The Law Comes for the Democrats

You might have noticed Democrats going ape about the Supreme Court – I mean, more than usual. There are calls for impeachment of Justices, imposing an ethics policy on them and forcing them to follow precedent. All to save “Our Democracy”, of course.

First, let’s review what Congress can do.

They do have the power of the purse as they do over the Executive branch. So, they can threaten the Court with poverty if it doesn’t comply with an ethics code. They can’t Constitutionally reduce Justice income, but they can defund all other operations of the Court as they see fit. This is some leverage they can bring to bear. But it isn’t much: if they sell off the Supreme Court building than a Court decision issued in Alito’s guest bedroom still has the force of law. The Court budget is also not very large: $161 million for FY 2024. Any significant cuts to the budget would likely be seen as vindictive and even with a Democrat trifecta it might not fly. And, as noted, the Justices keep their pay and don’t absolutely need anything aside from a place to sit to issue their decisions. Imposing an ethics policy – especially one with Congress as the judge of it – probably won’t fly.

They can expand the Court. There is no Constitutionally mandated Court size. We have nine Justices simply via tradition. They can make the Court 101 Justices if they like. But expansion of the Court would have to be something generally desired by the American people and it would have to be seen as a bi-partisan effort to improve justice – if at any time it just seems like an attempt to get a Court that will rule the way you want on political matters, then popular opposition would become strong. Once again, even a Democrat trifecta might not be enough to get this to fly.

Whatever Democrats want, the first requirement is a trifecta with either 60 Senate seats or a final termination of the filibuster in the Senate. No GOP Senator – not even the most RINO in all existence – is going to sign off on increasing the size of the Court just so a Democrat can appoint enough liberals to get his way. Democrats would have to have total dominance of the Legislative and Executive to get it done. There is no indication at the moment that the Democrats can get to this sort of trifecta before the 2028 election, and even that is a bit of a long shot.

Now, why are they doing this?

Simple: because from the 1950’s until the last of Trump’s Justices were seated, the Democrats could usually rely on the Judiciary to go along with whatever was fashionable on the Left at the moment. Think about the Obergefell decision which mandated legal same-sex marriage throughout the land: it was 5-4 with the decisive vote coming from Kennedy who was appointed by Reagan. That was what the Democrats wanted and expected: when the crucial (to them) issues came up, the Court would almost always rule in their favor.

The ruling, like Roe and so many others in the past, was specious. The federal government has no warrant in the Constitution on what constitutes a marriage. Silent on the matter, it is an issue thus left to the States or to the people to decide. No federal court should ever have taken a case regarding the matter. If it did wind up at the Supreme Court their only ruling should have been words to the effect of, “this is not a matter properly before this Court: sort it out for yourselves via the political process”. Which process was, of course, ongoing (and generally going very badly at the ballot box for the advocates of SSM). We know why the Liberals ruled as they did – it was an issue where they knew what their decision was supposed to be and they ruled accordingly. Law never has anything to do with it for Liberals in such cases. Kennedy, though, probably just wanted a historic ruling attached to his name. So, he simply made the absurd statement that two men getting hitched is the same thing as a man and a woman and so decreed that equal protection applied.

And that is how Liberals want things to go. Expect them to go. That is, they get their way. Doesn’t matter what the law or the expressed will of the people is, if it is an issue Liberals favor, they get their way. If not by law then by regulation and if not by regulation then by Judicial fiat.

But after a very long and at times bitter political struggle, the GOP managed to create a Court majority only interested in ruling on what the law says. Not what is fashionable. Not what mistakes the Court might have made in the past. What does the law, as written, say? Nothing is ever perfect, of course, and even this Court (in my view) has got a couple things wrong but that is just in the nature of things: in the normal run, though, we can fully expect that any ruling issued in this Court will conform to law. You know, like a Court is supposed to. Uphold. Not make. If you don’t like the law, there are multitudes of political options for you to seek change and if your idea is good, this political process will eventually come out in your favor.

But Democrats hate that. Once they get an idea fixed in their heads, it becomes an absolute imperative and it must be imposed immediately. No debate! Just do it! We’re right! We just thought it up yesterday but now from all time eternal this has been the truth and all of the nation must bow! And while it often took some time to get their way, until just recently they always did. Now, they aren’t. Hobbs was a body blow but also just one in a series that is coming. Pretty much every Court and regulatory decision since the 1970’s is now on the chopping block. The Court is essentially inviting us to revisit every issue and bring the matter before a Court that will rule on the law. Thomas, Alito and Barrett seem especially delighted to just law all over the place. We have impending decisions on Presidential immunity and regulatory overreach which have put the Democrats in a funk – they are terrified that they’ll have to obey rules. Engage in politics. Explain their position.

And that is why they are going ballistic. They are about to be emasculated.

42 thoughts on “The Law Comes for the Democrats

  1. Amazona June 14, 2024 / 11:54 pm
    • Cluster June 15, 2024 / 9:56 am

      So good

  2. Amazona June 15, 2024 / 1:30 am

    And since they didn’t answer their own question, the answer is “citizens with pikes.”

    From Stilton’s Place, where what does not kill you makes you stranger

  3. Cluster June 15, 2024 / 10:00 am

    We need to remind Democrats that their last temper tantrum ended up with us appointing those Constitutional Justices on the SC, after Harry Reid ended the Judicial filibuster. You would think they would learn but this recent tirade of indicting and prosecuting political opponents could turn out to be really bad for them. Impetuous children will be impetuous children though and that seems to be the majority of the Democrat party anymore. Adam Schiff saying guilty 34 times on the House floor yesterday just shows you their infantile nature.

  4. casper3031 June 15, 2024 / 10:05 am

    What the American people don’t like is watching the most openly corrupt Court in decades take away their rights. When you have Supreme Court Justices openly taking millions in bribes from billionaires then ruling for the billionaires. They also don’t like it when out of touch elites start taking their rights away. The Dobbs decision changed everything. Changing decades of established law has energized Democrats and independents to vote.

    I think there is a very good chance that Democrats will keep the Senate, turn the House and keep the executive branch. Since Dobbs, Democrats have out performed polling in every special election.

    it also helps that Republicans are going with a convicted felon as their candidate. His rantings of late haven’t helped him either. His comments about sharks, electric boats, Taylor Swift, and Hannibal Lector are finally being reported on by the MSM. It’s not a good look.

    I still think there is a good chance Trump will back out of the debate as he would not do well.

    • Amazona June 15, 2024 / 11:01 am

      If you had a hint of integrity or intelligence you would choke on this swill instead of chugging it down and then regurgitating it. I suggest that you be careful of accusing justices of “taking bribes” as this is serious libel when you write it and slander when you babble it to whoever in your life will listen to you. There is literally not a single piece of evidence of any justice taking any bribe, but this vile and vicious libel is an excellent indicator of how frantic, how desperate and how totally unhinged the Left is becoming as the nation’s disgust with Biden and the disaster of his regime is moving people in droves to the Right.

      As a “teacher” you really ought to know at least a little about the Constitution, so you ought to know that it does not convey rights, nor does the Supreme Court. The Constitution guarantees protection for certain specific rights and then in the 9th Amendment refers to the fact that there are others as well—but that rights are God-given, not decreed by man. I think your impotent little whimpering about “out of touch elites start taking their rights away” probably refers to the Dobbs ruling, which sent the Death Cult into a tizzy. It does not restrict the ABILITY of any pathologically selfish female to kill her own baby, it merely went back to the 10th Amendment and its decree that anything not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution is outside the authority of the federal government and is up to the states or to the people to decide. As there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution about killing babies, or “health care” (the particularly odious Leftist description of killing babies) one way or the other, the Constitution is clear that this practice, as despicable and inhumane as it is, must be legislated by the states. I know this concept is way too complicated for the likes of you and your masters, but that’s what the ruling is about.

      What the Left wanted—NEEDED—- was a way to sanitize this brutal practice, and the ability to claim it is a RIGHT was very important to them, and obviously to you. The only thing Dobbs did was take away that fiction that the Left so desperately needed to try to put a face of decency on an indecent practice. Now all you abortion supporters are stuck with the harsh cold truth that what you advocate is not a right at all, just something that is allowed in spite of its inherent inhumanity.

      This is not the first time that (C)hanging decades of established law has energized outraged Democrats –you all also freaked out when slavery was outlawed and then when segregation was made illegal. As a self-proclaimed Christian you must know that laws are made by men, who are fallible. When men make mistakes we hope for other men to come along to correct them, and this is what the Supreme Court has done.

      Admit it, casper—your ignorance of the Constitution (illustrated so often on this blog over the years) and your disdain for it are at the root of your inane ranting about the Supreme Court. That and, of course, your bone-deep stupidity that makes you such an ideal vessel for the toxic swill generated by the Left.

      • Cluster June 15, 2024 / 11:59 am

        Game. Set. Match.

    • Mark Noonan June 15, 2024 / 11:26 am

      Wow – every current Talking Point is in that, Casper.

      Get back to us when you have something to say that isn’t a DNC press release.

      • Cluster June 15, 2024 / 11:55 am


  5. casper3031 June 15, 2024 / 10:13 am

    CNN finalizes debate rules. Podiums No props or notes Each gets a pen, pad, bottle of water Mics muted except when it’s their turn to speak cnn says, by their calculation, RFK jr. Only only the ballot for 89 electoral votes so unlikely to qualify.

    • Amazona June 15, 2024 / 11:06 am

      But…but…but casper, you have repeatedly told us that you don’t get your “information” from the likes of CNN and MSNBC and today you are citing both as your sources. Are we surprised to catch you lying? (no)

      Getting the mics muted is a big success for the Biden team, as they can shut him down when he starts talking about all the years and places Beau died and his millions of miles on Amtrack chatting with a man who had been dead for years and so on.

      Let’s just see how boldly the “moderator” tries to rig the “debate” and see if Joe’s diaper will hold up and his meds hang in there.

    • casper3031 June 15, 2024 / 11:13 pm

      The information actually came off of X. I don’t watch cable news, but I do sometimes read articles about current events.

      As for the debate, I agree. The felon will completely destroy Biden. He doesn’t stand a chance.

  6. Cluster June 15, 2024 / 10:55 am

    So our resident Communist Casper has chimed in to parrot the State Media talking points, and all of us are shocked. Democrats like Casper are praying that the “right” to kill an unborn child will motivate voters more so than their inability buy a home or a car, or their struggles to pay rent, or their need to skip a few weekly meals based on food prices, or their inability to go on vacation, dine out, or walk city streets in peace while their tax dollars go to pay the Ukraine parliament. That’s right, Democrats will depend on people to overlook their deteriorating quality of life, so purple haired Suzy can kill that child she conceived after an all night binger.

    Makes sense, doesn’t it?

    • casper3031 June 15, 2024 / 11:07 am


      Sorry to hear your quality of life is deteriorating. Mine is doing very well. On a vacation right now and so far it has been great. Most everyone I know seems to be doing ok also.

      Most Americans agree with me on Dobbs and that is going to lead to a blowout this year. I’m guessing Biden will win by at least 10 million votes this time over the felon.

    • Amazona June 15, 2024 / 11:11 am

      But Cluster, casper isn’t all outraged and pissy because he thinks Suzy can’t off the kid—everyone knows that Dobbs didn’t do a single thing to interfere with the ABILITY of female gestators to kill their young. What chaps their donkeys is that they know how decent people feel about this and they need, oh so desperately NEED, the illusion of decency granted by calling this a “right”.

      The only thing Dobbs did was remove that thin veneer of decency so the act stands alone in all its vile and ugly reality, and say that now the people have a voice.

      Note the fury of the Left when the people have a voice. This is a political system based on consolidation of power in the hands of a few, whe then issue edicts controlling the masses, and the return to a—-come on, let”s say it, DEMOCRATIC approach to this issue has them both furious and scared.

      • Cluster June 15, 2024 / 11:53 am

        Exactly, all the little Suzy’s in CA, IL, NY, and WA (just to name a few) can still kill all the children they want. How great is that!! /sarc

  7. Cluster June 15, 2024 / 11:51 am

    Sorry to hear your quality of life is deteriorating

    LOL, I don’t know if I ever come across a more tone deaf and ignorant political observer as Casper. Women and children are being raped and trafficked at the border every day, Casper worries about abortion. Our children have some of the lowest scholastic scores in the world, Casper worries about abortion. Our military’s recruiting goals are down by double digits, Casper worries about abortion. Mortgages are unaffordable for first time home buyers, Casper worries about abortion. Democrat activists are in the streets calling for the extermination of Jews, Casper worries about abortion. Our lack of energy independence emboldens Iran and Russia, Casper worries about abortion. Our open border has great enriched violent Mexican Cartels, Casper worries about abortion.

    Casper is not a normal American

    • casper3031 June 15, 2024 / 11:19 pm

      Sorry Cluster. I didn’t realize that the word abortion set you off so much. For the record, I’m not for abortion. I’m for women having a choice. That said, I brought up abortion as an issue that is driving voters to the polls. Just letting you know why Republicans are going to lose so bad.

      • Cluster June 16, 2024 / 9:24 am

        I didn’t realize that the word abortion set you off so much

        It really did. I put on my MAGA and started running around the house screaming and after that I went outside and threw some rocks at minorities … you know being a white supremacist and everything.

        You live in a cartoonish world Casper. Just curious here, do you think women should have the right to choose not to have their parental rights taken away by a State because they didn’t let their child “transition”? Should women have the choice to not to have their kids exposed to radical, over sexualized teachers? Should women have the right to choose teachers who actually teach their children life skills? Should women have the right to be able to walk city streets, or jog in parks without being raped or killed by illegal immigrants? Should women have the right to choose gas appliances if that’s how they want to cook? Should women have tie right to choose which car she wants to buy without any EV mandates? Can white women choose to play in the WNBA without being called a racist? Can women choose to not have to compete with men in sports without being called anti trans?

        There’s lots of choices out there Casper. You just focus on the choice of death and what the Media wants you to focus on. Which is no surprise to anyone.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 5:23 pm

        Great response, Cluster. Yes, the mantra so obediently babbled by the lemmings of the Left is that lovely-sounding word “choice”. Gee, it just sounds so liberating, so fair.

        Yet the ugly reality is that when you get away from the parrots chanting the word, in the abortion world true choice is not only rare, it is discouraged to the point of being unacceptable. Choice, you see, is a decision based on evaluation of all the facts. If abortion was really just about choice then any woman entering an abortion clinic would find booths or information sources about all the choices and options available to a woman dealing with the news of an unexpected and unwelcome pregnancy. There would be a place to get an ultrasound so she would be able to make an educated choice after learning the facts about the development of her baby. She would find people to explain private adoption plans, where prospective adoptive parents pay for the medical and living expenses during and for a while after pregnancy, and adopt the unwanted baby. She would learn that abortion often has a heavy emotional and mental toll, and could talk to people who have counseled women ravaged by grief after killing their babies. She would learn of possible physical damage to her own body due to the process, and she would see film of actual abortions so she would know exactly what would happen to her unborn child. You see, true choice is exactly what the abortion industry hates and fears—-and don’t make the mistake of thinking that the support for abortions is not really support for a multi-BILLION-dollar industry, hiding behind the fake veneer of “reproductive health care”.

        As a matter of fact, when people try to make true choice available to frightened, desperate women they are often arrested and even imprisoned for their conviction that the life of every woman and her unborn child is important enough to deserve full disclosure of all the information needed to make an actual informed choice instead of a panicked guess—-a guess into which she is herded and pressured once she passes through the doors of the abattoir.

        THIS is what casper supports. He can piously murmur the mantra about “choice” all he wants, but it does not change the fact that if he really cared about choice, and about the mental welfare of women, and the basic humanity of allowing babies to develop and be born, he would be championing the kinds of information I pointed out, and not just supporting the industry and the narrative. Of course, that would also make him not hypocritical, and therefore be a contradiction in terms.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 7:02 pm

        In casper’s beloved dystopian Bidenworld, women didn’t even have the choice to not inject an experimental drug, even when its dangers started to become apparent—not if she wanted to keep her job, or her military position, or travel freely.

      • casper3031 June 16, 2024 / 9:37 am

        Cluster, since most of th things you list either aren’t real or only affect a small minority of people, I’m not going to spend a lot of time worrying about them.

        That said, there sure are a lot of people at my hotel considering no one can afford a vacation.

        Happy Father’s Day.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 5:11 pm

        With rising inflation, travel is arguably one of the hardest-hit segments since customers tend to cut discretionary spending when their purchasing power decreases. 99% of the over 140 industry professionals that responded to our survey believe that inflation will drive tourists to alter their holiday plans, causing a notable rise in short-term bookings. 85% of them also fear that the economic conjuncture will have a significant negative effect on their business.


        Nearly nine out of ten (88%) travelers admitted to decreasing their budget on things like lodging, dining, recreation, and entertainment.

        Digging deeper, the survey unveiled that budget-friendly travel decisions cover:

        traveling shorter distances (59% of respondents);
        reducing the number of trips (58%);
        choosing budget-friendly destinations (58%);
        spending less on restaurants and bars (57%);
        picking more affordable B&Bs (56%);
        lowering extra activities (56%);
        shortening the length of stays (55%);
        opting for destinations closer to home (53%).

        Choosing alternative means of transportation is just another way to reduce vacation costs. Especially if we consider the rise in fuel prices impacts air travel more than car travel. In fact, even 85% of Americans claim to seek plane alternatives, namely car (75% of respondents), train (66%), bus (60%), and ship (43%).

        But in a casper-centric world, in which the only thing that matters is what casper thinks about the bubble in which he is at any given time, inflation isn’t a problem, or a concern, because some people can still stay at his hotel. And really, what else matters once you get beyond what casper is experiencing?

        What could be more arrogant and egocentric than saying “Because I am affluent enough to take vacations and can afford the higher costs due to inflation then who cares about the people who can’t?”

      • Cluster June 16, 2024 / 10:08 am

        Those are very real issues facing women everyday moron. This is what I mean by saying you live in a cartoonish, propagandized world. Yesterday, your President was hanging out with millionaires in Hollywood, with Democrat activists rioting with police just outside the doors, while Trump was expanding the base speaking with neglected black Americans in Detroit.

        MAGA will take black families in Detroit over millionaires in Hollywood every single fucking day. All Democrats have done is to destroy their quality of life. In fact, please name one Biden policy that has improved the quality of life for normal Americans. Just one Casper. I will wait.

      • Cluster June 16, 2024 / 10:10 am

        Yesterday, a mother of five was slaughtered in front of her children by an illegal immigrant. That is a direct result of the way you vote Casper. You have blood on your hands.

      • casper3031 June 16, 2024 / 10:19 am


        There was flooding g in South Florida. That is the direct result of the way you vote. I hold you responsible for any climate deaths in the world.

        Wow, that sounds just as stupid as what you wrote.

      • Mark Noonan June 16, 2024 / 1:31 pm

        It rains whether we vote or not.

        Letting in illegals is a choice. You chose it with your vote.

        You bear moral responsibility for all results of your actions.

        Even if you didn’t think it would happen.

        Even if you didn’t want it to happen.

        Cause: Effect.

        The cause of that murder is the people who vote Democrat.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 4:48 pm

        I think we owe casper a debt of gratitude. He is the equivalent of the canary in the coal mine, as his inane babbling is an indication not just of the garbage fed to its lemmings by the Left but of the kind of person who believes it. He has always been smug about his self-perceived intellect while blissfully unaware that every time he opines on anything he makes an utter fool of himself and proves his belief to be completely wrong.

        As Mark pointed out, casper and his fellow useful idiots voted for Biden. (Not that enough of them voted for him to get him actually elected, but that’s another point. The point here is that they (1) wanted him to be president and (2) approve of what he has done to the country as president and even, God help us, (3) want him to continue doing it for another four years. So yes, casper and his ilk bear the moral responsibility for what Biden has done. They have not stood up and demanded that he close the border—on the contrary, they have wept along with AOC in her grief as she faced an empty parking lot and claimed that Biden has been doing an amazing, wonderful, successful job. This means they are complicit in the crime—and it IS a crime, as I have shown by citing the actual federal laws—-in accepting and encouraging his border policies.

        What do we know about the results of these policies? Well, we know that they have resulted in many drug cartels shifting their primary focus from drug dealing to human trafficking, collecting thousands of dollars from people supposedly so impoverished in their native lands that they must —MUST! I tell you!—-MUST go to the United States because they know that once here they will be welcomed, given health care, given prepaid credit cards, given prepaid cell phones and put up in luxury hotels and fed in nice restaurants. But that is just the first stage of the atrocities due to Biden policies.

        Next comes the predation on young women and girls. It is common knowledge that most are raped at least once on their journey, and many never make it across the border but are sold into sex slavery, along with young boys. The toll on those who have been suckered into believing they will be welcomed in the United States is harsh and bloody and inexcusable.

        Then we get to the harm done to American citizens by so many of these illegal aliens. The Biden Administration has trashed the actual definition of “asylum.” which is supposed to mean protection for people being victimized by their governments for reasons related to religion or politics. By opening this up to any reason at all to want to come here, for inventing the term “economic asylum”, the Biden Administration (and by extension its supporters) has allowed millions of people to enter the country and then be untracked, untrackable, and free to do whatever they want to do—including robbing, raping and murdering. Innocent Americans have suffered at the hands of illegal aliens who are only here because of Biden policies.

        This does not even touch on the threats to our national security—-the blood on the hands of those who have supported Biden policies and even plan to vote for him again will be multiplied a hundredfold if we are lucky and possibly a thousandfold when we suffer massive terrorist attacks from within the country carried out by enemies who could just stroll across our borders.

        And it does not address the financial costs to the nation, well into billions of dollars now, or the damage done to people whose jobs have been lost to illegals willing to work under the table.

        So there is a direct link between the political choices of casper and people like him to the many damages caused by refusal to enforce our laws, while he just simpers and tucks his chins into folds and smugly announces that it is possible to vote for it to rain, and that’s exactly like voting for an administration responsible for the evils of open borders. “climate deaths”–it’s like a race to the bottom of the Stupid Well.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 4:55 pm

        There was flooding g in South Florida. That is the direct result of the way you vote. Sorry, but I just had to repeat this. It is so insane it actually calls for its own post.

        The sad thing is, he might even actually believe it.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 5:36 pm

        I only went as far as 1999 because as we all know, Republicans started to vote for flooding in 2000:

        1990 to 1999: Reports for floods

        Two Months of Flooding in Eastern North Carolina, September – October 1999: Hydrologic Water-Quality, and Geologic Effects of Hurricanes Dennis, Floyd, and Irene

        Summary of Significant Floods in the United States and Puerto Rico, 1994 Through 1998 Water Years

        1997 flood tracking chart for the Sheyenne River basin (USGS OFR 97-177, 1997)

        1997 flood tracking chart for the Red River of the North basin (USGS OFR 97-193, 1997)

        1997 floods in the Red River of the North and Missouri River basins in North Dakota and western Minnesota (USGS OFR 97-575, 1997)

        Flood of January 1997 in the Truckee River Basin, Western Nevada

        Effects of August 1995 and July 1997 Storms in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina

        Peak discharges and flow volumes for streams in the Northern Plains (USGS Circular 1185-B, 2001)

        Flood of October 1996 in Southern Maine

        Aftermath of Hurricane Fran in North Carolina–Preliminary Data on Flooding and Water Quality

        Flood of 1993-Mississippi River near the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (Arch), St. Louis, Missouri

        Upper Mississippi River Floods of 1993: USGS Flood Circular 1120

        Flood discharges in the upper Mississippi River basin, 1993

        Precipitation in the upper Mississippi River basin, January 1 through July 31, 1993

        Propagation and composition of the flood wave on the upper Mississippi River, 1993

        Flood volumes in the upper Mississippi River basin, April 1 through September 30, 1993

        Sediment transport in the lower Missouri and the central Mississippi rivers, June 26 through September 14, 19933

        Geomorphic changes on the Mississippi River flood plain at Miller City, Illinois, as a result of the flood of 1993

        Effects of the 1993 flood on the determination of flood magnitude and frequency in Iowa

        Physical and chemical data on sediments deposited in the Missouri and the Mississippi River flood plains during the July through August 1993 flood

        Delineation of flooding within the upper Mississippi River Basin, 1993-flood: USGS Hydrologic Atlas 735

        Flood of July 30, 1993, in Jefferson City and vicinity, Missouri

        Flood of June 29-September 18, 1993, in Iowa City and vicinity, Iowa

        Flood of June 19-July 31, 1993, in Davenport, Iowa and vicinity

        Flood of June 18 through August 4, 1993, in Des Moines and vicinity, Iowa

        Flood of July 10 and 27, 1993, in Kansas City Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas, and vicinity

        Flood of August 1-3, 1993, in St. Louis and vicinity, Missouri

        The 1903 and 1993 floods in Kansas–the effects of changing times and technology (Fact Sheet 019-03; 2003)

        Summary of floods in the United States, January 1992 through September 1993

        Summary of floods in the United States during 1990 and 1991

        1970 to 1989: Reports for Floods

        Flood of April 1987 in Maine

        Floods of September 26-October 4, 1986, and August 14-17, 1987, in Illinois

        Flood of August 1, 1985 in Cheyenne, Wyoming

        Floods of December 1982 and January 1983 in Central and Southern Mississippi River Basin

        Floods of December 1982 in southeastern Missouri

        Floods of March 1982 in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois

        Floods in Kansas City, Missouri and Vicinity, August 12-13, 1982

        Floods of June 13-14, 1981, and December 2-12, 1982, in Illinois

        Floods of Winter-Spring 1982 in Illinois

        Floods of February 1980 in Southern California and Central Arizona

        Floods of May 1978 in Southeastern Montana and Northeastern Wyoming

        Data for floods of May 1978 in northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana

        Floods in Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas, September 12-13, 1977

        1976 Big Thompson Flood, Colorado-Thirty Years Later

        Storm and Flood of July 31-August 1, 1976, in the Big Thompson River and Cache la Poudre River Basins, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado

        A Brief Hydrologic Appraisal of the July 3-4, 1975, Flash Flood in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada

        The 1973 Mississippi River Basin Flood:

        Map: Flood of June 9-10, 1972, at Rapid City, South Dakota

        The Black Hills-Rapid City Flood of June 9-10, 1972: A Description of the Storm and Flood

        The 1972 Black Hills-Rapid City Flood Revisited

        Floods of August and September 1971 in Maryland and Delaware

        1950 to 1969: Reports for floods

        Flood surge on the Rubicon River, California — Hydrology, hydraulics, and boulder transport

        1964 Northwestern Montana Floods

        Floods of June 17th and 18th, 1964 in Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, and St. Francois Counties, Missouri

        Snowmelt Floods of March-April 1960, Missouri and Upper Mississippi Basins

        Rainfall and Floods of April, May, and June 1957 in the South-Central States

        Floods of October 1954 in the Chicago Area, Illinois and Indiana

        1900 to 1949: Reports for floods

        The floods of May 1943 in Illinois

        Floods of Ohio and Mississippi Rivers January-February 1937

        The 1903 and 1993 floods in Kansas

      • Mark Noonan June 17, 2024 / 11:40 am

        History began last week for the Left.

        But America was founded as a racist nation.

        They’re just mindless; repeating what they’re told.

      • Amazona June 17, 2024 / 12:42 pm

        They’re just mindless; repeating what they’re told.

        My life literally turned around when I stopped doing that, stopped just accepting the narrative and repeating it like a puppet. As I have said, the spark that lit the fire was the reaction of the “feminists” to news of Bill Clinton’s predatory sexual habits. I had bought into their narrative and when the news started to come out about Clinton I really thought this would destroy his support from women. When I saw the “feminists” betray every single element of their much-ballyhooed belief system when it interfered with their emotional attachment to Clinton, I started to examine it, and them. Unlike the caspers of the world, I didn’t like being lied to, I didn’t like being fooled, and I for darned sure didn’t like being used.

        And sure enough, once I started to think for myself, once I started to examine what I had been told, my entire perspective changed. And no, it was not easy. I still remember the first time I voted, after this evolution began. I had already decided the Democrat Party had lied to me and already started to study and appreciate the Constitution and its value as both a foundational document and the rule of law. But the first time I had to vote “Republican” it was surprisingly hard to overcome so many years of carefully implanted dislike and distrust of that IDENTITY.

        But having gone through this I know it can be done. I also know it calls for integrity, a commitment to truth that is stronger than the comfort zone of peer group acceptance and the ease of going along with the flow. This is why I am so hard on casper, because he has had enough exposure to the truth to make it obvious that he should start to question his belief system, and his refusal to do so, and his defense of his choice, make me see him as a truly weak and despicable person. He can’t plead ignorance. In his own way he is no different from the occupants of Gaza who vote for Hamas, even knowing what it represents, because he steadfastly turns away from anything that does not support his CHOSEN belief system even when this means defying obvious truth.

        I think it was his claim that Supreme Court justices had accepted bribes and acted upon them that shattered any remaining tolerance I might have had for him as merely a bumbling idiot because that crossed a line. That went from stupid to malicious, and there is no going back from that.

      • Cluster June 16, 2024 / 11:40 am

        Clinate change is just another Democrat/ruling class lie. Illegal immigrants crime is very real and will elect Donald Trump in November.

      • Mark Noonan June 16, 2024 / 1:37 pm

        In my X TL just saw a post by a youngster who for the first time saw the whole “very fine people” video. He had gone 7 years believing the MSM Narrative based on the deceptively edited video.

        Now he knows.

        It is like that – so may people just believe drivel because the TV tells them.

        But, unlike some we know, some people eventually seek the truth.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 4:23 pm

        It comes back to the inability of the Right to get its narrative out there. We look at the control of almost all the media by the Left and shrug and say “Oh, well, there isn’t anything we can do”. So we do nothing.

        But there is. The RNC should have a decent war chest by now and some better people running it—so what are they doing?

        I keep coming back to the sales channels on TV. That time can’t be all that expensive, and I’m betting that people who have refused to donate to the RNC because they are impotent and indifferent would be happy to chip in for something productive for a change. So buy three or four hours, or 12 hours, on one of the most widely seen sales channels and run clips of what we want to get out there, with an ad campaign telling people what’s going on. Some great graphics and lead-ins and some people will watch just out of curiosity—but as they tell others what they saw, the audience will grow. Do half-hour segments, maybe hosted by charismatic people, so there could be a half hour of clips like the one you reference about the alleged claim of calling Nazis very fine people, then the one where he never did say (much less brag) that HE ever “grabbed a woman by the p***y but commented that when women make themselves available to strange men because of their wealth or fame they can be treated like this and “they won’t care”.

        A good host could point out that not only was Trump purposely and callously maligned, but that the Left has been purposely and callously LYING to its supporters. These are almost equally important points for Leftists to learn.

      • Amazona June 16, 2024 / 6:18 pm

        You can vote for rain because science

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