Open Thread

I have this friend whom I’ve known since 1971. When we were kids, we liked science fiction (heck, we both still do) and so we’d ponder in, say, 1978 what the future might hold. We came up with some pretty fantastic ideas of what humanity might achieve but among the possibilities, cannibalism wasn’t one of them. Now we’ve got alleged cannibal gangs in Haiti and there was this train accident in California the other day where a leg was thrown clear and a guy apparently picked it up and started snacking on it. We seem to be devolving at an increasing pace.

Gas prices are starting to rise again and this is putting downward pressure on Biden’s poll numbers. In response to this, Team Pudding Brain has asked Ukraine to not blow up Russian oil facilities which would put even more upward pressure on gas prices. So, we’re paying for Ukraine to fight the Russians while also doing what we can to ensure Russia has money to fight the Ukrainians. Got a call from Zombie Kafka and he asked that we knock it off.

That terrorist attack in Moscow was of the quite horrific variety. Moscow is, of course, tightly protected and gun control is universal in Russia but this terrorist squad managed to get there and accessed a pre-positioned cache of some pretty heavy weapons. You can’t stop determined lunatics. Aside from that, what’s it all about?

Nobody knows. Very good chance that nobody will ever really know. US government word is that ISIS took responsibility and that is a possibility: ISIS has a gripe against Russia over the Syrian Civil War where the Russian- and Iranian-back Syrian regime fought ISIS. The Russian government is clearly indicating a Ukrainian connection and even if that wasn’t true, the Russian government would be keen to make it true. If any element of the Ukrainian government was involved – even rogue – the US will do all it can to suppress that information. We’re in for a raft of conspiracy theories on this one, guys.

Could Ukraine have had a hand in it? That is a distinct possibility. The Russians are advancing again; not very fast or far, but definitely moving the line westwards. There was a massive Russian missile strike against Ukrainian electricity production a couple days ago. Ukraine is having ever more trouble filling its depleted ranks (there are stories that French combat units are moving into Western Ukraine; don’t guess wrong here…this is probably more to prevent Russia from moving too far west in the event of a Ukrainian collapse; the French don’t want a shooting war with Russia; they don’t have the army for it). Could desperate times in Kiev lead to desperate, even foolish, measures? They could.

Bottom line: a messy situation just go messier – and if the Russian government can pin this on Ukraine, even with bogus evidence, it will strongly motivate the Russian people to take a pound of flesh from Ukraine.

Biden’s people are pushing very hard to stop Israel from hitting the southern part of Gaza. This is because of polling in Michigan and Minnesota with their large Muslim populations. But it is also rather disgusting that our government is increasingly aligned with Hamas against Israel. I don’t think the Democrats really come back from this – once you start down that road, it ends at Der Sturmer; they’ll be repeating blood libels by 2028.

Open Thread

Some Russian dissident gets offed in prison and we’re supposed to get all weepy-eyed about it.

Know what? Father Petros Mwale, a parish priest in Malawi (that’s in Africa, for any of you liberals who learned pronouns rather than geography in college), has been asking for our prayers for the farmers of Malawi as they endure a terrible drought. I do hope you will pause for a moment here and offer up those prayers.

The people there make $579.00 per year per capita. You know: your monthly car payment. They’ve got lots of problems, of course, just like the rest of post-colonial Africa and they have struggled to chart a course. Not nearly as bad as some African countries have had it. They work: 80% of the population engages in subsistence agriculture. They are pretty much free though there are abuses and corruption, just like everywhere. But, its mostly ok because they are pretty traditional and most issues are settled by local councils. And here’s the thing: the country borders Lake Malawi; its 11,400 square miles of water area with an average depth of 950 feet; so, big lake. Holds 2,000 cubic miles of water.

What I’m pointing out here is that Malawi has water. In, fact, quite a lot of water. Yes, other countries border the lake so it isn’t all Malawi’s, but they get their fair share right? Now, imagine if for a moment we had spent 10% of the Ukraine budget helping Malawi build a first rate water retention and irrigation system? The poor farmers there would have access to water even when the rains don’t come.

But, hey: nobody in Malawi passes out $50,000 a month no-show jobs to Westerners.

It is crucial to remember that what is a crisis in the world is usually what the Ruling Class wants to be a crisis because they can rake off money or power over it. There’s no rake-off helping hard working dirt farmers feed their families.

But, do get weepy over a dead Russian if that floats your boat.

I guess the latest thing for the Cartels is just to toss the drugs over the border wall where they are immediately picked up and driven off. We’ve talked about this before: you can’t stop a criminal cartel. Here’s a Wikipedia list of them – if you dig through it, you’ll note that Cartel follows Cartel. As soon as we take one down, another immediately steps in…because you can’t take them down. Not really. We might get the boss of a Cartel, but there’s a whole system of moving drugs from production to user. It probably employs hundreds of thousands of people and there are billions of dollars to be made. You can’t stop that by knocking off a boss.

OTOH, if we could catch the driver of the truck that picked up the drugs and hang him, that would stop it.

So, too, hanging the street pusher. The guy who is buying money orders to transmit them south. In short: the small fry. We can stop them because we don’t have to stop all of them: guarantee you the supply of small fry to actually move the drugs and money dries up when you start hanging them. To be sure, it won’t stop it entirely: even Singapore’s draconian laws against drug trafficking don’t stop it. But Singapore arrested a bit more than 3,000 people for drugs in 2023. New York City had that many deaths just from drug overdoses. Additionally: Singapore isn’t plagued by drug addicted zombies defecating on the streets.

Here’s your choice: execute 300 street pushers or have 3,000 addicts die next year. Choose.

How’s the election going? Well, Pudding Brain’s people are now starting to push a ceasefire proposal at the UN to stop Israel from taking the southern part of Gaza. In other words, what they’re trying to do is save Hamas. Why? Michigan: has a large Muslim community which has been rock solid for the Democrats. Plenty of Muslims are upset that Pudding Brain hasn’t taken a forcefully anti-Israel stance. Recent polling shows that Michigan in play, with some polls showing a Trump lead. So, screw the Jews: we need Michigan!

But think about it: Democrats encouraged the migration of a large population of anti-Semites in order to get their votes and now they’re moving to being overtly anti-Israel in order to retain the anti-Semitic votes.

Open Thread

Now that the whole football thing is over with, we can fully concentrate on the sport that matters: Hockey!

We here in Vegas fell in love with our Golden Knights during the inaugural season 7 years ago and the love affair has just grown since then. Going from Misfits to Champions in 6 years just cemented it. I had never watched more than a couple minutes of hockey in my life until that first season…but as the Knights started to shock the world by winning and getting into playoff contention, I started to watch. It took a little while to grasp the rules and tactics of the game but I’m pretty well grounded now…periodically shouting at the TV “shoot, dammit, there’s a lane open” and “for crying out loud, don’t turn it over at the blue line” and other such hocky-fan things. It is the last, remaining un-woke sport, anyways. And I like the element of luck in it. In all major sports the worst can beat the best but in hockey just a little more so…because you’re trying to get a little black thing to go into a net off ice. The skills are there, the shot is there and its perfect…but it hits a post or goes just slightly wide. You never know how a game can go…how at times you’ll go 40 minutes of play without anyone scoring, and then in five minutes 4 goals are scored collectively. So, hoping my Knights repeat! To make up for the national humiliation of the Chiefs repeating.

Everyone in Pudding Brain’s world is out there asserting that Biden is vigorous and sharp as a tack…while he’s got no official actions scheduled for the next three days. You know: the middle of the work week. That presser he gave was a catastrophe…and his Super Bowl rant about potato chips didn’t help. Everyone knows: he’s senile. He’s probably lucid no more than a few hours a day and can’t possibly map out a strategy. We’re now governed by a collection of West Wing staffers and Jill who try to work the Joe Oracle to get a decision…its why everything is a mess right now. The only way out, now, is a Trump vote in November.

And that is why with very few exceptions I’m getting harsh with Never Trump. To be fair, I know a few who have consistently opposed Trump on policy grounds since 2015. That’s fine. I disagree but if someone is giving me an honest opinion based on facts and their interpretation of same, I can’t really complain. But the broad mass of Never Trump are just mind-numbed Orange Man Bad cretins. There is no moral or intellectual world where Biden is better than Trump. Getting Biden out is crucial to the basic safety of the United States. And these Never Trump guys are on and on about how they have to keep Biden in because Trump is worse. That isn’t just dishonest, it is stupid. It isn’t about Trump. It is not even about Republican or Democrat – it is about getting a clearly, mentally incompetent man out of office. Even Kamala would be better in that at least she’s not senile (other than that: disaster). Right now, if the 3 am call comes, we have no idea who will make the actual decision…and we might get no decision (which is vastly worse than even a bad decision) because nobody wants to take responsibility for it. Biden must go.

The Senate GOP is backing the Ukraine aid bill (naturally) but Senator Vance (R-OH) found within the text a requirement that the money remain available for Ukraine until September, 2025. Meaning that if Trump wins and carries out his pledge to end US support for the Ukraine war, he can be impeached. Rely on it, the Ruling Class knows it is at least even money that Trump wins in November and they’re trying to hamstring him in advance. The border bill was like that, too; all sorts of provisions which would de-facto tie Trump’s hands on border security.

Of course, poison pill or no, I think Trump should go for it. It is unlikely that there are 67 Senate votes to remove Trump. Just let impeachment after impeachment fail, if that is what it takes. Trump’s main task, if he wins, is to clear out the bureaucracy, anyways – that is where the danger really lies to himself and to any future GOP President. We now know that various officials of the Executive branch were not only refusing direct, legal Presidential orders, they were actively breaking the law to take down Trump. Massive housecleaning is necessary. An end to Civil Service protections, at least in all senior Executive Branch positions. Executive Branch people have no power – the President is the only person vested by the Constitution with Executive power. Anyone who exercises Executive power does so at the discretion of the President and simply cannot, except in cases of obviously illegal orders, refuse a Presidential order.

Canadian Leftist groups in cooperation with the Canadian government cooked up a story about how Catholic Church schools in Canada had mass graves for Native children murdered by Catholic Church schools. It was quite a big issue in Canada and they even got the Pope to issue an apology about it. Trouble is, there were and are no mass graves. Of course there weren’t: hey, the Church has a lot of faults but they don’t mass murder people. It was just a ridiculous accusation…but the Ruling Class ran with it because it was an attack on the Church and they’ll always go for that. It has all been exposed as a hoax but that doesn’t matter: to the Leftist, to original, flaming headline is always the dogma. “Hands up, don’t shoot”, “was just buying skittles” and “I can’t breath” are obligatory beliefs even though there isn’t the least bit of truth to them. So, too, with the “Church mass graves” story – the Left still asserts it is true, and so very often these days Leftist terrorists are burning down Catholic churches. Naturally, the police don’t get them: they’re busy looking for people who are misgendering.

So a perhaps-trans shooter with “free Palestine” on Xir gun tried to do a mass shooting, fortunately stopped. But you’ll be pleased to know the shooter is an illegal immigrant in country for 19 years and voted in the 2020 election.

Volkswagon has their Super Bowl ad and it was pretty good…left out something, though.

Russia, Russia, Russia

So, I watched a bit of the Tucker interview of Putin – I wasn’t going to but everyone was ripping on Putin bringing up history back to the 8th century on it and mostly making out that it was ridiculous. It wasn’t.

Whether or not Putin actually believes it I can’t say, but what he is doing is making Russia’s legal claim to Ukraine. This is something alien to the American experience but it is something common to the larger Christian world: this is why dynastic wars used to happen. That is, disputes over who had the legal title to a bit of land. And in such things to lay out the clear succession of title was very important. It wasn’t a matter of people, it was a matter of land: who owned the land? And who did the land legally transfer to over time?

Land is very important in Russia – who has it, who is allowed to use it. The ancient Russian assembly was call the Zemsky Sobor – the assembly of the Russian land. Not the Russian people: the land. For them, it is all about land. What Putin lays out in the interview is the case that Ukraine originated as an integral part of Russia which was unfairly and unjustly taken away from Russia by foreign conquerors. Ukraine’s national identity – in Putin’s thinking – is a false thing manufactured by powers hostile to Russia. This is Putin’s justification for the war – and it is probably why he’s so far been able to sustain support for it, at least to the point of keeping a large army in the field. It is in line with Russian national feeling.

The bottom line is that we here in the USA – and the West overall – have to decide if this Russian irredentism is something worth fighting against? Additionally, is Putin’s aim merely the restoration of traditional Russian lands? Or does he have a goal of restoring the Empire of Alexander I? Ukraine and Belarus back under Moscow’s rule would be uncomfortable for Poland and Hungary but not a massive crisis. That can arguably be Russia…but if Putin wants Finland, the Baltics and Poland back? That becomes a bit of a problem.

But, in my view, still not an American problem. The EU outweighs Russia in every measure of potential power. The EU has more people, more money, more production capacity, better communications. On and on like that: Russia has more troops in uniform right now, but if the EU wanted, they could easily raise a military force of 20 million and massively outnumber the Russians with better equipped troops. What I’m saying is that if the EU wants to fight Russia, it will be a very one-sided fight resulting in a crushing Russian defeat.

But if the EU doesn’t want to do this, then why should I? I can see Poland’s concern here. But if Poland doesn’t raise an army and convince their neighbors to also raise armies, then why in heck should an American army be sent? The German army is about 67,000 troops. Out of a population of 84 million. The Polish army is 100,000. Out 30 million people. 118,000 in the French army out of 68 million people. These three nations, based on population and resources, should have standing military forces of 800,000, 300,000 and 600,000 respectively. These would not be large forces relative to population…but they’d have outnumbered the Russian army 3 to 1 on the eve of the invasion of Ukraine. These are not serious people. These are not people determined to defend themselves.

So, why should I?

Why should I send some kid from Kansas to die defending Kiev?

And Putin does propose to build something Christian. Maybe Putin is lying. He wouldn’t be the first Russian leader to do that. But the laws and the policy is still to promote the Christian theology and virtues. Meanwhile, over in the UK kids are being arrested for misgendering while in the Netherlands the government is trying to shut down Dutch farms to appease the weather god. I’m supposed to fight Russia? For Europe? So I can have more European commies come visit? More finger wagging about guns?


I don’t think so. I do not feel Russians to be my enemies. I feel no threat from Moscow. I do not want us to give another cent to Ukraine and I want us to withdraw from NATO. I’m done with this. World War Two as a long time ago. The world has changed. It is time we changed with it.

Open Thread

Congressional GOPers are getting set to approve the latest NDAA which fixes the government spying problem by making it easier for government to spy on us.

I wish I was kidding.

They are such useless twits, aren’t they? Gotta be that they are on the take. At least, I hope they are on the take or being blackmailed. I hope they aren’t consciously this stupid and evil. There is no reason for the GOP to do anything right now. Sure, we can’t enact a single law because the Democrat Senate and Pudding Brain will not agree. But this doesn’t mean we have to do anything. Let them stew and complain. Nobody gives a darn about Ukraine or any of the other things the Establishment is on about. All people care about is gas, groceries and our increasingly chaotic border. Just say no. But, they can’t. They have to “do something” or someone who hates them will hate them even more.

Harvard’s President is being kept on. They have to: she is the definition of the Diversity Hire and if they boot her then it will start the whole system crashing down. Do keep in mind that all of the major institutions of the Western world are now run by people just like her: mindless ideologues promoted because they check boxes and obey orders. Start pulling at even one thread of it and it’ll unravel…that is, the rank incompetence of these people will be revealed. So, she gets to stay. Though given that she booted people from Harvard for plagiarism in the past the coming lawsuits will be enormously funny. As will the lawsuits soon to hit CVS as they were just caught on tape talking about how to exclude white people from the hiring process.

Side note: all our laws about civil rights? No longer in effect. They are just there to beat you down. If your rights are violated, nobody is going to do anything about it. You won’t find the DOJ going after CVS.

But it is past time that in our Red States we enact Civil Rights laws and start vigorously enforcing them. We do control some major powerhouses – notably Texas and Florida. We can make corporate and education America feel quite a lot of heat. And all it will be is just enforcing the notion that we are all equal under the law. Nothing radical or new. Nothing hard to explain. Fairness; that’s all we’ll be enforcing.

Word is that Ukraine will raise the age of conscription up to 40 because that’s what all nations on the road to victory do.

What a mess that is turning into. From what I’ve read up to a couple million military-aged males have fled Ukraine. And if they’re getting ready to conscript 40 year olds it means they are at the bottom of the manpower barrel. Today Zelensky was in DC trying to drum up support for even more money. He’ll probably get it but, seriously, what point is it if there’s nobody to give the arms to? It is way past time to wind this up – ask Putin to name his price and then try to make him back off 10 percent of it.

The Hamas apologists have raised the death toll in Gaza to 18,000. Keep in mind that back in 2002 the Palestinians said that the IDF had killed thousands in Jenin. Turns out it was about 50. They’re lying now as much as then. My guesstimate is about 500 dead…this based upon word that about 100 IDF soldiers have been killed. Figure firepower differential means about 3 Hamas dead to each IDF and then add some more because Hamas uses human shields.

Open Thread

I watched an Estonian moving called 1944; highly recommend. It is in Estonian and so has subtitles but it is just a good movie. It involves Estonians who have been forced by circumstances to fight in both the German and Soviet armies in WWII, naturally ending up fighting each other. Aside from some good acting and direction, it is worthwhile to watch because it does get into that moral dilemma of just what is the right thing to do? You feel for the soldiers on both sides; caught in a web, a small nation between overwhelming neighbors. The Estonians in the Waffen SS mostly despising Hitler but hating the Soviets for deporting their families in 1940…the Estonians in the Red Army mostly despising Stalin and his regime but wanting the Germans out of their nation. Give it a watch.

Pudding Brain and his people are all-in on open borders. Actually saying it out loud and on the cameras, though absurdly claiming that Trump is responsible for a broken immigration system that they’re fixing. They’re also all-in on medical mutilation of minors. Keeping prices high. I think what we’ve really got is a senile Executive and all the little Commies lower down have nobody to stop them…and so they’re pushing Left on the long-help Leftist theory that the reason the American people haven’t embraced Communism is lack of Leftist policy. This may not work out as they hoped.

On the other hand, the GOP is also all-in on helping out Pudding Brain in Ukraine. I just don’t understand it. I mean, outside of bribery. There is zero political downside for the GOP standing aside here – don’t even have to actively oppose the Ukraine war…but for goodness sake don’t be out there being a booster for it. It is bound to end in failure…and all they’re doing is ensuring that the blame for the loss sits on the GOP. The Base doesn’t want this war.

Polls says this and that – and some special elections have gone against us. How will 2024 come out? Beats the heck out of me. But some Leftists are sounding the alarm just as they did in 2016: on the ground, there does appear to be a shift to the GOP. Pennsylvania voter registration continues to favor the GOP. Looks like there won’t be unlimited drop boxes in Wisconsin for 2024. I do think the GOP can win – if it can unite.

That unity will be hard to gain because the Democrats will pay for “GOPers” to sow division. They’re already doing it. There are two equally stupid positions to hold: Never Trump and Only Trump. I don’t care how much a RINO the person is: better than any Democrat. I don’t care how Trumpy a candidate is: still better than any Democrat. Time for everyone to grow up and just do the right thing.

Menedez gets indicted again. Don’t for a minute think this is because the Ruling Class is opposed to corruption. If the charges are true – and remember DOJ does just make things up – then his problem was either stealing above his station or not sharing out properly. Also, could be a back door to force Pudding Brain out: apparently, there is at least some connection between what Menendez is accused of doing and Hunter’s dealings. And keep in mind what they’re charging Menedez with: profiting off of his wife’s actions. Sound familiar?

Couple of minority kids deliberately ran over a retired cop here in Vegas. They were booked as “white”. Not the first time I’ve seen this; and it is clearly deliberate. They are fudging crime stats right in front of us. Trying to lower the amount of POC crime and make out white men to be far more dangerous than they are. All part of a program designed to eventually arrest every troublesome MAGA person as a terrorist.

Open Thread

Texas AG Ken Paxton was acquitted in his impeachment trial. There will be many GOPe tears shed. After all was said and done, it doesn’t look like Paxton even remotely broke a law. The whole thing was absurd.

There’s a video out of Lauren Boebert (R-CO) apparently being felt up by her date at a theater. Who I guess is a long-standing Democrat. The usual suspects on the Right called for the smelling salts. But I have some questions:

  1. Why was there a security camera in a darkened theater?
  2. Why was it pointed pretty much right at Boebert’s boobs?
  3. Why do we have this video but not the Epstein video?
  4. Why are GOPers so entirely stupid all the time as they join Democrats in condemning Boebert?
  5. I mean, for goodness sake, the Democrats have a candidate in Virginia who makes actual pornography for a living and, you know?, Democrats are also in favor of Mengele-like medical mutilation of children. You’d think GOPers would figure that in a target-rich environment we don’t need to spend any time condemning our own.

To be sure, Boebert should have gotten a room. She and her date are not 16. Also: she should have been smart enough not to date a Democrat. There is zero chance he actually supports any aspect of GOP policy and no matter what attachment he might feel to Boebert, loyalty to the Party will trump it…which could even lead the guy into setting her up to be targeted by “security cameras” in a theater.

We’ve also got stories about Noem (R-SD) and Greene (R-GA) having some problems in the area of sexual morality. The Noem thing seems to be entirely gossip at this point but that isn’t important. The entire Establishment has clearly decided that high profile MAGA women are to be exposed ruthlessly. Unfortunately, all three of these women at least in some way voluntarily put themselves at risk. It is crucial to the Left that the rising number of MAGA women doesn’t eventually make it into the suburbs. They are counting on these salacious stories to get upper class urban and suburban women to view MAGA women with contempt.

What can we do about it? Nothing – at least as far as stopping the Establishment. What we can do is refuse to engage. If any of these women – or any woman – is doing something in this area as she shouldn’t, none of our business. Let them work it out for themselves. Do not be deflected into engaging the Democrats on their terms. Another aspect of this is to deflect from the fact that Democrats are in favor of adult perverts twerking in front of children. That whole issue is turning into poison for Democrats and they’d much rather talk about a case of hypocrisy regarding a Christian “family values” woman having an affair.

The Ukraine War continues to be the least-reported war in modern history. Do recall that things being blown up makes for must-watch TV and that’s why starting with Vietnam film crews have been all over war to get great shots of explosions and such. But for some reason, the actual fighting in Ukraine hasn’t produced a lot of video. On both sides, it all seems to be carefully edited video for propaganda purposes…and usually taken at a distance where you can’t see what actually happened. Both sides seem to be keen to prevent battlefield video from getting out. Why?

I suspect because it ain’t pretty. The talk of a grand Ukrainian counter-offensive and chest-thumping predictions of imminent Ukrainian victory are hiding the fact that the front line has barely moved this year. The Russo-Ukrainian war has become positional with armies in close proximity to each other. Don’t know if the Ukrainians are keeping to their old Soviet instruction on military tactics but the Russians clearly are – in a situation like this, the Russians build belt after belt of defensive positions and simply allow their enemies to grind themselves to powder on them. Their first use of this was Kursk-Orel in 1943 and it worked splendidly. The Krauts lost 165,000 dead in six weeks. It has been so far impossible to find any reliable numbers on Ukrainian or Russian casualties. If you go to pro-Ukraine sites its buckets of Russian blood, pro-Russian and its buckets of Ukrainian blood. But a positional struggle against Russian defense in depth tactics is going to be costly. Very costly. Any film of a battlefield is going to have a lot of corpses…and as the battle goes on in the summer heat you can’t actually go out there in no man’s land to collect the bodies and bury them: they rot where they fall. This is why I think we don’t see a lot of close-up video…it would horrify everyone, and that would threaten the flow of money into Ukraine and right back into Western pockets.

My larger worry here is that we’re just slipping into war. We as a people have no real conception of what that it like any longer. We get upset when a dozen or a score of ours are killed in an engagement. Imagine if we got into a situation like the Battle of Tarawa where we lost more than a thousand dead in just three days? I don’t think we can psychologically handle that. But if you’ve got a brigade of Russkies dug in on a ridge and you have to dislodge them for your advance to succeed…you’re going to lose a thousand soldiers doing it. And once you’ve secured that ridge…you’ll just find another brigade holding the next ridge back. How long do you think this American people could sustain that? How long do you think our volunteer military will be able to remain combat effective with that sort of attrition rate? And that’s if we’re winning! Suppose our first and second assaults fail? A couple thousand dead and the Russians are still holding out?

We are not in any way prepared for war…and our leadership may very well bumble us into one.

Open Thread

The Establishment is really going after The Sound of Freedom – the anti-child trafficking movie. They are going ballistic…and that tells you the tale: there really is a huge amount of child trafficking in the Ruling Class. There’s no other explanation for going to hard after the movie. Think about it – they’ll try to scare you into thinking eggs are poison just to get some viewership…talking about this issue would get eyes on TV. They don’t want any eyes on this movie. And that can only be because they know all about it and are afraid it’ll all come out before they can normalize it.

Odd man out?

It has flown around the interwebs…and it might be a little unfair to Zelensky as it might have just been a bad looking moment, but he does appear in many ways to not be part of the club there at the NATO summit.

Solid information about the course of the Ukraine war is very difficult to find. The only rock-solid thing we know about both sides is that they lie. If we have an MSM we’d have people on the ground who could check claims against observed reality but the Russia MSM is as subservient to Putin as the Western MSM is subservient to Zelensky; they both just repeat what they’re told. The proof, then, must be in the puddling – the much anticipated Ukrainian counter-offensive ground ahead a short distance, possibly at enormous cost, and now the Russians are starting to push ahead again. The main thing is that this isn’t working out as the Establishment hoped…and that picture might merely symbolize the Establishment realizing that the game is up and now its time to back away slowly and let things play out as they will.

As I said at the start of the war, absent an immediate, deep offensive strike by Ukraine into Russia, this war could only have one outcome as long as the Russians didn’t quit: Ukrainian defeat. Anything short of a very quick Ukrainian victory akin to the Israeli victories in the Six Day and Yom Kippur Wars could only end disastrously for Ukraine because they simply lack the numbers to fight a war of attrition with Russia. Some people tried to make out that it was like WWI where the lower-population Germany won a war of attrition with Russia…except it wasn’t just Germany it was Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey and, in the end, Russia won the war of attrition (as they were bound to do). On the day before the Revolution, Russia had won WWI…had won it since they mastered their Great Retreat in 1915. Once the Russian army got away from the Germans after Gorlice-Tarnow, all Russia had to do to win was stay in the field. Keep in mind that the German’s unleashed the U-Boat war because they didn’t perceive any weakening in Russian power and so turned to submarines in a desperate gambit to knock Britain out of the war. It was Russia’s misfortune that at the moment of victory, the Czar was universally despised. Absent that, Russia would have been at Versailles helping to dictate terms to Germany in 1919.

How this particular war turns out remains to be seen – Russia is bleeding a lot, too. How much does Putin want? Be nice if someone asked him…because that might be the way out. If nobody asks him and Putin feels that he can’t stop for fear of losing domestic support then what could have been a negotiated peace in 2023 ends up with the total destruction of Ukraine in 2025.

The Hollywood writers have been on strike for a while now – and it appears that the TV writers may join in.

Absolutely nobody in God’s green Earth cares.

The latest Indiana Jones moving is flopping – partially because they have absurdly cast a geezer as the lead in an action movie, partially because they had to go woke as per usual these days. I came up in 30 seconds with a new Indiana Jones movie guaranteed to break box office records; Reboot Indiana with a new, younger actor (like they do with the Bond movies) and make the story Indy’s effort to save Priam’s Horde in Berlin, 1945. Make the conflict between Indy and Gestapo Muller because given that Muller disappeared on or about May 1st, 1945, you could have Indy kill him in the climactic scene. You’d get youth, killing Nazis, you can cast some Russians as heavies which plays into current politics. Lots of things blowing up. This is the formula…and, sure, it is formulaic. But it is cracking good fun and would make a ton of money. If Hollywood wants to start making money, I’m right here…got buckets of great ideas.

There’s a video Pudding Brain put out in 2020 saying he’s always got time to take a call from his grandkids…with the video showing him talking to same. It is turning out to be a devastating indictment of Biden because he has not – and apparently will not – acknowledge his youngest grandchild by Hunter. Perhaps 100 years ago you could get away with trying to ignore a bastard…but we don’t even use that word any longer. And good riddance to it. Stipulating that we must do far better to get people married first and then have kids, the bottom line is that no matter what the parents are, it isn’t the kid’s fault. Suppose the woman did totally blindside Hunter on it – said she was on birth control, that sort of thing – and further suppose that she’s just the worst person in the world while Hunter is the innocent man (stop laughing!)…none of that matters. The little girl is Joe’s flesh and blood. She’s family. However she got here, she’s here. And Joe – and the rest of the Biden family – have denied her. The more this gets out – and it is spreading around out there – the worse Joe looks. Remember, his whole thing (a complete lie) is “good ol’ Joe”. That he’s at bottom this nice, decent guy. He never has been, but that has been the image presented in the MSM…but you can’t explain away his refusal to welcome his granddaughter. There’s just no possible excuse for it. And it shows Biden to be the utter creep he is.

Now, why is this suddenly spreading? That is, why is the MSM starting to talk about it it just now? The girl has been around for years. It hasn’t been a secret. So, why just now?

The rumor is that the Democrats are thinking about dumping Biden and picking someone else for 2024. All we can do on that is watch and wait.

Open Thread

The White House won’t emphatically state that the coke isn’t Hunter’s. It is a fairly simple thing – it either is, or it isn’t his. And as I’ve said before, don’t buy any story claiming they have no idea…they know exactly who the coke belongs to. That they won’t forthrightly state it isn’t Hunter’s means they know it is his. And, yes, coke-heads are like that – very irresponsible to the point of sheer idiocy. He really did leave his laptop filled with incriminating evidence at the repair shop. Because he’s a stupid drug addict. You don’t have to overthink this. More than likely, he brought a little blow into the White House (it seems that 53 year old Hunter has taken up residence there as being there is bullet-proof as far as getting a summons goes)…he probably took it out to give himself a little boost and simply forgot about it. End of story.

But the thing is that simple possession is 3 years in jail – in other words, if it is Hunter’s coke (and it is) then he has to go to jail. So, the White House will continue to spin this thing with the most absurd lies and rely on it that DOJ has been told to keep hands off on it.

I just want it noted at this point that bringing decency back to the White House has involved a lot more hookers, blow and abandoned grandchildren than I thought it would.

And about that grandchild – I guess the case has now been settled but the fact of the matter is that Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge the child. Some rumors exist that Hunter pressured the mother to get an abortion; it is in keeping with the sort of low-life Hunter is and I could easily see him and his garbage father being pissed off that she didn’t agree to that expedient. Not that I’m calling her a pillar of virtue – it could well have been a set up by a clever girl looking for a payday. That does happen – normally with sports stars and the like, but any moron with access to cash is a target of such things. But regardless what sort of people mom and dad are, the child isn’t responsible…and that child is Joe’s flesh and blood. Family. And he’s rejected her. That right there shows what a lousy creep Joe Biden is.

But we already knew that – when his first wife was killed Joe showed up at the hospital with cameras in tow…so that they could get dramatic, heart-wrenching shots of Joe’s reaction. Think about it: at a time when his wife was dead and his child injured, Joe spared thought for how to wring some political advantage out of it. Joe Biden has been trash as far as we can determine all his adult life – some time after he rose to adulthood, and it seems early, he decided that being a lying, backstabbing grifter was the way to go.

More and more people are thinking that Trump has the nomination in the bag. I’m not one of them. Mostly because I’ve given up making any sort of hard and fast political predictions. Been burned too many times when what is obvious turned out to be wrong. Things are just strange out there and anyone telling you that they know what will happen is trying to make a sucker out of you.

But speaking of the upcoming election – that is another wrinkle in the coke story; at least for a time, the White House was trying to imply that Team Harris might be responsible for the coke. They dropped that – my bet because someone Team Harris knows for certain who’s coke it is and threatened to spill it – but it brought to mind that Gavin Newsom has been acting a lot like a guy who wants to run for President…and not in 2028. As California continues to crash and burn, Newsom has been out on the hustings helping State Democrat parties and politicians. You know: laying the groundwork. To be sure, it could just be groundwork for 2028 but if he was laying the foundation just for that, he’d be front and center stumping for Joe and Kamala. He isn’t. What’s going on?

Once again, nobody knows – even the people doing it might not know. Might just be keeping irons in the fire. But there is that chance that Team Democrat is planning on scratching both Joe and Kamala…and that means they’d need a new guy and Newsom is the major Democrat doing the preliminary work to be that guy.

I guess we’re sending cluster bombs to Ukraine – lot of people upset about that because of the type of ordnance. I’m meh on it: the only reason cluster bombs are rated as bad is because when we used them in the past, the American Left worked up the accusation that use of such munitions counted as a war crime. That was ridiculous then and it remain ridiculous today. They are just bombs…and they are excellent for anti-personnel and for making runways at least temporarily unusable. As I’ve said before: there really aren’t war crimes. There are crimes, of course – the Holocaust being the worst. But war crimes? You’re engaged in mass slaughter and you’re going to try to parse this type of slaughter as good while that type is bad? Attempts to humanize war are attempts to humanize hell; the thing just can’t be done. Additionally, no enemy of the USA will ever adhere to any rules – if they think it will give them an advantage against us, they’ll do it. The reason we, as a people, should not engage in brutality (rapine, slaughter and the like) is for our own sake…and because clemency towards enemies is the mightiest engine of war. But just get stuffed about “war crimes” when we’re blowing the enemy up…the purpose of the war action is to kill the enemy. How he’s killed is irrelevant.

Speaking of Ukraine – we’re sending the bombs because they’re said to be out of ammo. The Ukrainians have been on the offensive for some while now and they’ve only advanced a few miles and are now out of ammunition. This doesn’t look like raging success to me.

Open Thread

I guess there is some coup-like activity going on in Russia at the moment – nobody really knows what is going on but it appears that Putin’s Wagner mercenaries are angry and they are claiming they are heading to Moscow to wipe out the Ministry of Defense. Could be a host of things running from a fake coup set up by Putin to consolidate power and eliminate enemies all the way to a real coup attempt. In a few days, we’ll know. Meanwhile, the Ukrainians should be attacking all along the line right now with whatever they’ve got – if it is a real coup attempt. Because if it is, they’d likely find a demoralized enemy in front of them who might collapse at a blow. But if they keep just slogging it out with the Russian army in their counter-offensive as for the past couple weeks, then it means at least Ukrainian intel doesn’t think its a real coup.

I retain my standard position: don’t care. Not our problem.

So that jury-rigged sub apparently imploded pretty much right away after it got down to the ocean floor. It was made at least partially with carbon fiber material and from what I understand, never make a sub out of carbon fiber material. Something to do with the nature of carbon fiber that makes it unsuitable for submersibles. The nimrod zillionaire who built the thing was warned about this but he wasn’t going to let experts who know what they’re talking about stop him! The event is an exemplar of modern life: narcissists who don’t know anything wasting money doing things which don’t need to be done but which give an ego boost. I’ve no sympathy for anyone on that sub – even going down there in a properly constructed sub is horribly dangerous and unless you are a scientific researcher you’ve no business going there. To go down in a rich guy’s vanity boat is simply stupid.

The release of all that Hunter Biden info pretty conclusively shows that Hunter has been running a scam based on his father’s name for years. Naturally, Never Trump’s reaction is: “well, we’re still not sure there was a crime”. They assert this because they are so filled with hatred of Trump it has made them stupid. You see, they can’t admit that the DOJ is letting Hunter skate because if they do, it calls into question the indictment of Trump. After all, if the DOJ is so corrupt as to let obvious law-breaking slide for political reasons, what’s to stop them from prosecuting an innocent man for political reasons? On the other hand, you do have to give Hunter credit for trying to write off the sex club membership fees on his taxes – that takes some guts. On the other, other hand, it let me know there are “elite sex clubs” in the USA…which makes me want to burn the system down to the ground, twice.

Garland is now claiming that if we complain about his corrupt DOJ, we’re a threat to Democracy. Don’t take this lightly: he is threatening you. The FBI has become a de-facto secret police along the lines of the NKVD.