The Purge

Twitter banned Donald Trump today – and, apparently, massive numbers of other accounts. I’m down about 250 followers, and I’m a nobody. So, I’ll be abandoning Twitter and Facebook soon. I’m over on Parler (@MarkENoonan) and Clouthub (@Mark_Author). The Tech giants are censoring – because they are terrified. This is a gigantic mistake on their part – they are simply driving dissent underground and you never know what will pop up when you do that.

Given that Twitter is about to go expect me to post more often here – gotta get my words out, ya know!

Open Thread

Trump rally in Georgia tomorrow, Georgia election Tuesday, Stop the Steal Rally in DC on Wednesday. Here’s the thing about all that: Trump hasn’t quit. Let’s face it, the chances of Trump getting sworn in on the 20th are vanishingly small…but he’s still out there, day after day, fighting on our side. Once W left office, we – his most ardent supporters – ceased to exist. He neither fought for us nor even so much as quietly mentioned that 90% of Trump’s “deplorables” are people who voted for him in 2000 and 2004. I think you can recall how vigorously I defended Bush…when did he ever defend me?

The Trump years have brought clarity.

A growing number of GOP Senators and Representatives are going to officially object to the Electoral Vote of the disputes States on the 6th. Now, to be sure, a lot of this is mere playing to the base: GOPers doing what we want because they know it’ll make them popular with us. There’s a bit of cynicism in there – but less cynicism than, say, a McCain running as a Conservative his whole career while knifing Conservatism in DC between elections. I’d rather have people who are pandering to me…at least, then, they aren’t pandering to the Left. Most of all, I like the fight (Democrats went ballistic on social media yesterday as this unfolded). There is simply no reason to quit and concede.

Side note: Democrats are already prepping for Trump’s Strange New Respect Award: remember, by 2024, the GOP nominee will be the Worst Person Ever so Trump will be demoted to A Really Bad Person But Nothing Like This New Guy status.

New House rules eliminate hate-filled words like “father”. I guess they can’t have a Catholic priest say the opening prayer any longer. However, I am advised that “son of a bitch” and “bastard” can still be freely used to describe Congress.

Comey and the destruction of the FBI. Rely on it, after Comey I will never, ever speak to a federal law enforcement agent without a lawyer present and even then only after a full grant of immunity. I don’t care if an FBI guy wants directions to 7/11: he ain’t getting it from me. We can’t trust them: we’ll never know when they are lying to entrap.

Open Thread

In the past 24 hours I’ve seen two Georgia polls – one showed both GOPers comfortably in the lead, the other shows both Democrats comfortably in the lead.

Once again, polling is useless. I guess we’ll see how it comes out – my view is that the GOP is favored to win both seats, but we’ll see what the Margin of Fraud is.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s vote numbers just don’t add up. But, you already knew that.

Report is that Homer’s The Odyssey has been removed from a Massachusetts school curriculum. There is, of course, no way to say that Homer’s work is racist or anything like that – it was written by Greeks about Greeks. But, they are calling all Western literature racist, sexist, what have you. The reason for this is that they don’t want people to know their own history and heritage. The stuff they produce is unreadable garbage, for the most part, and it can’t stand comparison. So, eliminate it and all the kids will get is SJW drivel. This has to be stopped – but it will take a Revolutionary movement to do so.

Revolution means that those who are in charge of things today are entirely removed from power.

And, of course, I wrote the Mirrors series of books and am now writing the Shadow Army series simply because I couldn’t stand what I was finding in bookstores these days. I’m not saying I compare to any of the great writers, past or present: but my stories are about sane people trying to do the right thing in difficult circumstances. You know: something worth reading instead of plowing through some SJW tome about what it’s like to grow up a differently-abled gender-fluid xir of color. If there has ever been any art, literature or music you’ve ever felt moved to create – do it. We take back the culture ultimately by producing our own.

Trump wins the Stimulus debate: because by demanding $2,000.00, the message he sends out is that he’s fighting for us. It doesn’t matter, in the end, if we get it or not: Trump stood up for the people. This works to his advantage whether he runs in 2024 or not.

Dictionary dot com is going full Orwellian Newspeak – telling everyone what words they can and cannot use, and also changing the definition of words (they recently changed “court packing” from, you know, packing the court to “not approving a Democrat nominee for the Court”). Once again, Revolution is needed to fix this.

They had to hate to report this: Gallup says that Trump is the most admired man in America, edging out Obama.

Open Thread

Texas is suing to block the election results. And, Texas is right – the rules of the votes were changed in an apparently unconstitutional manner which both violated Equal Protection as well as annulling the State Legislatures plenary power over how Electors are chosen. We’ll see how it comes out: if the Supreme Court rules that the State legislatures have to take it up, then the States in question all have GOP majorities. People do forget that the States elect the President and the State Legislatures – without any input from the State Executive – decide how Electors are chosen.

RIP: Chuck Yeager

As you all knew, China has lots of influence in America. And it is probably much worse than we think.

The bottom line is that our Ruling Class is largely made up of people who are very low: immoral people of little knowledge who care nothing for our country. We really should have seen this coming sooner.

The last time the sons of Americas most prominent families volunteered to fight for this country was World War Two. To be sure, a few joined up for later conflicts, but usually for brief tours far behind the lines. You don’t find the sons and daughters of the rich out there fighting in gritty places like Afghanistan. Nope. If they are there at all, it is a military lawyer or some such thing. This demonstrates that they don’t care about America. They love being rich and having the good life, but they feel no obligation to stand forth: and so the sons and daughters of the middle class and poor go (and, these days, fewer and fewer of the middle class show up). How much longer will working class kids from Alabama sign up to defend this country? How much longer before they decide that as they still have the will to fight, they are just going to fight to ensure that they reap the benefits of the United States?

One thing is certain: this can’t keep going on. We can’t sustain a Ruling Class which allows itself to be easily purchased by foreign enemies for a little money and illicit sex.

Lockdowns don’t work. Not quite sure what the real thing is here: I figured that after the election, they’d ease up. But now I’m starting to think they want St Joe to save us…so they are going to lock us down until Spring and then claim that the normal falling away of the virus is thanks to Biden forcing us all to wear the same masks we’ve worn since March saved us all.

Open Thread

Project Veritas put out the proof that CNN is a mere propaganda arm of the DNC – something we’ve all known for a while. But for those a little slow on the uptake: CNN is only just now reporting that China lied about the Chinese Flu. Seriously: news you and I learned in January is now being breathlessly reported on CNN.

If your goal was to rig an election, then you would do just what the Democrats did.

Some are despairing that we’ll never get around this: that the cheat was so large and brazen in 2020, it shows we’ll never be able to win again. This is not the case: the Democrats always cheat. There has not been an election since 1824 when Democrats didn’t cheat. But cheating enough to win the Electoral College is a staggering undertaking and can only be done if you have total control over the voting districts you need. In 2020, because the GOP was caught flat-footed by the scale of Democrat cheating, the Democrats look to have pulled it off. But if they try again in 2024, the GOP will be wise to what they are doing – and, meanwhile, we have a great deal of power over the Democrat controlled areas, as we do in Florida, and can impose controls which will make cheating that less likely to succeed.

What is most important to me – and this is now yet another genuinely Conservative thing Trump has done (and, so, a Revolutionary act) – is that the fraud is very much out in the open now. The Democrats had to shove millions of ballots into the system to drag Biden over the finish line (no one really believes Joe Biden got more votes than Obama did in 2008). And Trump warned about it months in advance – he said precisely what they’d do, and then the Democrats went on an did it. The pressure will now build in areas where the GOP has control to improve processes to detect and prevent fraud.

You might have heard all sorts of worry-stories about Florida and Texas: how the Democrats were going to use voter fraud to flip both blue. Well, Trump won Texas by 631,000 votes and Florida by 371,000 votes. The Democrats did try to fraud there way through both States. They weren’t able to because the GOP got wise to their tactics and simply adjusted the rules to make cheating vastly more difficult. And, remember, even squish GOPers go along with these reforms: no GOPer wants to actually lose his or her race due to fraud. What I’m saying is, fret not! We’re not out of this game by a long shot.

The Chinese are not stupid – highest paid bureaucrat in California has ties to Chinese intelligence. One has to hand it to the Chinese: they are really good at what they do. Read the story: the man in question is an avowed patriot for China. He might be American, but he says his loyalty is to China. And yet he was given this very powerful and lucrative job. Back in Beijing, I’m sure that caused quite a lot of laughs. History is filled with rich Empires purchasing the loyalty of poor barbarian leaders…but I think that China’s purchase of America’s Ruling Class is unique. We are the richer nation, by far and yet they’ve bought us.

This is not just the ChiComs owning Joe: there is no aspect of American life where China hasn’t purchased a controlling interest. Our entertainment industry allows China to censor it. Our Tech companies fall all over themselves to help China develop tools of oppression. Social Media gleefully allows armies of Chinese bots to warp public perception of events. Politicians are paid off to dance around China’s manifest human rights violations. Chinese money flows into radical Left groups in the USA to foment hatred among Americans (they probably fund some of the more screwy right wing groups, as well). China didn’t even spend all that much money to get this: not only is our Ruling Class corrupt, it is cheap…$20 hooker stuff. What angered them all, and I think more than anything else, was that Trump was messing with this. China didn’t like it, either, and I’m sure Chinese intel helped out the DNC/MSM any way it could against Trump. Can we get around this? We’re going to have to or we’ll wind up a Chinese colony. And it will take even sterner actions than Trump was doing to make it happen: China must be pushed out of the United States.

Open Thread

So, you’ve started on Kings and Queen and you suddenly figure out a really cool plot development – one which will just make the story vastly more interesting and fun…and then realize it means you’re going to have to do quite a bit of ret-con on Shadow Army because of it. You smile and do it anyway – because fun is what stories are supposed to be about.

Trump is still battling away. He’s got the next week to get something so strong that the Courts and/or the State legislatures can’t ignore it. We’ll see if he can do this. To me, the obviousness of the steal grows day by day…but I’m not a Court nor am I a GOP State legislator who simply may be chicken. At all events, Biden’s best hope is to crawl into the White House with no real authority and a complete inability to permanently alter anything. Meanwhile, looming in 2022 is what may be a blowout GOP year.

And I heard that Trump is considering appointing a special counsel to look into voter fraud in 2020. To be sure, Biden could immediately fire the guy and the MSM would cheer…but for all fair minded people, that would essentially be an admission of guilt. Here is a good rundown on all the oddities of 2020’s vote.

Looks like the GOP will win IA-02 by six votes. Never doubt that you should vote. There are seven Iowa Democrats kicking themselves this morning.

The GOP – including Trump – are all-in on the Georgia Senate runoffs. I’ve been swatting at GOPers (or supposed GOPers) telling us to boycott the campaigns. That would be suicidal. I know the GOP sucks – but it’s all we got. And we can’t let the Democrats take the Senate. The end.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I got the bird in, so I’m rolling along quite nicely right now. Also got Matt working on the cover art for Battles, which is the awesome conclusion of the Mirrors series. I’m also working on the first draft of Kings and Queen, the concluding book of the two book Shadow Army series. Have I mentioned that I’ve been writing a lot?

Last night, the Supreme Court – with Gorsuch smacking down both Cuomo and Chief Justice Roberts (who naturally joined the liberal minority) – ruled in favor of religious liberty. It was ruled that you can’t put extra restrictions on religious services while letting secular activities to continue. This is simple common sense, but that it was 5-4 shows that common sense is at a premium right now.

President Trump had his hearing in Pennsylvania and it went pretty well for him. He’s also got efforts afoot in Georgia and Nevada. Bottom line: it isn’t over yet. Still a very big long shot, but the main thing right now is the fight. Concede nothing to the Democrats. If Joe manages to keep the steal, fine. We won’t like it and we won’t forget it: but we’re not going to roll over for it. The Democrats have been put on notice by Trump that the new GOP will contest every action.

I hope you all have a blessed day!

No Surrender

Big Tech manipulated election data to benefit Biden and the Democrats. Of course, you already knew that. The most egregious example of it was the ruthless suppression of the Hunter Biden story.

Trump had everyone and everything against him. Even absent the direct voter fraud, there was not one aspect of American life which wasn’t ranged against him.

And yet he still got nearly 74 million votes, about 11 million more votes than he obtained in 2016. I say this because I do not want anyone to despair (though many are). What we’ve learned in 2020 will be used in 2024 and beyond. We now know that we have to force through election law changes (Florida is the model); that we must have an army of lawyers on the ground before election day; that we have to start using ballot harvesting and other Democrat tactics (the CA GOP did…and it looks like we flipped back 4 seats we lost in 2018). We got this, guys: if the steal stands, all the Democrats will have done is elevate a senile crook to the White House while his understudy is a distinctly disliked hack who wouldn’t even make it out of the Iowa caucuses (she was selected by Team Biden for three reasons: female, POC…and someone no one wants to have in office).

For the moment, nothing stands more important than the Georgia Senate runoffs. Win those, and Biden is crippled from day one. Lose them, and we will suffer a crushing defeat. Do not lose sight of the facts of life: even if the GOP isn’t perfect, it is better.

And, also, winning them will be a tonic to our morale. We need that. And it will be the curtain-raiser for what should be a very strong GOP year in 2022. We’re not at all out of this game, folks: the Democrats as of now have not secured the power necessary to suppress us. And we’re now starting to gain minority and working class support. In other words, hold the line a little longer and keep pushing Trumpist populism…and we’re gonna roll these Democrats. Their core of support is upper class, urban whites. That used to be our core, guys: how well did that work out for us? Right – they are doomed if we just keep fighting.

There will be plenty of time for catastrophe. Don’t rush towards it or even will it to come. If it happens, it happens and we’ll all endure that. For now, the happy warrior is the proper stance. We got cheated out of an easy win in 2020 and we won’t forget: we will learn how to defeat the cheat and then we’ll just roll along.

Open Thread

This week, the rubber hits the road as far as Team Trump’s efforts to Stop the Steal. We’ll see if they can do it. More people are coming around to my theory that Team Biden thought it in the bag (with some fraud already baked in), but then Trump’s Election Day numbers showed a near-landslide win for Trump and so they had to stop the count, manufacture/flip ballots and then hope they didn’t get caught.

Well, they got caught: the amount of fraud was so large that you can’t miss it. All that remains to be seen is if the courts will accept the evidence and act accordingly.

It looks like Nancy’s majority will be 222, maybe 223. Razor thin – and some Democrat House members are salivating at the thought of a Biden Administration cabinet post. It is very dicey for Nancy: she can’t afford to lose anyone and if a seat comes open, even if in a relatively blue area, there’s no assurance the GOP won’t pick it up in a special election. The bottom line is that both the Squad and the few moderate Democrats are going to cause her no end of trouble – the former because they want to push further left, the latter because they don’t want career suicide. You and I get to watch and laugh.

They are ramping up the ‘Rona Panic again and I think it is twofold:

  1. Get your mind off the still disputed election.
  2. Make out that it is a horror show so that St Joe of Biden can save us all.

It is irritating me no end and I’m hopeful we start to get revolt as the Danes did. The masks do not work. The lockdowns mar more than they mend. We’ve got two apparently good vaccines on the way. End this nonsense.

Joe and the Democrats want to forgive student loans. But, please note: not all of it. I think the figure they are passing around is $10,000.00. Now, why not go large and forgive it all? I mean, they are Democrats, right? The cost doesn’t matter…but they know that annulling the debt would put huge pressure on to end the loan program. They don’t want that. And they don’t want the kids to be entirely relieved of debt, either. Debtors hoping for a break are dependents…people you can pressure to do your bidding. And the Democrats don’t dare risk the program, itself, as it is merely a gigantic subsidy for the college Left.

I’ve said for a while that I want the debt annulled (tax credits for those who paid) and then cancel the program. At the very least, I think we should allow it to discharge in bankruptcy seven years after leaving college (by then, they are either making enough money to pay – and so can’t go bankrupt – or they aren’t and likely never will). The whole thing is a scam: a soak the young scheme to keep tenured radicals on the gravy train.

Ted Cruz ripped Jack Dorsey to shreds in a Senate hearing. This is fine: but unless we start to punish these totalitarian propagandists, they’ll keep right on suppressing the truth and serving up the DNC Narrative. I’ll go to my grave convinced that if the mere truth had been told this past four years, Trump would have crested 60% of the vote.