Open Thread

The Trump documents case has been put on hold indefinitely – from what I can understand, the judge is rather concerned about the whole premise of the case and will essentially engage in what amounts to a trial of the prosecutor. This is not a surprise – the case is ridiculous and any decent judge would see right through the scam.

On the other hand, today we saw in the hush money trial in New York the testimony of Stormy Daniels – a proved liar who’s whole monetary existence depends upon getting attention. Gee, no chance she’d be playing an angle here, right? Don’t get too upset about it – the case is also ridiculous but as its in New York, it will proceed to the jury, where conviction is 50/50. But the conviction will be thrown out – you can’t actually do what the judge is doing: that is, allow salacious, uncorroborated testimony designed only to provoke an emotional response from the jury. That Democrats are going ape over the delay in the documents trial is all we need to know about the New York trial: that dog won’t hunt. Convicting Trump in New York will just burnish Trump’s credentials as an outsider. Democrats know this. They wish they could just make it go away. It was all supposed to prevent Trump from getting the nomination. Now “backfire” doesn’t begin to cover it.

The Israelis are restarting their Gaza offensive. They are still taking way too long here. Absolute brutal use of force to finish this quickly is still what they need to do. The longer this drags out, the worse it gets for them. Naturally, the world is screaming bloody murder – the world wants Hamas to survive. They want it to survive because their Arab money bags have ordered them to secure Hamas’ survival. It is really no more than that – the kids out protesting in the colleges have no idea what is going on. They’re just doing what the organizers – who are not students – tell them to do. The whole thing is disgusting – but it all stems from an unwillingness on the part of the Israelis to drive the sword all the way in. I realize that Israel feels a need to stroke the American government – but there comes a time when you choose your nation over your benefactor.

Israel has time and time again had their Arab enemies on their knees, only to hold off from dealing the fatal blow. People forget that for all the early Arab success during the Yom Kippur War, less than three weeks after the Arabs started it, the Israelis were poised to force both the Egyptian and Syrian armies to surrender in the field. They could easily have taken Damascus and Cairo and dictated peace. We told them not to. They went along with it. They have to stop doing that. Kill them. Finish this. Dictate the terms of settlement.

Aside: Kirby was out there announcing that you can’t crush an idea with weapons. As if World War Two never happened. Guys: force works. In fact, it is ultimately the only thing that does work in human affairs. Being law-abiding is a learned habit. Sure, you can find saints. Lots of them, in fact, if you just poke around a bit, and sometimes in the oddest areas. But for most people, most of the time, what keeps them in line is the learned behavior of civilization. Learned so deeply that most people don’t even realize it isn’t something that comes naturally. And what taught the child to share wasn’t a reasoned argument; it was a rap on the knuckles. The adult doesn’t even remember being taught to share. To say “please”. It happened so young that our memories don’t stretch back to it. So, too, with societies – especially when they’ve gone terribly wrong. What burned the cancer of Nazism out of the Germans was 1,000 bombers unloading on their cities night after night. So it will have to be with the Palestinians. A lot of them will have to die so that the shell-shocked survivors understand that it was all a lie, and never fall for it again.

The Boy Scouts will now be Scouting America – for diversity. Bottom line: if you have a son, do not send him there. They will be groomed by perverts. The leadership of the scouts has absolutely no idea what the Boy Scouts are about – and after bankruptcy brought on by sex scandals, they are trying to DEI their way back into relevancy. What the Right has to do is create an entirely new organization – I favor calling it the Rangers, as that has a distinctly American ancestry going back to pre-Revolutionary times and brought forward into modern times by the Army Rangers in World War Two. I’m not particularly concerned with sex segregation; certainly not for members under 12. As long as proper segregation is maintained in the most crucial areas, there can be groups that have both boys and girls. But they can also be segregated. I’d allow local chapters to decide. The program would mostly be just scouting: that whole camping, hiking, doing good works in the community thing. Kids need that – kids today especially need something that will get them away from video screens. But I’d have it emphasize self reliance, hard work and honesty. They idea is to help parents craft their youngsters into sober, hard working citizens of the Republic. And I think it would experience rapid growth.

The Limits of Self Determination

One of the principles of global affairs that is universally accepted is the right of peoples to self determination. That is, as far as possible, every identifiable nationality should be able to determine its own fate by its own means of arriving at national consensus. For the most part, this is the correct way to go because human beings have a right to their community and their community may express itself. Certainly, as we sit here in our United States, we do not wish to have any alien power dictate to us how we shall conduct our affairs. Any such effort would be considered by us to be an act of war and we would almost certainly fight against it. But even with that, I think that the expressed principle of self determination is incorrect.

To take a step back out of any modern controversy, back from the late 19th century until World War One, the Serbs were considered to be rather pests in the European body politic. They were primitive, nearly barbarous and were given to insane outbreaks of violence. Part of this, of course, was because they had for centuries been under Turkish rule and that rule was not conducive to the development of civilized behavior…but, still, the Serbs had agency and once they gained full independence from the Turks, they did a lot of really lousy things and well earned a reputation in Europe for being a problem to be dealt with. One of the more hideous things was the murder of King Alexander and his wife Draga during a coup; not just murdered, but mutilated. One of the major conspirators in that effort had a hand years later in setting up the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which led to WWI. Nutshell: not nice people. But once World War One got rolling, Anglo-French propaganda turned these barbarians into the “plucky little Serbs” fighting the mean, old Austrians. Truth be told, the Serbs deserved all they got and more.

Given all that they had done, were the Serbs really people you want self-determining? If it was just that they were being lousy to each other, that wouldn’t be so bad, but they also touched off a world war. It is when you review the full story of the run up to WWI that you understand why the Great Powers of Europe tried to sustain Turkish rule over Serbia…the Turks were holding down people who very often needed a beating. So, there’s our fly in the ointment: we want people to rule themselves, but what do we do if they rule themselves so badly that it causes catastrophe?

Now lets jump over to today: we’re told that the Palestinians deserve their own State, totally free and independent. Leave aside that the Palestinian leadership says they want all of Israel and the massacre of all Jews. Lets just go with the concept that in Gaza and the West Bank the principle of self determination dictates an eventual fully independent State. It isn’t just Islamists saying this – it is some of the most reasonable, intelligent and educated people in the West. It is taken as a given that our end must be Palestinians governing themselves. And to be sure, in theory I think that all of us would want that – given that we want the same for ourselves.

But here’s the problem: Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Sure, the Islamists called it an “open air prison” with the Israeli border controls but that is just nonsense; and if it was a prison, it was enforced not just by Israel, but by Egypt, which has controls at least as strict as Israel’s (and probably more). However you want to slice it and no matter what complaints you wish to make about it, Gaza was free of Israeli occupation. The people of Gaza could choose their course. They were also the recipient of untold billions of dollars in aid from all around the world. They had the freedom and the money to choose.

They choose to build rockets and rape/murder squads.

Self determination suddenly looks a lot less cool, if you ask me.

How in heck is Israel supposed to live next to that? And a fully independent Gaza and West Bank just means even less ability for Israel to check those forces in favor of rockets and rape. The Israeli city of Sderot is 2,800 feet from Gaza. Do you want people who build rockets and rape/murder squads 2,800 feet from you? From your daughter? It is not something that any rational person can agree to – especially after 10/7. Maybe in the days when it was just a few rockets that Iron Dome could mostly stop and the every now and again stabbing attack…but when its 1,200 dead Jews including women who were raped to death, that makes it impossible to lived next to the people who did that. People who do that have to be watched; controlled; ruled.

Perhaps some day in the future the Palestinians can regain self government, but it would take at least a couple generations of instruction – basically un-teaching them hatred of the Jews. Until then, I can’t see any reason other than stupidity for wanting a Palestinian State. We can’t let adherence to a theory blind us to reality. However it happened, and whoever was at fault, the Palestinians have become essentially a national Einsatzgruppe bent on the murder of Jews. Until that is changed, they can’t decide for themselves.

Open Thread

So, what’s the over/under on Haley getting crushed in South Carolina? I’m going with 40.

She’s still in the race because a lot of big money people keep handing it to her. So, her staff has no reason to quit: they’re still getting paid. And that she hasn’t pulled the plug regardless tells me she’s a creature of her staff. Regardless of what happens in 2024, she’s off my list for 2028. I just don’t trust her.

Team Pudding Brain is now set to call the Israeli settlements in the West Bank illegal. Basically asserting the Islamist position on the matter. Why? Gotta be Michigan – his people must be seeing disaster there and are desperate to shore up his support there among the Muslim community. But it probably won’t work: by and large the Muslim community anywhere in the world takes a strongly anti-Israel position.

But even if they kowtow to Islamist demands, I don’t think it is going to do the trick. The murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant is, by itself, just another in a long list of crimes committed by illegals who aren’t supposed to be here…but her death seems to be resonating far more widely than most. People are sick of it. Sick of illegals. Sick of the fact that once an illegal commits a really big horror we invariably find out he was in custody before and could have been deported.

It is all just getting to be too much. It is shifting the political dynamic, including in blue areas. It is such an easily fixable problem and everyone can see that government and business are conspiring to keep the illegals flowing. It makes people feel, correctly, that our Ruling Class hates us. This can lead to very odd things happening. Buckle up.

Some House Democrats are apparently working on ways and means of not certifying the 2024 election if Trump wins. They’ll only do this if they control a majority of House delegations next year – which may be different from who holds the overall House majority. Remember: when the House votes for President, it is one State, one vote. So, whoever has control of 26 or more State delegations wins. Currently the GOP controls 26 State delegations with 2 delegations split (so, essentially, no vote) and 22 under Democrat control. The Democrats would have to have a really good night in November for this to shift significantly. But, there you go: they are going to fight for democracy by denying the result. They are just lying, corrupt hypocrites determined to gain and retain power.

Open Thread

Some Russian dissident gets offed in prison and we’re supposed to get all weepy-eyed about it.

Know what? Father Petros Mwale, a parish priest in Malawi (that’s in Africa, for any of you liberals who learned pronouns rather than geography in college), has been asking for our prayers for the farmers of Malawi as they endure a terrible drought. I do hope you will pause for a moment here and offer up those prayers.

The people there make $579.00 per year per capita. You know: your monthly car payment. They’ve got lots of problems, of course, just like the rest of post-colonial Africa and they have struggled to chart a course. Not nearly as bad as some African countries have had it. They work: 80% of the population engages in subsistence agriculture. They are pretty much free though there are abuses and corruption, just like everywhere. But, its mostly ok because they are pretty traditional and most issues are settled by local councils. And here’s the thing: the country borders Lake Malawi; its 11,400 square miles of water area with an average depth of 950 feet; so, big lake. Holds 2,000 cubic miles of water.

What I’m pointing out here is that Malawi has water. In, fact, quite a lot of water. Yes, other countries border the lake so it isn’t all Malawi’s, but they get their fair share right? Now, imagine if for a moment we had spent 10% of the Ukraine budget helping Malawi build a first rate water retention and irrigation system? The poor farmers there would have access to water even when the rains don’t come.

But, hey: nobody in Malawi passes out $50,000 a month no-show jobs to Westerners.

It is crucial to remember that what is a crisis in the world is usually what the Ruling Class wants to be a crisis because they can rake off money or power over it. There’s no rake-off helping hard working dirt farmers feed their families.

But, do get weepy over a dead Russian if that floats your boat.

I guess the latest thing for the Cartels is just to toss the drugs over the border wall where they are immediately picked up and driven off. We’ve talked about this before: you can’t stop a criminal cartel. Here’s a Wikipedia list of them – if you dig through it, you’ll note that Cartel follows Cartel. As soon as we take one down, another immediately steps in…because you can’t take them down. Not really. We might get the boss of a Cartel, but there’s a whole system of moving drugs from production to user. It probably employs hundreds of thousands of people and there are billions of dollars to be made. You can’t stop that by knocking off a boss.

OTOH, if we could catch the driver of the truck that picked up the drugs and hang him, that would stop it.

So, too, hanging the street pusher. The guy who is buying money orders to transmit them south. In short: the small fry. We can stop them because we don’t have to stop all of them: guarantee you the supply of small fry to actually move the drugs and money dries up when you start hanging them. To be sure, it won’t stop it entirely: even Singapore’s draconian laws against drug trafficking don’t stop it. But Singapore arrested a bit more than 3,000 people for drugs in 2023. New York City had that many deaths just from drug overdoses. Additionally: Singapore isn’t plagued by drug addicted zombies defecating on the streets.

Here’s your choice: execute 300 street pushers or have 3,000 addicts die next year. Choose.

How’s the election going? Well, Pudding Brain’s people are now starting to push a ceasefire proposal at the UN to stop Israel from taking the southern part of Gaza. In other words, what they’re trying to do is save Hamas. Why? Michigan: has a large Muslim community which has been rock solid for the Democrats. Plenty of Muslims are upset that Pudding Brain hasn’t taken a forcefully anti-Israel stance. Recent polling shows that Michigan in play, with some polls showing a Trump lead. So, screw the Jews: we need Michigan!

But think about it: Democrats encouraged the migration of a large population of anti-Semites in order to get their votes and now they’re moving to being overtly anti-Israel in order to retain the anti-Semitic votes.

Open Thread

The Woke Legions determined to remove the statue of William Penn from Welcome Park in Pennsylvania. Nobody was 100% sure what the specific reason was though it was surmised that some Native American drivel was used to justify it. In general, of course, the reason is that the Woke hate Western Civilization as a whole…so even an anti-Slavery, pro-Native Quaker had to go. Looks like enough people got outraged and the removal is cancelled. Rely on it, that is only temporary. Joe Biden’s approval rating in Pennsylvania is in the sewer and Democrats are fearful of a blowout loss in the State come November. But if Pudding Brain gets back in, Penn will go…and even if Pudding Brain loses, the next Democrat Administration will try to get rid of the statue. They hate us; that is their prime motivation.

As of this point, I’m now insisting that we retain all statues – don’t care what they were placed for. I’d make the rule that if the statue or other public art has been there for more than fifty years, it stays forever. We’ll need local, State and federal legislation on this – but I am bound and determined to prevent the Woke occupation army from erasing American history. I’d rather be selective but I can’t – if I am not universal about it, they’ll eventually tear down the Washington Memorial.

The Fulton County, GA DA who is prosecuting Trump hired her boyfriend as special prosecutor…and paid him more than 600 grand. The lovely couple has already taken a couple cruises. There is no level of vile the Left won’t sink to. They lack all sense of morality.

The Establishment is still trying to get us to be shocked and horrified by what the IDF is doing in Gaza but it isn’t working. I don’t think we care what they say any more. As for the pro-Hamas demonstrations – that is clearly some Antifa/BLM astroturf…most Americans couldn’t point to Gaza on a map and simply don’t care about it. That they’re having thousands out almost daily disrupting normal life means they’re paying them…and we should be trying to find out who is funding it all.

As for the Gaza campaign – from what I understand the entirety of northern Gaza is in Israeli hands and they are systemically wrecking all of Hamas’ infrastructure before they move to the south part of Gaza to clear that out. My guess is that they’ll allow Gazans to move north as the IDF moves south…carefully screened at IDF checkpoints, to be sure. This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would but so far there seems to be no shaking in Israel’s resolve. I assume that is because as the full story of 10/7 has come out, it is so horrific that Israel is willing to take a lot of casualties to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

The Democrats – led by Pudding Brain – are still trying to triangulate their way out of this: that is, still trying to talk out of both sides of their mouth, on one side assuring Progressive Jews that they are for Israel while also assuring BLM types that they want Israel to stop. I don’t think it is working – more than one hard core Leftist out there has said he can’t back Biden for 2024 over this. And they’re right to do that – pick a side and go with it. Trying to straddle both sides here is weak and pathetic.

Open Thread

A couple of entitled Westerners – from UK and USA – go to a nail salon in Bali, get into an argument…and then forget that they aren’t in the UK or USA where white guilt protects them. Nice to see these sort of people treated as they should. Pro tip: in no civilized society are you allowed to get into a shouting/shoving match with the staff because of a dispute over the price. I think we’re all tired of these savages – and they do come from all ethnic backgrounds in the West. I mean, other than straight, white and male – those guys aren’t Protected. But everyone else is and so go off is the norm.

Until you arrive in a civilized nation. Like Bali.

Given Gaza, we were inundated with “Jesus was a Palestinian” over the Christmas Holiday. Do keep in mind that the lies are almost never meant for you. They are almost always designed for Democrats and the more mindless/ignorant part of the American population. The people who watch those bachelor reality shows and such. The people the lies work on have, at best, only a hazy idea of where Israel even is and have no knowledge of what happened more than a year ago. They just believe what the TV tells them…and so “Jesus was a Palestinian” is said to them and they nod their heads and are thus primed to show up in the streets and in polling calling for a ceasefire.

The next GOP President should take a trip to one of the Nigerian villages attacked by Islamists. Perhaps the one attacked just this Christmas? Any of them will do; there are a lot of them. And when he gets there and he makes himself available to the press, he should ask them: “why haven’t you told the American people what’s been happening here for years?”. The purpose isn’t to get an answer from them – but to start implanting in the low-info people that they are being systemically deceived.

Iranian-backed forces have been targeting American military forces since the Gaza War started – apparently, Pudding Brain’s people told Congress that we’re going to hit a few sites in Iraq over it. This is doing something to make it look like you’re doing something. We’re not going to hit anything serious because these are Iranian assets and our foreign and military establishments abhor doing anything that offends Iran. This is over and above all other considerations – that they kinda hate Israel plays a role, but not decisive here. Our establishment is just convinced that peace in the Middle East is dependent upon us selling the area to Iran. Sure, its stupid – but its what they believe. At least, it is what we must assume they believe considering their actions.

The bad news here is that Iranian-backed forces are threatening to halt seaborne trade in the Red Sea – basically closing the Suez Canal. There was a reason it was built, guys; because transiting via South Africa takes a huge amount of time and money. Already major shippers are rerouting their trade – and this is going to add massive cost to everything humanity does. You really have to understand how much of the world’s goods transit through Suez – either directly or in parts that go to make the whole. Don’t fuss about oil as some are – most of the largest tankers haven’t been able to fit in Suez for ages. Can’t fit through Panama, either. They’ve already been taking the longer route and that was long ago priced it…it is everything else that the problem will come in on. Brace for some bad economic shocks.

Open Thread

Congressional GOPers are getting set to approve the latest NDAA which fixes the government spying problem by making it easier for government to spy on us.

I wish I was kidding.

They are such useless twits, aren’t they? Gotta be that they are on the take. At least, I hope they are on the take or being blackmailed. I hope they aren’t consciously this stupid and evil. There is no reason for the GOP to do anything right now. Sure, we can’t enact a single law because the Democrat Senate and Pudding Brain will not agree. But this doesn’t mean we have to do anything. Let them stew and complain. Nobody gives a darn about Ukraine or any of the other things the Establishment is on about. All people care about is gas, groceries and our increasingly chaotic border. Just say no. But, they can’t. They have to “do something” or someone who hates them will hate them even more.

Harvard’s President is being kept on. They have to: she is the definition of the Diversity Hire and if they boot her then it will start the whole system crashing down. Do keep in mind that all of the major institutions of the Western world are now run by people just like her: mindless ideologues promoted because they check boxes and obey orders. Start pulling at even one thread of it and it’ll unravel…that is, the rank incompetence of these people will be revealed. So, she gets to stay. Though given that she booted people from Harvard for plagiarism in the past the coming lawsuits will be enormously funny. As will the lawsuits soon to hit CVS as they were just caught on tape talking about how to exclude white people from the hiring process.

Side note: all our laws about civil rights? No longer in effect. They are just there to beat you down. If your rights are violated, nobody is going to do anything about it. You won’t find the DOJ going after CVS.

But it is past time that in our Red States we enact Civil Rights laws and start vigorously enforcing them. We do control some major powerhouses – notably Texas and Florida. We can make corporate and education America feel quite a lot of heat. And all it will be is just enforcing the notion that we are all equal under the law. Nothing radical or new. Nothing hard to explain. Fairness; that’s all we’ll be enforcing.

Word is that Ukraine will raise the age of conscription up to 40 because that’s what all nations on the road to victory do.

What a mess that is turning into. From what I’ve read up to a couple million military-aged males have fled Ukraine. And if they’re getting ready to conscript 40 year olds it means they are at the bottom of the manpower barrel. Today Zelensky was in DC trying to drum up support for even more money. He’ll probably get it but, seriously, what point is it if there’s nobody to give the arms to? It is way past time to wind this up – ask Putin to name his price and then try to make him back off 10 percent of it.

The Hamas apologists have raised the death toll in Gaza to 18,000. Keep in mind that back in 2002 the Palestinians said that the IDF had killed thousands in Jenin. Turns out it was about 50. They’re lying now as much as then. My guesstimate is about 500 dead…this based upon word that about 100 IDF soldiers have been killed. Figure firepower differential means about 3 Hamas dead to each IDF and then add some more because Hamas uses human shields.

What Happens When the Gaza War Ends?

I know that, personally, I have been bloody-minded of late. The horrific actions of Hamas savages being de-facto endorsed by plenty of my own fellow Americans has got me into a dark mood. But, I must not. God commands me to mercy. And I know it is true – and that if I want to be shown mercy, I must show it. So, we take a breath and calm down. They are savages but they are still my brothers and sisters and I must will what is best for them.

Not that the Israeli government will be calling me for advice, but I think there is a logical outcome to the Gaza War: Trusteeship.

The poison of Hamas has sunk very deeply into the population of Gaza. Keep in mind that the Hamas troops took video of their actions and proudly transmitted that video to friends and family in Gaza. By the time they had got back into Gaza, the people there knew exactly what they had done and they cheered wildly. Naturally, no sane person would leave Hamas in charge of Gaza but neither should the people of Gaza be in charge. Of course not everyone there is Hamas – indeed, we’re starting to see some reports of Gazan’s being furious at Hamas for withholding food and fuel from the people – but it is impossible for outsiders to really separate the sheep from the goats. The remnants of Hamas will attempt to retain power and eventually re-assert control and we can’t be sure who is genuinely anti-Hamas and who is faking. So, no Gazan gets to have a say in what happens in Gaza for a while.

Don’t be too shocked about the concept! Many will be – because we’re so used to universal voting rights and other such Progressive drivel that we can’t imagine denying someone power over their own governance. But self governance is an ideal, not a natural state of affairs. It is something to be aimed for, not really fully achieved. Even in the most educated and civilized society there has to be controls because civilization is not natural to the human condition. We’re naturally barbarians – we are instructed to be civilized and maintained in it by law and custom.

What I’m suggesting is not unprecedented. After World War Two both Germany and Japan were essentially placed under trusteeship and not allowed to resume full sovereignty for a significant period of time. In Japan that can be dated to 1971 when we returned Okinawa to Japanese control. For Germany, because of the peculiarities of the four-power post-war occupation, it didn’t happen until 1991. No matter what, the Allies were determined that there not be a resumption of Japanese and German aggression. The old joke was that NATO was to keep the Germans down, the Russians out and the Americans in and there was much truth to that: especially keeping the Germans down. The Brits massively drew down their military power in the 1950’s to the 1960’s but they kept the British Army of the Rhine at strength until German reunification. The Brits did not propose to have a third round with the Germans.

And it wasn’t just an occupation to keep an eye on them – the Germans and Japanese were instructed in new ways of thinking. Heck, the Japanese constitution was pretty much written by Douglas MacArthur. They were told why they had done wrong and what they had to do to repair it. To be fair, many Japanese and Germans voluntarily joined in the effort because they felt ashamed of what their countries had done, but the fact that to this day there are Germans and Japanese who hanker for the old ways shows the necessity of our efforts to impose new ideas on them. Had we not done that – had we done new Treaties of Versailles with them, then they would have just nursed their grudges and their power and tried again.

So it will have to be with Gaza; the people there must be rated incompetent to hold power. This doesn’t mean we go in and boss them around in their daily lives, but it does mean that the broad direction of national effort are taken out of their hands. They can’t control their government, their military/police or their schools. Someone else has to – someone who is committed to at least an idea of peace and justice.

It can’t be the Israelis. There is too much hatred between Muslims and Jews. If Israelis try to reorder Gazan life the people will reject it. They’ll probably stubbornly resist any such efforts from any quarter, but they’ll be in complete opposition to Israeli overlords.

My view is that a multi-power Trustee government should be imposed – with a commission made up of, say, people from Switzerland, Morocco and India (gotta have a Muslim majority power involved; it won’t work any other way and Morocco has long proved itself of a moderate strain of Islam). It would be better to keep the UN out but that is probably not possible; but full authority should be vested in the Trustees – not a penny gets spent, not a law gets made, without their consent. Their primary job would actually be reforming the education system so that the rising generation of Gazans will be told the truth rather than hate-filled Hamas lies. And after that generation rises, a period of transition can begin, step by step, to allow Gazans to resume sovereignty. But it would be at least a twenty year process. Maybe fifty.

Other people can come up with other ideas but the one thing that is certain is that Hamas has to go. Their actions on 10/7 removed them from human society. They still are people, of course, and must be shown mercy especially if they ask for it – but their entire system of beliefs has to be torn down and made unacceptable. Only that way can a path to peace be forged.

Aside: It is Pearl Harbor Day. God bless the memory of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

Open Thread

Ok, so who had a Venezuela-Guyana War on their bingo card?

In the latest entry in our World Going to Hell scorecard, there is trouble brewing in South America between Venezuela and Guyana. They’re calling it a border dispute but what Venezuela is claiming is 60% of Guyana’s territory. Ostensibly the Venezuelans say they are trying to right a wrong done to them in 1899 when Guyana was a British colony and Venezuela was forced to agree to international arbitration on the territory in question. In reality, the backwater of Guyana was recently discovered to float on oil – Venezuela is broke because they’ve been Commie for some decades now and so they naturally want to steal some money so they can finance their Socialist Paradise for a little longer.

Guyana, alone, has no chance here – there are only about 750,000 people living in the country against 30 million in Venezuela. Guyana’s total military force – including reserves – is 7,600 troops. Venezuela has about 300,000 troops including Commie bully-boy groups. This would be a short war. Brazil is apparently taking exception to Venezuelan actions and is reportedly moving troops to the area. Here’s the kicker: we are treaty-bound to defend Guyana’s territorial integrity. So, yeah, this goes south and we might be involved.

But do not worry. Pudding Brain is on the job! Side note: he referred to Donald Trump as “Congressman Trump” today…

Israel continues its “pause” in military operations. Gotta say, by now it is no longer a pause…they’ve stopped and I doubt they’ll start up again. Listening to Israeli spokespeople over the last couple days and it becomes increasingly clear that all they want is their hostages back. Hamas will play that desire like a fiddle…and it will remain in Gaza. I hope I’m wrong, but as I suspected from the start – when Israel delayed the start of military action – I believe Israel is defeated. They just don’t have the will to go toe to toe with their enemies. They are, perhaps, too rich these days…the guys of 1948, given Israel’s current power, would not have stopped…their great-grand-children want to get back to the beach. I hope I’m wrong about this.

You might have seen Pudding Brain’s people and the MSM (but I repeat myself) going on and on about how the economy is actually great. This lie isn’t meant for you. They don’t care about you; they know you know what the economy is like. But what they are worried about is upper class, urban white voters. They are just about the only demographic which hasn’t swung away from the Democrats of late. Lies like this are designed to shore them up…to get them to nod along rather than get angry and vote GOP or something.

I guess a BLMer endorsed Trump for 2024 and social media had a heart attack about it. I’ve said all along that BLM has a point. I’ve also said all along that most of the BLM leadership were just paid Democrat operatives. You know: con artists. People getting paid by the DNC (via various plausibly deniable means) to rabble rouse for political purposes. These people are scum. But the rank and file, they have genuine complaints. They are the black version of MAGA – and just as MAGA has been betrayed by the GOPe, so the genuine BLM has been betrayed by the DNC. I think the heart attack stems from a deep fear that working and middle class people of all ages, religions and ethnicities will unite against the Establishment.

The government of Ireland is proposing to make it illegal to complain about immigrants killing Irish kids while the government of Spain arrested people for praying the Rosary outside socialist party headquarters.

Reminder: the Establishment all around the world hates you.

Tired of the Game

A few days ago three ethnic Palestinians – two of whom I understand are American citizens – were shot in Vermont. It appears the shooter, while being yet another “known wolf” lunatic, did target them because they identified themselves as Palestinian by wearing a copy of the dishrag Arafat used to wear over his bloated head. Immediately upon news of this breaking, there was universal condemnation of the action. Well, nearly universal. There was at least one person I know who simply couldn’t work up a condemnation.

That person was me.

Don’t get me wrong. I oppose shooting random people even if they self-identify as wicked. I expect the perpetrator to be punished according to law and I won’t shed a tear for him when he gets his due. But what I can’t do is work up anything like sympathy for the victims. I did try; it wasn’t there.

Now, why is that? Well, as I pondered it I realized that myself, my fellow Americans, Christians worldwide, white people in general and, of course and most especially, Jews have spent the last 50-60 years under the threat that at some point some Muslim will decide to kill us just to make a point. Doesn’t matter who you are or your beliefs – if you are white, American, Christian, Jewish or any combination of these things, Muslims have declared open season on you. They do have their reasons for this. Their reasons are drivel – because regardless of what Israel, the USA, Europe has done or is doing, random me – random Jew, random Christian, random white guy – walking down the street is not directly, immediately responsible for it. Furthermore, we randoms are not at the time engaged in a military or political action against Muslims. Almost invariably those who are killed by Muslims are people who are quite literally defenseless and not doing anything to anyone.

And we’ve just accepted it, haven’t we? Muslims attack and one or a thousand of us are killed and then we pick up the bodies (or pieces of bodies), wipe up the blood…and maybe bomb something but we also say we’re willing to talk. We provide aid. We promise that we’ll help them set up a government entirely outside our control. And, of course, if any one of us even looks crossways at a Muslim, we apologize. And this is after they killed some of us – and with the full promise that as soon as they’re ready, they’ll kill even more of us. We’re supposed to put up with this? Forever? And feel sad that some of them were randomly cut down?

I’m afraid I’m quite done with this. And once I realized I had no sympathy for the victims it immediately came into my mind that it really for the same reason I never have had – and never will have – any sympathy for what the WWII generation of Germans and Japanese went through. Any time I hear them whine about Dresden or Hiroshima you always find me saying words to the effect of, “gee, isn’t that just too danged bad”. Why? Because those sons of bitches spent WWII lording it over everyone they got control over. They were the Master Race…and anyone outside their Race was a slave…someone to be beaten, humiliated, raped, murdered. After the Germans and Japanese spent years doing that – and it was common Germans and Japanese who actually did the deeds – I look upon their ruined cities in 1945 and go, “well, you got what you wanted: now, how does it taste?”. The Muslims have that same Master Race disease the Germans and Japanese had – they do think they are superior to all and that God has ordained them to rule over slaves. What angers them about Israel is that there is a corner of the world that someone else runs. That’s what they hate about it. They know very well they could be rich and free under Israeli rule…but the very thought of having someone other than themselves in charge…of having a system where they can’t abuse subhumans, makes them furious.

So, yeah: I’m kinda done playing this charade where I pretend there are two parts of Islam – the good part and the part that blows my people up. No; there is one Islam. It is all the same. That we might find individual Muslims who reject it is fine…but the general run are all of one mind and heart. That is, they are masters and all of us are their slaves, actual or potential. Remember: they do celebrate when we’re killed. After the rape/death squads withdrew from Israel the people of Gaza went wild with joy. They knew their men had just gone in to rape, torture and murder Israelis and they were proud of their men for doing it. They can’t wait for it to happen again. They are enduring the Israeli response in the hope that one day they’ll be able to rape, torture and murder every Israeli.

So, spare me this “we’re better than that” stuff. Sure we are – we don’t send in rape/death squads. And if anyone on our side did send in rape/death squads, we’d kill them, ourselves. I am under no obligation to shed a tear when someone treats them as they’ve been treated. When Islam wakes up from its fever and admits that I as a Christian, white American am their equal, then will be the time when I can express sympathy. Until then, nothing doing.