White House is Staging A Bloodless Coup!

OK, folks–here’s the deal- I don’t think too many people are realizing this:

1. We currently gather TEN TIMES the amount of revenue required to service our debt, EVERY MONTH.

2. The 14th Amendment states that WE MUST honor and service our debts; meaning that paying and servicing debt MUST COME FIRST.

3. Barack Obama has been threatening that we WILL DEFAULT on our debt if the debt ceiling is not raised in two days.

4. The ONLY way this can happen, is if Barack Obama IGNORES the 14th Amendment and REFUSES to service the debt. This means that Barack Obama MUST OPENLY DEFY the Constitution to bring about what he threatens will happen.

5. Understand also that I believe that Barack Obama FULLY INTENDS to carry out his threat. I believe that Barack Obama MEANS, in direct opposition to the 14th Amendment, to ALLOW the United States to go into default. Like a terrorist with his finger on the button of his suicide vest, he is threatening to DESTROY THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES, placing our economy in RUIN, unless Congress meets his every demand.

6. In effect, Barack Obama is staging what amounts to nothing less than a COUP– a complete usurpation of the power of the purse that IS EXCLUSIVELY THE PURVIEW of the duly and locally elected United States House of Representatives.

7. In completely and WILLFULLY ignoring his Constitutional responsibilities with respect to the 14th Amendment, Barack Obama has effectually denounced the primacy of the U.S. Constitution. He is effectively governing by EXECUTIVE FIAT.

In other words, Barack Obama HAS THROWN AWAY THE CONSTITUTION and is in effect GOVERNING AS A DICTATOR!


21 thoughts on “White House is Staging A Bloodless Coup!

  1. GMB October 15, 2013 / 8:06 pm

    “In other words, Barack Obama HAS THROWN AWAY THE CONSTITUTION and is in effect GOVERNING AS A DICTATOR!”


    Really now Leo, what do you intend to do about it? Personally. Quit paying your taxes? Contact your Congress critter and Senators and complain about the situation? A sternly worded letter to the editor?

    Do keep in touch.

  2. 02casper October 15, 2013 / 10:32 pm

    “Understand also that I believe that Barack Obama FULLY INTENDS to carry out his threat. I believe that Barack Obama MEANS, in direct opposition to the 14th Amendment, to ALLOW the United States to go into default. Like a terrorist with his finger on the button of his suicide vest, he is threatening to DESTROY THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES, placing our economy in RUIN, unless Congress meets his every demand.”

    His only real demand is that congress raise the debt limit to cover the budget they voted for. Something, they could do anytime they wanted.

    • neocon01 October 18, 2013 / 6:24 am


      uninformed, bamboozled, wrong, and goobersmooching hussein as usual. and you “teach”? no wonder we are a country of morons who elect foreign marxists and think all is good.

  3. Leo Pusateri October 15, 2013 / 11:35 pm

    He is threatening that if the debt limit isn’t raised, the United States will necessarily go into default! That is patently FALSE. The United States is NOT in danger of defaulting unless Barack Obama MAKES us default. Something which I have no doubt he would do.

    Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are practicing nothing less than blackmail.

  4. Leo Pusateri October 15, 2013 / 11:36 pm

    Know also that Obama has rejected a CLEAN raise in the debt limit- Again– Obama WANTS the country to default.

    • 02casper October 16, 2013 / 8:27 pm

      If Obama truly wants the country to default, this is his chance. The Senate bill just passed 81-18. If it passes the House and Obama vetoes it, you will be proven right.

      • 02casper October 16, 2013 / 11:32 pm

        Apparently Obama isn’t trying to default.

        “The GOP-led House gave the final stamp of approval to the Senate-brokered bill, passing it easily late Wednesday night. But it wasn’t Republicans who made it happen; a majority of that party’s caucus actually voted against the measure, which only passed because of overwhelming Democratic support.
        The legislation now goes to President Barack Obama, who earlier in the night promised to do his part to end the partial government shutdown and raise the nations’ borrowing limit.
        “I will sign it immediately,” the President said. “We’ll begin reopening our government immediately”

      • Amazona October 17, 2013 / 11:57 am

        casper, you must be Wyoming’s poster boy for utter cluelessness.

        It’s not that Obama simply “..wants the country to default..” Oh, I can see how this gross oversimplification would be all you can process, but really, cappy, you need to work on expanding your comprehension.

        No, Obama is aware that a default could be used as a weapon against the Right, given the stupidity of his ardent followers and their immeasurable gullibility, so he is quite willing to damage the nation in pursuit of even more power.

        Every single thing he does is directed toward that one primary goal—the achievement of more power. There is no concern about what is best for the country. Hell, he came right out and said so when he admitted that his goal was to “fundamentally transform” the country. As the country has always been fundamentally a nation governed by our Constitution, the only way to “fundamentally transform” it is to scuttle the Constitution, which was created to protect the nation from tyranny.

      • Amazona October 17, 2013 / 3:21 pm

        casper, have you wondered just how all those signs, telling people that various sites were closed down, got designed and printed and shipped to those sites all across the country in just 8 hours?

        Was the printing process put up for bid? Just how did this all happen? And with such organization and speed—-so unlike the federal government we all know.

        Gee, if they had had the same people working on the web site that they did in what we are supposed to think was a rapid response to a surprise event, it might not have been the unmitigated disaster is has been shown to be.

      • 02casper October 17, 2013 / 8:01 pm

        “casper, have you wondered just how all those signs, telling people that various sites were closed down, got designed and printed and shipped to those sites all across the country in just 8 hours?”

        I’m guessing local Kinkos.

      • Amazona October 17, 2013 / 9:59 pm

        You do a lot of guessing, don’t you?

        Hint: It is NOT a substitute for thinking.

      • 02casper October 17, 2013 / 10:36 pm

        “Amazona October 17, 2013 at 9:59 pm

        You do a lot of guessing, don’t you?

        Hint: It is NOT a substitute for thinking.”

        Actually, guessing is a type of thinking.

      • tiredoflibbs October 18, 2013 / 8:26 am

        “Actually, guessing is a type of thinking.”

        Wow…. explains many many ignorant posts of yours cappy! And, why you simply regurgitate the latest dumbed down talking points from the left…. what is the latest? Oh yeah, the Tea Party are terrorists and you even mindlessly regurgitate the latest label…Teahadists… classic cappy.

        it also explains why proggies are so poor in understanding science. It is no wonder you fall for the “science by consensus” trap.


      • Amazona October 18, 2013 / 10:08 am

        It’s always been obvious that casper has substituted guessing for thinking. I just didn’t realize he rationalized it by pretending that guessing is a FORM of thinking. No doubt ‘feeling’ fills out the rest of his definition of thinking.

        That really explains a lot.

  5. Retired Spook October 16, 2013 / 10:12 am

    Steve Goldstein at MarketWatch gives some interesting perspective on what might happen if the debt ceiling is not raised. It’s an interesting conundrum. One side has said, let’s see what happens if we spend substantially more than we take in, and the other side which, while complicit in much of the spending, has finally realized that eventually you have to pay the piper. And the handful of individuals who are promoting fiscal responsibility and a return to constitutional governance are being painted as anarchists, suicide bombers, economic terrorists and even domestic abusers. Does that make sense to anyone? Does anyone have ANY confidence that the immediate resolution will be anything but kicking the can a few months down the road? How many more times can our elected representatives delay the inevitable? Will each additional delay only make the end result worse? I don’t know how any reasonable person can suggest otherwise.

  6. Bob1 October 16, 2013 / 10:38 am

    The problem is that there are not enough “reasonable” individuals in Congress to make a difference, so the bullet-less war continues between those in Congress and our citizens who want a “reasonable” budget for the operation of our government and those who want an unreasonable economic that is based on credit. And no one has the courage to bring this “war” to an end.

    • Retired Spook October 16, 2013 / 10:50 am

      And no one has the courage to bring this “war” to an end.

      Well, no one in the majority, that’s for sure. You seem like a pretty decent guy, Bob. Are you optimistic that this is going to end well?

      • Bob1 October 16, 2013 / 11:38 am

        Spook, I’m not very optimistic about any positive resolution of this economic “war” in which we are engaged. Our nation of American citizens and immigrants are so severely and strongly divided by political ideologies and desires that we in our governmental processes have become practically ineffective. And a “popular” majority of 51% is not effective enough to overcome the opposition of the remaining 49%, so the “wars” go on and on. We are not anywhere close to coming to any agreement anywhere in our governmental bodies regarding what is the “common good” for all Americans. I think that we are engaged in another “bullet-less” civil war, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any casualties. There will be millions, and many severe injuries and much suffering have already been inflicted. I am glad to discuss this further with you and other interested viewers.

  7. Amazona October 17, 2013 / 3:37 pm

    We are supposed to turn over the complexity of our health care to a massive and massively incompetent bureaucracy that can’t even design a decent web site. (I am sure that the fact that the contract went to a major Obama contributor was just one of those charming little $693 million coinkydinks we keep finding in this regime.)

    Ever wonder what a software expert might have to say about it:

    “JOHN McAFEE: Oh, it is seriously bad. Somebody made a grave error, not in designing the program but in simply implementing the web aspect of it. I mean, for example, anybody can put up a web page and claim to be a broker for this system. There is no central place where I can go and say, ‘Okay, here are all the legitimate brokers, the examiners for all of the states and pick and choose one.’

    Instead, any hacker can put a website up, make it look extremely competitive, and because of the nature of the system, and this is health care, after all, they can ask you the most intimate questions, and you’re freely going to answer them. What’s my Social Security number? My birth date? What are my health issues? ”


    Notice that he is focusing on only one aspect of this mess–the lack of security—because security is his expertise. He doesn’t even comment on the lack of foresight in anticipating large numbers of people trying to get into the site, or other problems in the program which we have yet to learn about because so few can get into it to try to sign up.

  8. neocon01 October 18, 2013 / 6:30 am


    didnt you know it is all due to the “shutdown” and eeeevil conservatives? the dupes, drones, and dummies like catty all lap the milk of lies from the lefts trough, no way incompetence for the programming and system…im sure it was designed and instituted by union employees.

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