Another Front in the War on Christianity

This is getting rather absurd:

Faith and begorrah, is nothing sacred?

Some folks are trying to transform the name of Tuesday’s holiday from St. Patrick’s Day to “Shamrock Day.”

Card shops have banners proclaiming the occasion; the Disney Channel is using the term; and some places in this country have changed the name of their community celebrations of Celtic heritage to the “nonoffending” terminology.

And that offends some folks.

I’m telling ya, good people, eventually someone kook leftist is going to notice that “Corpus Christi” means “Body of Christ” and they’re going to insist that Corpus Christi, TX change its name. And just what are we to do with St Louis, MO and St Paul, MN? And lets not forget that city in California which is named in honor of the Blessed Virgin, the Queen of the Angels.

Look, leftists, this is our civilization – you’re welcome to live in it, but it has some ground rules. Among these rules is that Christians built the civilization and you can’t have said civilization without it remaining Christian in its fundamentals. Look what is happening in post-Christian Europe; ever more kowtowing to radical Islam and an increasing demand that basic liberties be curtailed because said radicals say it offends against Islam. If the people of Europe were majority Christian they would tolerate the Moslems and politely tell them to take their Islamism and get stuffed…in other words, if you want to preserve your ability to have gay pride parades, you’d better ensure that your civilization remains Christian because its only us Christians who are easy going enough to allow such nonsense to carry on in public.