Is the "Stimulus" Bill the Death Knell for "Hope and Change"?

As more and more details of the fraudulently named “stimulus” bill come out it becomes ever more clear that Obama and his Democrats are viewing the financial crunch as a not-to-be-missed opportunity to just lard up the budget with items they could never get past a GOP Congress or a GOP President. Mark Steyn has the proper take on it:

“Stimulus” comes from the verb stimulare, which is Latin for “transfer massive sums of money from what remains of the dynamic sector of the economy to the special interests of the Democratic party.” No, hang on, my mistake. Stimulare means “to goad.” And, on that front, the Democrats are doing an excellent job. They’ve managed to goad 58 percent of the American people into opposing the “stimulus” package. They’ve managed to goad all 177 Republicans in the House into unpacking their mothballed cojones and voting against the bill. And they’ve managed to goad the rest of the world into ending the Obama honeymoon in nothing flat. Headline from the London Daily Telegraph: “US-EU Trade War Looms As Barack Obama Bill Urges ‘Buy American.’ ”

Its like Democrats realize that this window of opportunity might be short, so they’d better shove through everything they can in hopes of building constituencies in favor of the spending who will then opposed GOP efforts to reform the bloated budget in future years. For sheer cynicism this is astonishing – amazing that people who say they are there to serve the people would be so entirely self-serving that a crisis with millions suffering is viewed as a mere excuse for tax and spending like never before.

The key to defeating this bill – or, at least, having it greatly modified – is to delay it. Delay it to allow more details to emerge and thus build up popular opposition to varied elements of the bill. Delay to allow the bill to go closer and closer to 2010 before passage, and thus start scaring off those Democrats who have to face largely GOP electorates back home. If we can tie this thing up until June, we might be able to bury it for good.

It is now up to the Senate GOP to show the backbone the House GOP displayed – our Senators must, for the good of our country, tie this thing up in as many knots as possible…to at least have it greatly modified before passage so that there is at least some supply side, free market elements in there to counterbalance the Democrats’ waste.