Open Thread

The Israelis rescued 4 hostages and the world is loud in its condemnations of Israel. Of course. It took them a while to settle on the number, but the claim I’ve seen most consistently is “Israel murdered 200 innocent people to get 4 people back.” Yet another “war crime” by those dastardly Israelis…if you will please just pretend 10/7 didn’t happen and while mourning over the doctor and journalist killed forget that said doctor and journalist were holding Israelis captive. It is all so much drivel. But not all of it comes from the Left/Hamasnik side – there is some drivel from the Right as well. The tut-tutting about how tragic the deaths were and while we’re glad the captives were freed wow poor dead people.

I am really sick to death of this crap. This “war crime trap” the USA and Israel always find themselves in: the enemy is allowed to do whatever the heck it wants while we have to be super-duper careful and even after we have been, we’re still the bad guys. To heck with that.

There are no innocent Palestinians. They’re all in on it. Every Arab 12 and up in Gaza is to be considered an armed combatant. They can surrender or they can die. And I don’t care what they choose. What the IDF did was a glorious victory. They killed the enemy. They freed the captives. There is no bad thing that happened in the event. The enemy dead simply got what they wanted.

Polling is still good for Trump – all of it, when you consider that Biden needs to win the national popular vote by about 5 points to get past 270 – but there is a CBS poll out this weekend which is giving Democrats lots of hopium because it shows Biden doing better in the battlegrounds. Smart people – including smart people on the Left – are pointing out that this isn’t a survey of Battlegrounds but a national survey in which the Battlegrounds have been broken out. They didn’t poll Michigan; they polled Nationally and then separated the Michigan responses out. This is ok as far as it goes – it isn’t nefarious – but it is also a weak poll of Michigan. And, you guessed it, in the Battlegrounds looking best for Biden, there is an over-sample of Democrats. I’m ok with letting the Democrats get their hopes up.

Meanwhile, some people are looking at the numbers and wondering if there’s a possibility that Trump wins the national popular vote but loses the Electoral College? As you might have guessed, they’re saying this is low-probability but possible. I say it is so close to impossible as makes no odds. What I think we have here is a bit of a psy-op; a Democrat orchestrated discussion point designed to get Trump out of the “reach” States…that is, States where he’s a little behind and doesn’t need for 270 (Virginia, New Mexico…States like that). One headline that crossed the TL on X this past week was Team Pudding Brain announcing a major outreach to LGBTetc people. Depending on the Exit Poll for 2020 you look at, Biden won the gay vote by anywhere from 37 to 48 points. You know: not a demographic that a Democrat should have to reach out to in June…the sort of bloc that should be all neatly locked down. But it ain’t. At least, not enough. This is the state of the campaign, guys. And you can think about it: a gay guy in a purple State might hate Trump and the GOP…but he hates that mortgage interest rates are through the roof, food is expensive, crime is rising…most of that like will still pull the Democrat lever in November…but suppose the Democrats only win that demographic by 25 points? That is what I think the Democrats are trying to avoid – having Trump come out to purple area and getting part of the Democrat coalition to vote for him.

Other markers for how its going – Jacky Rosen (D-Zombie Harry Reid) is running for re-election highlighting how she stands up to Democrats. Tester, over in Montana, is in even more trouble and is explicitly saying he fights Joe Biden. They don’t want Biden anywhere near them – and, of course, they also don’t want Schumer on the podium. If Biden were doing well, they’d want his help…especially Tester who looks like he’ll finally come up short (more dicey in Nevada – Rosen is a non-entity but she’s “nice” and will have the remains of the Reid Machine behind her). Last word on it: it is June 9th and we still don’t have Biden’s May fundraising numbers. Trump and GOP are said to have collected $400 million…that Biden’s people are holding the numbers is not a good sign.

20 thoughts on “Open Thread

  1. Amazona June 9, 2024 / 7:42 pm
    • Retired Spook June 9, 2024 / 7:46 pm

      Do Progressives do memes, and, if so, what are they like? I know Lefty humor in general isn’t funny.

      • Mark Noonan June 9, 2024 / 9:53 pm

        The meme is “the Left can’t meme” and, honestly, they really can’t. Completely humorless people.

    • Mark Noonan June 9, 2024 / 10:02 pm

      Trump here in Vegas proposed removing income taxes from tips…the Culinary Union bosses immediately put out a statement saying they’re backing Biden. But, you gotta wonder: huge numbers of Culinary people earn tips. I’ll bet what the bosses are most pissed off about is that they know Biden can’t make such a proposal…for all the talk for decades of “making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share”, the bottom line is that the money is in the hands of working and middle class people who earn a paycheck. Democrats can’t give up these revenue streams. I also bet that if the Union polled its membership, they’d find almost universal support for the idea. Trump won’t win Clark County with its huge numbers of Culinary employees…heck, he probably won’t even win the union worker vote. But Pudding Brain won Nevada by 33,596 votes in 2020 and that was driven by him winning Clark County (Las Vegas, eg) by 90,922 votes. Biden can win Clark by 70,000 votes…and still lose the State. That is how narrow the margin is. That is how important even a relatively small shift in Clark County can matter.

      And that is why Trump made the proposal.

      Side note, the most Trump County in 2020 was Eureka which went for him by 77.7 points. So, if you’re looking for a Safe Area if things fall apart, keep that in the back of your mind. Only about 1,800 people live there and I’m confident that all of them are armed, even the 100 people who voted Biden.

      • Amazona June 10, 2024 / 8:27 am

        The margins were that narrow in several states. All the howling on the Left about how there was no WIDESPREAD voter fraud is designed to distract us from how little was necessary to take states like Nevada and Arizona.

        In the meantime, we have all these people voting for Biden, for no reason other than their union says vote for Biden. What benefit have they gotten from voting for Democrats? That’s the question we should be asking every Dem—-how does having Biden in office make your life better?

        When you work for tips your livelihood depends on how much money your customers have. Many if not most people think of tipping as something “extra” which makes tips the first thing to go when money is really tight. Surely the Nevada GOP understands this and can make this a point in their campaigning.

  2. Retired Spook June 10, 2024 / 10:40 am

    Looks like the world may be at a turning point (hat-tip – Jeff Childers)

    This week, the European Union member states, including France, are holding their five-year EU parliament elections, which elect each country’s representatives (called MEPs) to the EU parliament.

    France is one of the first EU countries to finish. In a profound shock to European globalists, yesterday Marine Le Pen’s “far-right” National Rally party won 32% of the vote, more than double what French President Macron’s far-left Renaissance party received (15%). (emphasis – mine)

    In what most people thought was just a publicity stunt, Le Pen called for Macron to dissolve France’s parliament, arguing the results showed France’s current government was out of touch with the people. She surely did not expect him to do it. But in another shocking development, Macron did just that, and dissolved France’s government, teeing up emergency elections to form a new internal French parliament.

    To give you an idea, France last dissolved its parliament over 25 years ago, in 1997.

    Macron hopes that the emergency election of a new parliament will swing his way and that the shock of Le Pen’s victory in the EU election will galvanize the left and center to vote for stability instead of change. Maybe he frets that, if he waits, France will drift even further rightwards. Whatever the reason, the snap election is a high-stakes gamble that could either shore up Macron’s position, or weaken him significantly, depending on how French voters respond.

    It’s the globalist’s favorite trick: make them vote again.

    The French results, while shocking, should not surprise anyone. In January, EuroNews ran an eye-opening story headlined, “Right-wing populists could control EU Parliament after election: study.” European globalists fret that the EU’s climate schemes and Ukraine policies could be slowed or even, perish the thought, reversed.

    If you want, you could also view this surprising trend in the same light as European political developments back in 2016. The anti-globalist Brexit movement in Great Britain became an early warning signal of Trump’s election. These results in France, while not quite as politically dynamite as Brexit, are perhaps comparable. We don’t yet know how the rest of the EU elections will turn out, but everyone is on pins and needles to find out.

    Despite the globalists’ historic, secretive worldwide war of resistance, the counter-revolution continues taking territory.

    • Amazona June 10, 2024 / 1:09 pm

      I don’t know anything about what “right-wing” means in Europe. In the United States is can be summed up as Constitutional, but I don’t know what purely political definition it has there. But I get the impression that it boils down to “Not Left”—and that’s good enough for me.

      The Left loves to/needs to slap a lot of cultural identities and so on onto the Right, because that can diminish its support by defining it in terms of issues (the fastest and best way to divide people) instead of beliefs in how a nation should be governed. If ten people agree wholeheartedly on how they think their country should be governed but hold vastly different opinions on several isssues they might not all vote the same way, even for a candidate whose purely POLITICAL beliefs are the same as theirs.

      So if Europe is moving away from the Left, I don’t care what labels are slapped onto those who are learning the hard cold facts about what Leftism means in terms of living with/under it. And make no mistake, to live with the Left IS to live under it.

      • Mark Noonan June 11, 2024 / 12:57 am

        Yep – and they aren’t, of course, “far Right”. That is just Establishment scare tactics…which are no longer very effective. People are fed up – now, given alignments at the moment, this may well result in a Labour government in the UK and a center-Right government in France. But there is a very strong desire to “throw the bums out”…because the bums are allowing an invasion of foreign barbarians. Enough is enough already.

        AfD is what we’d call Democrats circa 1970. Same with Le Pen’s party in France. Only Orban’s party in Hungary can really be considered Conservative…the rest are more Populist-Right. They really don’t mind the overall settlement that occurred in Europe from, say, 1945 to 1985…a bit of welfare, a bit of free market, first-rate military forces..low crime, stable societies with modest economic growth.

      • Amazona June 11, 2024 / 9:53 am

        If ten people agree wholeheartedly on how they think their country should be governed but hold vastly different opinions on several isssues they might not all vote the same way, even for a candidate whose purely POLITICAL beliefs are the same as theirs.

        This, BTW, is why I think we as a party are so foolish in identifying ourselves by our issues instead of our commitment to a specific form of government. When I read the party platforms I just cringe, as they pander to certain emotional, social and cultural issues while excluding those who don’t agree with them, even if they share the same political philosophy.

  3. Amazona June 10, 2024 / 4:59 pm

    Under the heading of JUST HOW VILE ARE PRO-HAMAS PROTESTERS, ANYWAY we can add the photo of two of these vermin, a supposed female flaunting a phone with the message THEYRE NOT COMING HOME next to a freak waving a banner saying KILL HOSTAGES NOW. I notice how all of these creatures hide behind masks.

    When we refer to these creatures as being part of the Culture of Death we get all sorts of moaning and fussing about our “hyperbole” and “exaggeration” but these “people” truly do worship death. I’d love to do a hostage exchange for these two wastes of oxygen.

    • Mark Noonan June 11, 2024 / 12:59 am

      They are pretty disgusting – I wanted deadly force used against the savages in DC this past weekend. I’m sick of these people – foreign or American born: they hate my country, they hate me. I want them curbed.

  4. Cluster June 11, 2024 / 10:10 am

    The Leftist rhetoric surrounding Trump is becoming increasingly dangerous, and the Left is becoming more and more violent by the day. This weekend there was a Hamas insurrection at the Capital which received barely a mention in the State Media despite chants of genocide Joe and the defacing of several federal monuments. Also yesterday in NY, the extremists were chanting Intifada Revolution in front of ceremony mourning the loss of Jewish hostages, and again, not much of a mention in the State run media.

    On top of all this, Democrats are now openly saying that Trump will “throw people out of buildings” in his maniacal pursuit of power. So my question is, why would Democrats ever acknowledge defeat? Do we honestly think that if Trump wins, Democrats will welcome him back to the WH and transfer power peacefully??? I don’t. I think America is soon to be in a violent domestic battle.

    • Amazona June 12, 2024 / 10:24 am

      When Trump supporters “rioted” at the Capital (and I use quotation marks because although there was a riot, not all who were charged participated in it) and were flying American flags, logos with the meaning “Make America Great Again” and were there to demand election integrity they were tracked down, arrested, held without bail (some in solitary confinement) and accused of “insurrection”—which is an effort to overthrow a government and assume its powers.

      When Leftist radicals riot at the Capital flying flags symbolizing the overthrow of the government, carrying banners with messages about overthrowing the government and call for the overthrow of the government they are ignored. Leftist radicals can “Intifada Revolution ” with no repercussions. Not one of the Trump supporters arrested, jailed, tried, convicted and sentenced ever advocated for revolution or “Death to Amerikkka”.

  5. Amazona June 12, 2024 / 10:52 am

    Reports on Biden’s degenerating mental condition are so numerous we hardly pay attention any more. There is the inability to read or understand what is on the teleprompter, the forays into odd delusional fantasies about his past, his evidence of public incontinence and so on. But this article has a video clip of him looking absolutely catatonic.

    When I saw it, I just kind of skipped past it as just another example of Biden’s dementia. But something caught my eye so I went back and looked again at the clip of him standing in a row of very active energetic people moving to some music, and him standing there, absolutely frozen, unblinking, fwith an unmoving half smile, or many seconds. Even his arms and hands seemed frozen.

    • Retired Spook June 12, 2024 / 11:37 am

       Even his arms and hands seemed frozen.

      Until he had to catch the drool dripping out of his mouth.

      • Amazona June 12, 2024 / 3:14 pm

        Seriously, though—did you watch the video? Even when someone pauses for a few moments he doesn’t remain absolutely rigid. There are subtle changes in facial expressions, slight shifting of weight, blinking…..for that period of time Joe Biden looked paralyzed, with no movement of any kind on his face or his body, with his arms and hands at an awkward angle and also completely motionless.

        Then when he finally moved just his head, and then tentatively brought his hand to his mouth (to wipe off the drool) that big black guy next to him moved over to take his hand away from his mouth—what was that all about?

  6. Amazona June 12, 2024 / 8:59 pm

    The first reading of Carl Schmitt’s “The Concept of the Political” (1932) should come as a shock to readers in any country that regards itself as free. In his view, all states, government, and law rely on their legitimacy based on fomenting friend/enemy distinction. Only by turning people against each other, and ever more intensely, in his view, can a regime hope to hold onto power

    You can respect Professor Schmitt as a thinker and please remember: his intellectual template provided the essential template for the Nazi Party. His influence here was what you might call right-wing Marxism with roots in Hegel. In short, this is not a classically liberal, much less, democratic way to see the world.

    In this view, the assertion of human rights is balderdash and the notion of democracy is too. These are nothing but myths we tell ourselves, delusions we temporarily held in the 18th and early 19th centuries that vanished as quickly as they came. Schmitt was a believer in power and a successor to Machiavelli in instructing a ruling class on how to gain and hold power but his view was more extreme and raw.

    It remains popular today perhaps as a descriptive theory of the world into which we’ve descended, one where half the public is wired to fly into a frenzy if the other side wins the election. It seems to be where we are headed. The great worry is that there is no coming back from this descent in Schmittianism.

    First, I don’t think there is or can be any such thing as “right-wing Marxism”. Marxism is by definition a left-wing political construct with absolutely nothing in common with anything “right-wing”. “Right-wing”, at least in the United States, is completely antithetical to Marxism.

    I didn’t realize that someone with a distinctly Marxian—that is, Leftist—concept of government had admitted that the only way such a regime can gain and retain power is by creating conflict among people and pitting them against each other. I have observed this strategy from the Left as it has escalated it from its rather basic “class warfare” to its concocted “war between the sexes” (back in the good old days when there were only two sexes) to its invention of multiple genders and the asserted ability to move among them to its promotion of dogmas that ensure reactions of disgust such as the current pro-Hamas/pro-genocide-of-Jews. It’s all always been about finding or creating ways to divide people into groups and then pitting those groups against each other, to destabilize society and make it more susceptible to Leftist takeover.

    The author of the article goes on to say:

    This struck me last week in talking with friends about what happens after the November election. Everyone seems to be in fighting mode depending on the outcome. This seems to be a new approach in American politics in which one side will not accept power being held by the other side. This is precisely the nightmare feared most by the Framers of the Constitution.

    Sadly, I think this is a real fear, but one that has to be analyzed. One side, if it loses, will react with a conviction that the election was illegitimate and also with deep concern about what this means for the future of the nation, but without violence, while the other will react with fury and violence and destructive riots at not getting its own way. The two kinds of reactions will make an important point about the differences between the two camps

    • Mark Noonan June 12, 2024 / 9:14 pm

      It could get quite horrible and very fast. I keep telling everyone it won’t be like the first Civil War – it’ll be far more akin to the Spanish Civil War. Things might gel eventually into areas mostly controlled by each side but in the initial stages we’ll see very much neighbor vs neighbor as well as political score-settling. I’d rather we avoid that.

      But the quote shows the problem – that is how our opponents think. It is how all the modern, political “isms” think: total war. Pit group against group. Foster hatred. Because none of these things – whether you call it anything from Liberalism to Nazism – can tolerate. They are all extremist and insist upon total control and slavish devotion. We have to figure out how to beat them – meaning their total exclusion from power – without ourselves turning into tyrants.

      • Amazona June 12, 2024 / 10:41 pm

        The thing is, only the leaders have the vision and the dogma—-they are supported by ignorant sheeple who are merely blindly and mindlessly following the issues that matter to them without the slightest awareness of how they are being manipulated like little meat puppets. So if your issue is that you are an indiscriminate sex partner who will basically f**k a woodpile on the chance there might be a snake in it and then some “movement” is dangled in front of you giving your lack of discrimination a name, like “polyamorous” to give it a hint of credibility, and then identifies everyone who isn’t like you as a bigot and a “hater” you go along with it and howl your outrage without the slightest clue that you are a cog in the wheel. You’re just another mini-demographic created and used by the Left to foment paranoia and hatred and conflict, with no awareness that this enables a highly structured political system of top-down ruling by a massively powerful Central Authority, with little or no power left to the states or to the people.

        Ditto for every sub-group invented and cultured and nourished by the Left. Not one of them has a serious political thought or motivation—-it’s ISSUE vs ISSUE, or to be more accurate ISSUE vs EVERYONE ELSE. This is truly a case of “cut off the head of the snake” to solve the problem. Without the demagogues creating the constantly-evolving mini-demographics and then keeping them pumped up, without the funding that supplies the mysteriously appearing printed signs and banners and flags and T-shirts, we’d go back to being a society with its percentage of misfits and freaks but misfits and freaks not organized into cannon fodder to feed the Left’s attack on society.

        I do wonder about the longevity of a movement which increasingly depends on freaks and social misfits to survive—especially when it has gone so far over the line that a lot of those who identified with the old identity of civilized kinda-Left “Democrat” are reluctant to be associated with them.

      • Amazona June 14, 2024 / 6:46 pm

        especially when it has gone so far over the line that a lot of those who identified with the old identity of civilized kinda-Left “Democrat” are reluctant to be associated with them.

        This is addressed in this article

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