Barack Obama Frees Terrorist, Military Families United Responds

Binyam Mohamed, an al Qaeda trained terrorist was released from Guantanamo Bay and freed in England.

His release is unprecedented, and an example of Barack Obama’s lack of committment to the War on Terror. All previously released Gitmo detainees had been declassified and determined to no longer be a threat. Mohamed is still classified as an  “Unlawful Enemy Combatant.”

Militray Families United has responded with ad “to bring attention to the dangerous decision the White House has made in releasing Binyam Mohamed, a known member of al-Qaeda and alleged collaborator with the 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohamed.”

According to a release from Military Families United:

Under the dark of night the Administration chartered a plane from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Britain to release this known terrorist as a free man. Actions speak louder than words in the War on Terror, and releasing dangerous terrorists as free men isn’t a way to keep America safe and secure,” said MFU’s Executive Director Brian Wise.

 In addition to the new advertisement, Military Families United distributed a petition to its members to urge President Obama to not release dangerous detainees from Guantanamo Bay if they still pose a threat to the United States. Military Families United will present this petition to the President and urge him to stop freeing terrorists. To see the petition visit

 “It is important the American people know how dangerous this decision is and how it will affect the ability for our brave men and women in uniform to win the War on Terror. This ad is designed to mobilize the American people to voice their opinions to the President that they do not want these terrorists released back into society where they pose a threat to America and its allies,” continued Wise.

Here is the ad: