Reaction to the Absurd Arizona Immigration Ruling

A few quotes:

“This fight is far from over. In fact, it is just the beginning, and at the end of what is certain to be a long legal struggle, Arizona will prevail in its right to protect our citizens.”

– Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer in her official statement to the press…

…”We are deeply disappointed in the court’s ruling today and disagree with the court’s opinion that the Arizona’s law will unduly ‘burden’ the enforcement of federal immigration law. Instead of wasting taxpayer resources filing a lawsuit against Arizona and complaining that the law would be burdensome, the Obama Administration should have focused its efforts on working with Congress to provide the necessary resources to support the state in its efforts to act where the Federal government has failed to take responsibility.”

– Joint Statement by U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz…

…”Today’s ruling does not strike down SB1070. Her ruling only puts a hold on a few parts of the new law. That’s why her actions today are called a preliminary injunction. Those who are here in this state illegally, my deputies will still ask about their status in this country and will arrest on existing state and federal immigration violations. State violators will be booked into my jail and federal violators will be turned over to authorities.”

– Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

It is just mind-numbingly stupid to strike down this law – it is the merest enforcement of already existing federal law. Federal law, by the way, which the Obama Administration is refusing to enforce. I understand the judge was a Clinton appointee – if that is the case, then that is all that need be said; a Democrat ruled the way Democrats desires, law be darned.

This will not stand – in fact, this ruling just makes it more likely that the political will to secure our border will rise to power.