our effort to supply Hamas.

And all of this because Team Biden wants to shore up support among pro-Hamas Muslims in Michigan. Americans are to die in an effort to secure some electoral votes. Disgusting doesn’t begin to cover it.

Side note: the father of one of the Marine’s killed in Biden’s botched Afghan withdrawal heckled Pudding Brain last night. He was arrested. A gold star father; arrested for saying words. That is Biden’s America.

Meanwhile, Islamists continue to attack defenseless Christians in Africa and our government doesn’t give a damn. Never let the vile people running our government claim any mantle of morality.

Open Thread

The Crimson Blade goes live on March 10th! You can pre-order Kindle now. Having just done the very last review of it: gotta say, its awesome. There’s a growing conflict in the family, as it were. The Enemy is moving! But in ways that our heroes don’t fully understand. Everyone who likes a bit of history will enjoy the interaction between Fred and Celeste where it comes out, big surprise (/sarc), that Celeste is an ardent Monarchist!

So, the Michigan primary was a blowout win for Trump – and quite impressive numbers rolled up, including in traditionally Democrat areas. That plus the number of Democrat primary voters who voted “uncommitted” has Team Pudding Brain in a panic – that’s why they’re now overtly repeating Hamas lies and putting ever more pressure on Israel to quit. They are desperately worried they simply will not have enough votes in Michigan even given the invariable ballot box stuffing in Detriot.

To me, Israel continues to go far too slowly and carefully. I understand: they want to keep their own casualties low in addition to be chary of the blood of the Palestinians. These are noble sentiments, but celerity is key to success in war. You take too long and you can end up spilling more blood than if you just rammed through. And here’s the cruel truth: in war you must be willing to pour out whatever amount of blood is necessary to win. Nobody was more keen to keep casualties low than Wellington…but if the situation called for it, he would ruthlessly engage in quite bloody actions.

The vileness of our opponents becomes ever more clear, and it is finally costing them support. They were able to hide it for so long with their friendly media and, lets face it, some clever propaganda by Team Clinton and Team Obama…but with a senile Biden in charge, there’s no clear message and so the very worst aspects of the Left keep emerging where a Clinton or Obama would have skillfully hid them. The murder of that poor girl in Georgia is especially galvanizing…the Democrat attempts to sweep her death under the rug are leaving a very bad taste everywhere. We all know: she’s dead because illegals have been blithely released by the people specifically charged with keeping the people safe. You can’t work your way around that.

Open Thread

Now that the whole football thing is over with, we can fully concentrate on the sport that matters: Hockey!

We here in Vegas fell in love with our Golden Knights during the inaugural season 7 years ago and the love affair has just grown since then. Going from Misfits to Champions in 6 years just cemented it. I had never watched more than a couple minutes of hockey in my life until that first season…but as the Knights started to shock the world by winning and getting into playoff contention, I started to watch. It took a little while to grasp the rules and tactics of the game but I’m pretty well grounded now…periodically shouting at the TV “shoot, dammit, there’s a lane open” and “for crying out loud, don’t turn it over at the blue line” and other such hocky-fan things. It is the last, remaining un-woke sport, anyways. And I like the element of luck in it. In all major sports the worst can beat the best but in hockey just a little more so…because you’re trying to get a little black thing to go into a net off ice. The skills are there, the shot is there and its perfect…but it hits a post or goes just slightly wide. You never know how a game can go…how at times you’ll go 40 minutes of play without anyone scoring, and then in five minutes 4 goals are scored collectively. So, hoping my Knights repeat! To make up for the national humiliation of the Chiefs repeating.

Everyone in Pudding Brain’s world is out there asserting that Biden is vigorous and sharp as a tack…while he’s got no official actions scheduled for the next three days. You know: the middle of the work week. That presser he gave was a catastrophe…and his Super Bowl rant about potato chips didn’t help. Everyone knows: he’s senile. He’s probably lucid no more than a few hours a day and can’t possibly map out a strategy. We’re now governed by a collection of West Wing staffers and Jill who try to work the Joe Oracle to get a decision…its why everything is a mess right now. The only way out, now, is a Trump vote in November.

And that is why with very few exceptions I’m getting harsh with Never Trump. To be fair, I know a few who have consistently opposed Trump on policy grounds since 2015. That’s fine. I disagree but if someone is giving me an honest opinion based on facts and their interpretation of same, I can’t really complain. But the broad mass of Never Trump are just mind-numbed Orange Man Bad cretins. There is no moral or intellectual world where Biden is better than Trump. Getting Biden out is crucial to the basic safety of the United States. And these Never Trump guys are on and on about how they have to keep Biden in because Trump is worse. That isn’t just dishonest, it is stupid. It isn’t about Trump. It is not even about Republican or Democrat – it is about getting a clearly, mentally incompetent man out of office. Even Kamala would be better in that at least she’s not senile (other than that: disaster). Right now, if the 3 am call comes, we have no idea who will make the actual decision…and we might get no decision (which is vastly worse than even a bad decision) because nobody wants to take responsibility for it. Biden must go.

The Senate GOP is backing the Ukraine aid bill (naturally) but Senator Vance (R-OH) found within the text a requirement that the money remain available for Ukraine until September, 2025. Meaning that if Trump wins and carries out his pledge to end US support for the Ukraine war, he can be impeached. Rely on it, the Ruling Class knows it is at least even money that Trump wins in November and they’re trying to hamstring him in advance. The border bill was like that, too; all sorts of provisions which would de-facto tie Trump’s hands on border security.

Of course, poison pill or no, I think Trump should go for it. It is unlikely that there are 67 Senate votes to remove Trump. Just let impeachment after impeachment fail, if that is what it takes. Trump’s main task, if he wins, is to clear out the bureaucracy, anyways – that is where the danger really lies to himself and to any future GOP President. We now know that various officials of the Executive branch were not only refusing direct, legal Presidential orders, they were actively breaking the law to take down Trump. Massive housecleaning is necessary. An end to Civil Service protections, at least in all senior Executive Branch positions. Executive Branch people have no power – the President is the only person vested by the Constitution with Executive power. Anyone who exercises Executive power does so at the discretion of the President and simply cannot, except in cases of obviously illegal orders, refuse a Presidential order.

Canadian Leftist groups in cooperation with the Canadian government cooked up a story about how Catholic Church schools in Canada had mass graves for Native children murdered by Catholic Church schools. It was quite a big issue in Canada and they even got the Pope to issue an apology about it. Trouble is, there were and are no mass graves. Of course there weren’t: hey, the Church has a lot of faults but they don’t mass murder people. It was just a ridiculous accusation…but the Ruling Class ran with it because it was an attack on the Church and they’ll always go for that. It has all been exposed as a hoax but that doesn’t matter: to the Leftist, to original, flaming headline is always the dogma. “Hands up, don’t shoot”, “was just buying skittles” and “I can’t breath” are obligatory beliefs even though there isn’t the least bit of truth to them. So, too, with the “Church mass graves” story – the Left still asserts it is true, and so very often these days Leftist terrorists are burning down Catholic churches. Naturally, the police don’t get them: they’re busy looking for people who are misgendering.

So a perhaps-trans shooter with “free Palestine” on Xir gun tried to do a mass shooting, fortunately stopped. But you’ll be pleased to know the shooter is an illegal immigrant in country for 19 years and voted in the 2020 election.

Volkswagon has their Super Bowl ad and it was pretty good…left out something, though.

Trump, 2024

With DeSantis out, that’s pretty much it for the primaries. Haley is still in but it is shaping up to be a blowout win by Trump in New Hampshire and I imagine she’ll bow out before she gets humiliated in South Carolina. So, we’ve got Trump. For the third time.

Can he win? As I said the other day: sure he can. Make no mistake about it that this will be a high hill to climb. He has a lot of strikes against him.

Even accounting for fraud, the fact is that he’s been rejected once. It isn’t impossible to get accepted in politics after rejection, but it isn’t easy. The two most famous cases are Cleveland and Nixon. Keep in mind that in both cases, the people felt that the other guy, the initial winners, didn’t measure up and so were primed to flop back the other way. Without a doubt, Biden isn’t living up to expectations, especially since expectations were for peace, prosperity and no political problems here at home. We’ve got war, spreading poverty and more and more people are broaching the subject of civil war these days. Trump can very much say, “I told you so”.

It won’t be hostile press: it is hostile every American – and, indeed, global – institution. Especially after Argentina, the Global Ruling Class will not want Trump to get in. For goodness sake, it is bad enough that Argentina – if it can but stay the course for 3 years or so – is about to prove that the post-WWII Social Democratic order is a failure, if the USA proves it between 2025 and 2029 then that is all she wrote…everywhere in the West people will start to wonder why they have to keep the Progressives around. They will go after Trump with everything they’ve got. They will lie and break every law on the book. There is no cost to them higher than Trump winning. Can Trump survive that? We’d like to say he definitely will, but the purpose of the exercise is to convince moderate voters to stay away from Trump even as they can’t afford gas and groceries. Will it work? Only time will tell.

The Never Trump Right is already going ballistic – showing that they also never really were DeSantis supporters but were using him as a cat’s paw to scratch Trump. DeSantis swallowed his pride and endorsed Trump. Trump then said kind words about DeSantis. Everyone who is interested in defeating Democrats accepts this at face value and prepares to unite for November. You can absolutely rely on it that almost every last person who is still on the Never Trump side would have turned viciously on DeSantis had he got the nomination. They aren’t Never Trump – they are Never Rebels. They are Always Ruling Class. The Ruling Class hates DeSantis, too. But, while the Never Trump Right retains a semblance of being GOPers/Conservatives, they will be able to muddy the waters…and that is their purpose right now. To get moderates to mistrust the GOP before Never Trump announces it is voting for Biden. As for me, DeSantis is my guy for 2028. Obviously that is a long way away and things can change…but all else being equal, it is going to be hard to get me to switch to someone else next time around.

To me, 2024 has always been about GOP No Matter Who. The particular candidates are irrelevant. Sure, we all have our favorites and we all want the perfect person…but any GOPer is better than any Democrat. The objectively evil policies being advanced by Democrats must be stopped by whatever means we can find. Right now, for the Presidency, our only means to the end is Donald Trump. I will be enthusiastically supporting him going forward.

Open Thread

So the House will finally start thinking about impeaching Biden. Good.

Now, of course we can’t convict; there is zero chance that 67 Senators will vote to convict Biden no matter what the evidence shows. This, in itself, demonstrates how utterly corrupt our system is…and we can rely on it that at least some GOPers (Mitt Romney, eg) will also vote to acquit come what may (after all, his own son was also involved in Ukraine corruption). But this isn’t about getting a conviction. And, no, it isn’t revenge for Trump. If it is anything, it is to set the marker – to produce a body of work which will be the base-line for rooting out corruption in 2025 and later if we win.

This is why I hope that one of the charges made is failure to see to it that the laws are faithfully enforced. Article II, Section 3: he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. The President is specifically enjoined by the Constitution to enforce the laws. All the laws all the time. Point blank: he doesn’t even have prosecutorial discretion (and, so, neither do his subordinates from Attorney General on down). There’s nothing in there saying “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, unless he finds a reason not to”. It is just, “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. The end. Doesn’t matter if its bad law or stupid law or law that no longer serves its purpose – if it is enacted by Congress and hasn’t been repealed or ruled unconstitutional, it is the law and the President shall take care that it is faithfully enforced until such time as it is repealed or ruled unconstitutional.

Why is this important? Because the President has allowed people to skate – all Presidents have to one extent or another, but under Biden it is on steroids. This is why Hunter is skating…but, more importantly, so are large numbers of people who should be facing massive jail time. Once again, not asserting the laws they would fall under are good or that we shouldn’t repeal/modify them, but they are the laws. The most egregious cases are the permitting of illegals to cross our border with impunity and allowing Antifa/BLM rioters to skate. Pudding Brain’s job is to enforce the laws and he has refused to do it in direct violation of the oath he took. All the rest of it is important, but nothing is more crucial than this: the law must be enforced. Tied in with this is the selective and cruel prosecutions of the J6 people and Team Trump…things that other people are allowed to walk on are being used to send J6 people to jail for long sentences…and they are proposing long sentences for Trump and his people on ridiculous charges no Democrat would ever face.

To get back to rule of law we must first punish those charged with enforcing the law who failed their duty. We can’t actually punish Biden, but if we can make the case and use it as a basis for prosecutions down the road, we’ll be on the path back to law.

The MSM – on orders – is calling the impeachment inquiry “without evidence”. This lie isn’t meant for you. It is meant for Democrats who still consume MSM product and so haven’t heard of the evidence. This is designed to make sure they don’t get curious about it.

Inflation rate is rising again.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are anti-Catholic bigots. But they are also pervs. Really, really pervy.