Open Thread

Here’s my view of how Covid came to be:

The Chinese, true to their doctrine of asymmetrical warfare, are cooking up all sorts of pathogens in labs. This one, essentially a modified cold virus – and thus no matter how bad, not that deadly – was developed via gain of function research (which may have been partially funded by the United States, because the Chinese own our Ruling Class and part of their warfare would be to corrupt Americans to the point their helping the Chinese destroy us). It was deliberately released into Wuhan as the Chinese knew it wasn’t that deadly a disease. The Chinese limited travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but freely allowed travel from Wuhan to Europe and the United States. They then ginned up a panic in Wuhan with all sorts of video leaking about a disease which seemed to be a deadly pathogen. Then they used an army of paid social media bots to spread this panic around the world. Fools directly or unwittingly working for China in Western governments and media did the rest.

This was just a test run: if and when China wants to make a major, military move in the world, they’ll release another one and likely more deadly. They are beating us hands down because unlike our former enemies, they found our weakness: a Ruling Class which will do anything for money. As long as they get paid, they’ll say or do anything, including national suicide.

Related: people are being urged to snitch on their neighbors. This is very much in keeping with Chinese policy.

Also related: the January Sixth defendants aren’t being arrested for crimes so much as for political opinions. It is pure intimidation designed to make people wary of participating in any anti-Ruling Class demonstration. These people are political prisoners. We at last have those in the United States. And you very much may be next. Your defense here in the immediate sense is to understand that anyone urging you to even the slightest infraction of the law is a Fed – and if you ever are confronted by any law enforcement person, do not say anything. At all. And re-watch this video.

Ultimately, Revolution is our only way out – by ballots or by any means necessary, the Ruling Class must be entirely deposed from power and patriots installed in their place.

Detroit poll finds minority citizens a bit less concerned with BLM protests about St George of Fentanyl but greatly concerned about rising crime. There is an opportunity here for a GOP which isn’t isn’t run by cowards.

Open Thread

May Day – the day the Commies get together on Social Media and get #SocialismIn5Words trending…only to have it hijacked by we on the right, making merciless fun of them. I hope they enjoy!

The Democrats are terrified of Ron DeSantis – and with good reason: he’s staying friendly with Trump without falling under Trump’s shadow, he’s pushing base-pleasing policies, he’s showing how it’s done in handling the ‘Rona…and he knows precisely how to tell the MSM to stick it where the sun don’t shine.

For now, 2024 is Trump’s for the asking – but, will he ask? He’s not going to tell us until after the 2022 mid-terms. If he doesn’t run, then right now Ron DeSantis is the man surging to the front because he’s the guy doing it right. So, expect the MSM/DNC to simply go ever more ballistic against him over the next couple years. They don’t want Kamala facing off against him in 2024.

How did Senator Scott’s response to Biden’s speech go? Well, to nutshell it – the Democrats have let their inner racist out in attacking him.

I and many others have noted that the people who are saying to follow the science are also using the phrase “pregnant people.” Sorry, girls: in order to complete the liberation of women, you’re being erased.

Republicans are starting to turn on the corporations – and it is way past time. They are woke and they are our political enemies.

Open Thread

Usually after a jury trial we all tend to rest content with the verdict even if we think it might not have covered all issues involved – but in the Chauvin trial, I think everyone is pretty certain that the Jury felt massive pressure to convict. Did it play a role? It will be impossible to ever know. But we all suspect it, and that’s bad – because the ultimate foundation of our liberty is trial by jury. That if we’re ever accused of a crime that we can go in front of 12 of our fellow citizens and tell our side. Now, we’re all not so sure – if someone for political reasons wants us convicted, will political pressure be brought to bear? This is very much end of the Republic stuff and at the deepest level. If we can’t repair this damage, we will break up into our tribes and count on brute force for protection.

The hard core Marxists on the other side understand precisely what they’re doing – trying to overthrow the entire system so that a Marxist system can replace it. But I suspect that most on the Left don’t fully understand where they’re heading. That if they win, then shortly after we’re all destroyed, they’ll be destroyed. History, after all, is White Supremacist and so it isn’t taught.

Related: official Segregation at Michigan State.

A Norfolk, VA cop was doxxed and then fired after it was found that he had donated $25 to Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense fund. As I’ve been saying, this is the most crucial part of Leftist power: the power to control our jobs. That this cop actually got fired was just a bonus for the Left…what they really wanted everyone to know is that they can find out what you do in your private life and expose it. Every cop in America now will think twice before making any political donations. Some of them will start donating to the Left to take on protective coloring. We must cure this – long ago I said that a law must be passed prohibiting the firing of a person for actions taken outside the workplace but now I go even further: there must be severe penalties assessed to anyone who posts personal information on line without the subject’s permission.

Texas opened up and nothing bad happened. The more we see Texas and Florida in contrast to New York and California the more convinced I am that the masks and lockdowns made things worse. That there is something in this virus which makes it easy to catch when you’re inside most of the time. Furthermore, we know that the panic around the China flu was generated initially by Chinese bots on social media…I’m starting to suspect that this virus was never all that bad except in very narrow circumstances (such as we saw in Wuhan, itself, and in northern Italy) and that we were suckered into the lockdown by a Chinese op.

Trump is firing up the fundraising. Prepping for 2024? Or just building for 2022? Time will tell.

Only 12 States remain as “duty to retreat” States. The rest are “stand your ground“. This is very important because the Left has decreed that you must surrender your property to the robber. This is based on Marxist theory that the only reason there is crime is the unjust distribution of wealth caused by Capitalism – if you have more than someone else, it is stolen goods. So, Lenin’s dictate of “loot the looters”. The more “stand your ground” laws we get, the better.

Open Thread

Did you know that Amazon got a $600 million contract from the CIA in 2013? Looks like they got another juicy one in 2020, as well. There’s nothing wrong with getting government contracts, of course – but when a monster company like Amazon is getting them, it makes you wonder just what happened to get that contract? Who talked to whom? We’ve got this multi-trillion dollar government spending money like mad and contracts like $600 million to Amazon barely create a ripple. This is the first I heard of it. It just illustrates, in my view, that we’ve created a monster and nobody really knows what it is doing.

Mexicans, being sensible and civilized people, are going with coal power. I’d prefer we all went with nuclear power, of course – but what we’re finding out is that we can’t rely on solar and wind.

Democrats are moving to censor all non-Left speech. I guess they figure if they don’t, they’re doomed. This is probably true. There are many moves being made in the Battleground States to fix the election vulnerabilities as was done in Florida. My view remains that they went all out to steal it for Biden, knowing that it would be obvious but calculating (correctly) that no one would really try to stop them. This doesn’t mean, however, that the GOP wants to lose forever. Just a few minor changes in election law will make it vastly more difficult to cheat. So, losing that option, Democrats are going to try to suppress our speech so that no one can campaign outside the Party Line.

The Democrats are in full court press against Governor DeSantis – because Governor DeSantis is doing Covid correctly and thus would be a strong candidate in 2024.

The Muppet Show has been labelled offensive content.

Trump will speak at CPAC – note that it is in Florida. Likely because Covid but I doubt it’ll get back to DC any time soon. Let’s face it: DC is enemy territory. He’s refusing to tip his hand on whether he’ll run in 2024 and that is entirely unsurprising. I suspect he won’t run, but it’ll be foolish of him to tip his hand before the 2024 mid-terms.

Open Thread

If the Democrats were trying to provoke a civil war, what would they be doing differently?

Of course, I don’t think they are aiming at that – but only because they are so ignorant of history that they wouldn’t know. But it is disastrous what they are doing. Removing Marjorie Taylor Greene might seem a like a bit of fun to them, but it is telling her constituents that they aren’t allowed to have a voice in the House. Add in things like imposing political reliability tests on soldiers, allowing Ruling Class crooks to skate, having the entire Establishment call us simply bad people…this is going to work out that we, on our side, will eventually be forced underground as we become second class citizens. One might want to look into what happens when second class citizens are forced underground…of course, this will be the first time anyone has tried this experiment on a heavily armed population.

We might see the result of f*** around.

SAG was going to kick Donald Trump out, but he fired them.

Trump also had the perfect answer to the Democrats’ unconstitutional Impeachment scam.

Liz Cheney survived the attempt to oust her from GOP Leadership – but she’s got an incredibly tin ear. My bet: she loses her primary next year.

Liberal Canadian sketch troop gets so woke they cancel themselves.

Democrat governors: they suck as bad as you expect.

Related: campaign to recall Governor Newsom in California keep trucking along.

Zucker to leave CNN. No one really cares.

Open Thread

Listening to Democrats, I can only assume that they are really going to impeach the President. They can’t possibly believe they have 67 votes in the Senate to convict…but the way Democrats talk, it seems clear to me that they believe a majority wants Trump impeached. We’ll see how it comes out – but I suspect that Trump will come out the winner in that fight.

Meanwhile, the RNC is still blowing the doors off the DNC in fundraising – and most remarkably in the “small donor” segment. I keep hearing that everyone hates Trump, but I’ve yet to see that translate into practical reality.

We here in Nevada handed the State over to the Democrats in 2018 and, true to their paymasters in California, Nevada Democrats have passed national popular vote legislation, thus impounding our electoral votes to Democrat ballot-box stuffers in Los Angeles and San Francisco. This happens because Nevada Democrats – like all State-level Democrats – don’t give a damn about their States, but only dictatorial, national power.

Ace has an article about how frightening China’s “social credit” system is becoming, and points out that this is be beta test for its use in the United States. Don’t doubt Ace on that – the left very much wants such a system in order to punish anyone who does’t behave correctly: ie, behave in a manner approved of by the most recent and kook-left part of the global elite. Remember, while jail/torture/execution is a large tool in the tyrant’s tool kit, the Soviets learned long ago that the real way to control people is to make it impossible for them to simply live unless they are approved by the government. Give the liberals power long enough, and you won’t even be able to ride a bus without their permission.

Don Surber points out that vis a vis Iran, all Trump was ever doing was saber rattling to get Iran to back down a bit. We’ll see how it ultimately comes out, but I’ve always doubted that Trump would instigate a war. He’s a businessman who has the businessman’s natural abhorrence of war: it’s bad for business (unless you’re a defense contractor, which Trump isn’t). Trump is actually turning out to be quite effective in foreign policy – mostly because he eschews globalist theories. Iran – or another enemy – could do an overt act which makes war a reality, but in such a case it wouldn’t be Trump leading us to war, but taking charge of a war someone else started.

RSM looks at Alabama’s attitude towards abortion: bottom line, not a lot of Alabama women have abortions. Vastly smaller proportion than in, say, New York City. And that is the crux of the matter: there are several States, like Alabama, which simply don’t want abortion. It is all tied to culture and religion, of course: but in a pluralist Republic, we should be able to accommodate divergence. But liberals won’t allow that – they’re sitting there in their tiny, urban apartments feeding the cat and furious that some woman out there has such a satisfying sex life with her husband that she’s had three kids. They want to put a stop to that.

Open Thread to Talk About Other Stuff

Wow! Talking about immigration sure hit a nerve. Keep at it, guys! But, if you’ve got other things on your mind, here ya go:

We’ve withdrawn from the UN’s “Human Rights Council”…and, about time. It is a disgusting organization which is a mere tool of anti-Israel and anti-American creeps. Now, let’s withdraw from the UN…or, if we must keep it, let’s move the headquarters to Goldfield, NV…with a ban on air conditioning to save the environment.

Leftist extremists went after DHS Secretary Neilsen when she went out to dinner. I don’t think they’ve really thought through how badly this could wind up.

The SPLC has become a hate-group, targeting anyone who disagrees with the left and then pressuring corporations and groups to cut ties with the targets. Turns out, this isn’t very wise: the SPLC just got hit with a $3 million judgement due to their actions…and now as many as 60 other groups are considering lawsuits. Here’s the thing: it isn’t actually a good idea to lie. We can get quite rough in the give-and-take of politics, but consistently lying about people is a poor business model.

I’ve Been Busy Open Thread

Sorry about not much posting of late – but I’ve got a lot on my plate! Got the 2nd draft of the novel done and off to be reviewed by a publisher. We’ll see how that goes. Have I mentioned the title? Mirrors, it will be. I’m writing up the outline of Book II…prospectively to be titled Secrets. I’ve also started some research on another political book, and came up with a smashing idea for a science fiction book series. In addition, lots of other things going on in the personal life: all good, but taking a lot of time.

So, what have you guys been up to?

The American economy is now the most competitive in the world, according to the IMD World Competitiveness Center. The bottom line is that tax and regulatory reform is freeing up our economy after 8 years of Obama shackles. I think we’re about to have a boom like that of the early 80’s, and maybe a lot better.

I got on Gab back in November, but really didn’t do too much with it until recently. Just be prepared to mute one heck of a lot of Nazis…but once you’ve got that done, you’ve got a platform like Twitter was before the SJW’s took over. You can find me listed under @Mark_Noonan. I’ve also joined the Ace of Spades Moron Horde…which is already beating most Twitter for fun, and looks to become ever better. You can actually speak your mind there without worrying about some snowflake taking offense and getting all huffy.

Don Surber points out that the Republicans just might not blow it. Of course, give them time! But, seriously, things are flowing the GOP’s way, mostly because of Trump. The anti-Trump element in the GOP is still there, but I think if the GOP comes out on top this November, that will pretty much end it. The GOP will learn that Conservatism tinged with full-throated patriotism, disdain for Political Correctness and making a few bows to Populism is the way to go.

Byron York neatly encapsulates the entire Mueller Probe.

Have you heard of Tommy Robinson? I have – though I don’t know too much about him. Fundamentally, I don’t care about him, as a person. Lots of people – everyone on the left, but with some hand-wringing Fredocons as well – hate him; but that isn’t important. What is important is that he’s in a British jail, apparently for the crime of reporting about a trial the British government would rather keep quiet. There’s not much we can do about Britain – the so-called “Conservative” government there just congratulated Ireland for voting in favor of abortion – but the object lesson should sink in: what is going on in Britain is precisely what the Left wants to do here.

As regards that Irish vote – seems that only about 1/3 of the Irish remain Christian. The whole program of Irish independence has been shown to be a waste of time. Why be independent from Britain when you’re just going to go on and do what they do? The problem with Europe is that they seem to want to die.

Coverage of President Trump’s Memorial Day speech. He’s really starting to get this whole Presidenting thing.

Liberal Fascism Update

I wish I could say this is unbelievable, but its actually getting rather common:

The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court.

“The city’s subpoena of sermons and other pastoral communications is both needless and unprecedented,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Christina Holcomb said in a statement. “The city council and its attorneys are engaging in an inquisition designed to stifle any critique of its actions.”

ADF, a nationally-known law firm specializing in religious liberty cases, is representing five Houston pastors. They filed a motion in Harris County court to stop the subpoenas arguing they are “overbroad, unduly burdensome, harassing, and vexatious.” …

Yeah, it is all that. What is at issue is an absurd law passed by the Houston City Council which opens all public restrooms to whoever – you know, feeling a little female today? Then go ahead into the ladies room. Stupid, politically-correct, liberal bull. But liberals know what they are doing – they are trying to criminalize non-liberalism. Rational people figure that it’d probably be best to keep men and women separate in the whole restroom experience, but liberals know that if the can make it illegal to be rational, they can then direct the power of government against reason (and, thus, against non-liberal thought and actions), and that is what they are doing here.

Of course the case will be decided on First Amendment issues – and I fully expect the pastors to prevail – but that isn’t the point. The point is to intimidate – while the pastors in this case won’t suffer legal consequences, all pastors – and, indeed, everyone who takes exception to liberalism – will be intimidated. Everyone has got a life to live and while we know what is good and true, if we’re to be hauled into court by liberal fascists every time we speak the truth, then maybe we should just not mention certain things? The territory of truth will be circumscribed and liberalism will have another area of total dominance, which is what the liberals want.

The cure for this is to pass laws making liberals – especially liberal office holders – responsible for their actions. It won’t do any good, really, to just get an injunction against the city council prohibiting them from taking punitive action against the pastors – the actual, individual liberals who are on the council and who took this action must feel pain for their action. It should be, in such cases, when a court finds the government body in error – that they have violated the rights of the citizens – then the members of that body have to pay, out of their own pockets, punitive, monetary damages to the citizens they oppressed. Make that city council member pony up $100,000.00 and future council members will think twice before they go along with this sort of thing.

We have to get a handle on this – liberals want an end to liberty. If we don’t punish them for trying, then they will just keep on trying.

Remember that “New Tone” BS?

From Politico:

Politicians recognize they give up a degree of privacy when they run for office.

But Democrats are testing the outer limits of that understanding with a practice that raises questions about when campaign tracking becomes something more like stalking.

While most serious campaigns on both sides use campaign trackers — staffers whose job is to record on video every public appearance and statement by an opponent — House Democrats are taking it to another level. They’re now recording video of the homes of GOP congressmen and candidates and posting the raw footage on the Internet for all to see…
This is just plain and simple intimidation – an attempt to scare Republicans.  By videotaping the homes (and, it seems, posting addresses on the internet) Democrats are inviting lunatics to do bad things.  Democrats complained mightily in the wake of the Giffords shooting that the mere use of targets on a map put people at risk…but now Democrats are actually giving the address, and a helpful picture of the place, to anyone on the left who takes seriously the notion that Republicans are evil and must be stopped at all costs.
If this – and the rest of the Democrat hate-mongering – doesn’t stop, then someone is going to get killed.  Depend on it.  Is there anyone on the Democrat side who has a shred of honor left and will try to stop this?