President Clinton Condemns Obama's Offshore Oil Drilling Ban

From Politico:

Former President Bill Clinton said Friday that delays in offshore oil and gas drilling permits are “ridiculous” at a time when the economy is still rebuilding, according to attendees at the IHS CERAWeek conference.

Clinton spoke on a panel with former President George W. Bush that was closed to the media. Video of their moderated talk with IHS CERA Chairman Daniel Yergin was also prohibited.

But according to multiple people in the room, Clinton, surprisingly, agreed with Bush on many oil and gas issues, including criticism of delays in permitting offshore since last year’s Gulf of Mexico spill…

The Obama Administration’s adherence to environmentalist ideology – which condemns all use of fossil fuels – is insane at this time. Its akin to communist apparatchiks in the old USSR rigidly asserting the party line even when reality was 180 degrees different. Regardless of what one thinks of the merits of green energy, what we need right now is the oil and natural gas – and the jobs – which can be found within United States territory, on shore and off shore.

Had President Obama gone full steam ahead with “drill, baby, drill” from day one, we’d already have a lot more oil production on line…and if he wanted to use taxpayer dollars to stimulate the economy, it would have been much wiser to subsidize the construction of oil refineries instead of blowing it on subsidizing “too big to fail” banks. Had Obama been sensible – had he, that is, ignored environmentalists – then we would have a lot more energy security at this point, and more wealth-creating jobs in the economy.

But, for liberals, ideology trumps common sense. Liberals believe that using oil is evil, and so nothing will be done to in any way, shape or form increase oil availability in the United States. Liberals prefer that we are more dependent on foreign oil – after all, if oil prices skyrocket it will be easier to shove us all on the public transport (liberal leaders, of course, won’t use public transport…as in all Ruling Classes, those who rule will not endure the lifestyle of the ruled). Worst of all even with the world spinning out of control and oil supplies at grave risk, there is no indication of any policy shift by Obama.

Never thought I’d say this – but give us just two weeks of Clinton back in office. Its not enough time for him to find another Lewinsky, but it is time enough for him to lift the oil drilling ban.