Obama's Deceptions, McCain's Truth

Excellent short hand on the Obama fundraising scandal (you remember that, right? The scandal before the voter fraud/ACORN scandal broke…Obama is starting to make Bill Clinton seem honest in contrast):

The Obama campaign has failed to release the names of donors responsible for approximately half of his campaign’s $426.9 million: those who have contributed less than $200.

In addition, press reports allege Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has accepted illegal online campaign contributions from this category of donors, which include funds allegedly donated by foreign nationals.

The Obama campaign appears to be selectively complying with campaign finance laws. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) should immediately investigate allegations of foreign campaign contributions made to the Obama campaign possibly corrupting this presidential election.

The McCain campaign, by contrast, has made its entire donor database available online.

In the interest of transparency the Obama campaign should publicly list the source of every single campaign contribution. The American people deserve to know for certain that all campaign finance laws are being followed.

It is near certain that Obama is not following campaign finance laws – if he were, he would have been placing his donor list in the public square from day one. The failure to do so indicates that Obama wanted to violate the laws, and then conspired to violate the laws. Only a full scale criminal investigation in to Obama, the Obama campaign, the DNC, associated leftwing groups such as MoveOn and ACORN and the shadowy rich people who have set this all afoot can tell us for certain what has gone on and who needs to go to jail. We know our leftwing friends simply will not care about this – though I deny any assertion they may make that they don’t know or aren’t sure. Only those being maliciously blind to common sense can be other than horrified by what the Obama campaign and the overall left have been up to. You can sing and dance your way around this one all you want lefties, but your loyalty is being given to a man who really is taking the thuggery and corruption of Chicago Democratic politics on to the national stage.

McCain and Palin, on the other hand, offer the stark opposite of all Obama stands for – Obama stands for the left, McCain stands for core American values; Obama stands for government control, McCain stands for individual liberty; Obama stands for corrupt business as usual, McCain stands for reform. On and on it goes – and the choice will soon by made by the American people; to go with the honest patriot, or go with the dishonest tool of the anti-American left.