Open Thread

It isn’t important so much as a thing, but it is showing how things are done via the MSM in the modern era:

Justin Timberlake – who I didn’t realize until just now was part of the boy band NSYNC and who’s songs I couldn’t for the life of me identify, but who has been a pop icon for 20 years – was arrested for DWI in Sag Harbor. This is one of those Long Island communities where rich people soak up the local atmosphere…meaning, the actual purpose of the place is long gone and the whole thing is like a Disney-park, in this case the community pretends it still has some connection to its nautical, whaling past. So, you know: a place where the rich are privileged. Timberlake is, of course, rich. And the rich people of Sag Harbor and such places are not about to put up with impertinence from the cops.

There is this article in the MSM and many others attacking the cop. He has, as the story says, been “unmasked” as a rookie cop who didn’t recognize Timberlake. The horror! There are also stories circulating claiming that other locals don’t like this particular cop. This is all intimidation: not just of this particular officer, but the entire police force and law enforcement apparatus of the area. It is a PR blitz to let everyone know that you damned well better recognize Timberlake – and any other rich/famous people – and do what you have to do to make sure the rich/famous don’t face significant consequences for actions. And the MSM is playing along with it – just as they do with the overall Ruling Class, which includes Democrats and kept Republicans. The particulars of the cop are, of course, irrelevant unless there is a charge that the officer violated the law – that he’s a rookie or didn’t recognize Timberlake is unimportant. The only thing we, the people, need to know is if the arrest was legit – that’s all we ever need to know about the cops: did they act within the law? Whether or not Timberlake is guilty is a matter for the courts. But if you want to put a shot across the legal system’s bow, you do it like this – letting everyone know that big wheels are not pleased and so maybe make this all go away.

In the UK the Tories are going to get wiped out in the July 4th election. Some polling indicates the Tories may drop from their current 344 seats down into the low 50s. The Tories have completely earned this destruction. My actual hope is that the party dissolves shortly afterwards. They have been the worst of the worst “RINO” type of party. You think Romney is bad? He’s a conservative stalwart compared to PM Sunak and his cronies. There is nothing that Labour wants that the Tories don’t go along with – from open borders to pronoun policies, the Tory government has been Labour for all intents and purposes. Don’t get me wrong – an actual Labour government (which the UK will get, and with an unassailable majority) is going to be worse. You know how Leftists are – once they do get power, they kick in the afterburners and go for it. And like always, this new Labour government will rest secure in the knowledge that once they screw everything up and get the boot, a new Tory government will just tap the brakes and keep on with Labour policies. But, will it?

Nigel Farage, famed leader of the Brexit movement, has come out of retirement to lead Reform UK into the election. Reform will not win. In fact, best polling has them winning less than 10 seats; this is because of the way things are done in British elections. Reform is polling just a little below Tory but it is first past the post in the UK (as it is in our Congressional elections) and with the Right vote split between Tory and Reform, it’ll be Labour (barely polling above 40%) that takes as many at 470 out of 650 seats (that is 40% getting 72% of the seats – and 100% of the power because there is no actual check on the power of the House of Commons). But while Reform will enter the next Parliament as a tiny party – and with perhaps the absurd Liberal-Democrats as the official Opposition to His Majesty’s Government – they are, perhaps, a harbinger. All across the world, the Ruling Class is threatened by a rising tide of discontent. This discontent is going to result in a Labour government in the UK (which is monumentally stupid, but change does take time) but everywhere the Establishment is besieged by a populace running out of patience. Labour will ruin Britain. It is what Leftists do. And at the next election, Reform might come into its own.

In addition to the “you want expensive tomatoes?” arguments in favor of illegal immigration, the Ruling Class is trotting out the, “you think only illegals commit crimes?” excuse. I’m not sure this one will work any better than the other given that the crime rate for illegals should be zero as there should be no illegals in country to commit crimes. In addition to this, I don’t put any stock in the Libertarian and Left studies claiming that illegals commit less crimes than Americans. That is just a stupid assertion given that illegals are people and are prone to crime as any other random group of people. Of course they commit, on average, at least as much crime per 100,000 as anyone else. And that is the baseline – now add in this:

“Hey, you’re an illegal…transport this meth to Arizona or we’ll tip off immigration.”

It is almost an existential certainty that illegals commit more crimes than citizens.

18 thoughts on “Open Thread

  1. Cluster June 23, 2024 / 10:15 am

    Under Democrat Leftist rule, American is quickly becoming a country of haves, and have nots, which is exactly what every third world country is. The replacement theory is real, chalk this up to just another conspiracy theory coming true. Uneducated low skilled immigrants from Central America and beyond are familiar with socialism and will gladly vote for it, whereas your typical normal American in fly over country never will … with the exception of someone like Casper but he just does what the “cool kids” do. I have always believed that Americas career politicians and bureaucrats have always been a little jealous of the control Socialist leaders have, and they want it, and if you listen, they tell you they want it; think “this is the moment when the seas began to recede” proclamation from 2009, courtesy of the Kenyan. But in order to achieve that control, they need a new electorate, and they need to destroy the wealth of the middle class, hence their newest strategy … the high density zoning push into single family neighborhoods. Around large cities, there are low income apartment buildings being constructed in and near middle class single family detached neighborhoods, which will lower the quality of life, and along with it, lower home values, lower equity …. less wealth.

    The State Media is on board, Federal bureaucracies are on board, District Attorney’s are on board, and of course the the entire Democrat Party is on board to “fundamentally transform” the country. Remember when that piece of shit Kenyan mentioned that?? We are watching it play out … but we still have time to stop it. And make no mistake about it … the Kenyan is still fucking with this country. We need to get rid of him.

    • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 11:09 am

      Well, we can’t “get rid” of Obama, at least not legally. But we can reinforce the guardrails around our country, and the first and best way to do that is to gain a foothold in media messaging. We have seen for ourselves how decent intelligent people respond to finding out the truth, and there are enough decent, intelligent, people in this country to halt the advance of Leftism—if we can just find a way to communicate with them.

      To some extent, the Left is doing our job for us, by escalating its efforts so far and so fast that they can no longer be ignored or denied. It’s one thing to feel confident in ones’ perch on the Left-defined Higher Moral Ground, sipping chardonnay and feeling smugly virtuous about allowing poor foreigners access to our country so they, too, can have “a better life”. It’s quite another to have your local high school closed to your children and turned into a flophouse for “undocumented migrants” who, oddly, mostly seem to be young men. Then when a couple of young girls are raped and a woman in the neighborhood is raped, and you learn that many of these “undocumented migrants” were dangerous criminals in their own country before coming here to prey on weak silly Americans, this whole virtue signaling runs into reality.

      But even then, without information about the reality of so-called “immigration” it’s harder to connect all the dots. Who is telling Suburban Mom that these “poor” foreigners paid tens of thousands of dollars to drug cartels for transportation to and across the border? Not the Left, that’s for sure. If they made this public, Suburban Mom might wonder just how desperate and “impoverished” these healthy young men really were, if they had houses and cars to sell and could come up with ten or twenty thousand dollars in cash to pay to drug cartels.

      SM (Suburban Mom) might look at her darling four-year-old son or daughter and be horrified by the thought of this precious child being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, to be the plaything of degenerate men, so the Left definitely does not want her to know that support for the human trafficking run by the cartels is more than just moving people across the country to our borders, it includes stealing children like her sweet Tiffany or Chad and selling them into lives of rape and abuse. So the Leftist media are not going to tell her this, tell her of the 85,000 missing children, or of the fact that nearly all girls and young women on the cartel journeys to the United States are raped with many sold into sex slavery. It is important to shield her from the fact that her votes, her support for the system behind this, are responsible for this, so it is important to keep the Complicit Agenda Media in charge of what she her fellow Democrats are told.

      (Just look at the hysterical pushback against the movie The Sound Of Freedom. Why, a decent person would (and did) ask, would anyone object to educating people about the fact of child sex slavery? Why, a decent person would (and did) ask, would anyone try to discredit this movie or the people who made it, if not concerned about possible efforts to interfere with the child sex slavery business?)

      The first step in slowing the takeover of this nation by the Left is gaining control over a means of mass communication, and having the right people sending the message. Messages. What messages?

      The true reason for promoting illegal immigration
      The true cost of illegal immigration
      The reality of voter fraud, and its results
      The results of Leftist governance, destroying cities while sucking up billions of dollars of federal “aid’ to supposedly deal with the problems purposely created, such as “homelessness”
      The corruption made possible by sending billions of dollars to foreign countries. (We forget that the whole Biden/Ukraine thing started when billions of US aid to Ukraine went missing, with the company employing the son of the American official who arranged for this aid being strongly implicated in the theft, and that the American official, the Vice President of the United States, then interfered with Ukraine’s effort to investigate this. We forget that for years Joe Biden and John Kerry went around the world setting up billions of dollars of foreign “aid” to countries where their sons then received sweetheart deals to establish “consulting” businesses.)

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 11:25 am

        You say “get rid” of Obama. I say “get rid” of the Complicit Agenda Media.

        Ask yourself what problems now facing this nation would exist, or at least be so massive, without the support of the Complicit Agenda Media?

        Would we have Joe Biden in the White House without the efforts of the CAM in denying and covering up election fraud? We can tally up other problems, like the open borders, and attribute them to who is running the country, and that power comes directly from the Complicit Agenda Media’s near-complete control over what Americans are told.

        Would Soros-funded District Attorneys be destroying the rule of law in American cities without the CAM’s efforts to get them elected?

        Would millions of Americans have been controlled to the point of being forced to inject dangerous drugs just to be able to keep their jobs without the help of the Agenda Media, lying about the drugs, covering up their dangers and claiming they were effective and necessary to be safe from a media-promoted threat?

        Whenever I think of any problem in this country I always come back to the conviction that if our media—television, print and radio—were representatives of actual journalism we would be living in a very different country. And without a strong balance to that insidious and toxic control over what Americans are told, we will never be able to completely turn this country around.

      • Cluster June 23, 2024 / 1:12 pm

        You wont get an argument from me about the Media, they are indeed a destructive force, but they are just part of the cabal. The Ruling Class/Media/Academia/Corporate cabal. The leftist tentacles are deeply engrained in each one, and those tentacles were planted by the Kenyan. Obama was born in Kenya, by his own admission, and he is responsible for the acceleration of decline we are watching. He still runs the government.

        I continue to wonder why Romney laid down in the 2nd and 3rd debate? And I am convinced it’s because the Ruling Class spoke. They promised to do to Romney what they are currently doing to Trump, and Romney folded. The Left are evil, dishonorable, and need to be eliminated, and I don’t care how. Just get it done.

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 2:14 pm

        The Leftist strategies of media control to enable oppressive government predate Obama by decades. He was selected and put in place by—the Complicit Agenda Media. Without the complicity of the Agenda Media in both promoting him and savagely attacking his opposition he would still be a minor player, maybe stirring up a little trouble in the Chicago ghetto. He was a tool and still is a tool of a much larger entity.

        How successful would the Academic Class be if we had an honest journalistic presence in this country? How far would they get if we had honest reporting revealing what they do?

        How much power would the Ruling Class have if it did not have a Complicit Agenda Media promoting it while lying about its opposition? How many of the Ruling Class would be where they are now if the Agenda Media had not convinced enough of the masses to vote into power?

        Both of these would crumble, and struggle to survive, without the support of the various media (and “media” is a plural, describing more than one medium, such as the medium of television or the print medium) promoting them to the masses while savaging any opposition.

        As for “corporate” that is an economic equation which may be assisted by the Agenda Media but which is, when it comes down to it, controlled by the market. That is, by the people. Without the efforts of the Ruling Class with its thumb on the scale, the Corporate Class would have its own built-in limiting factors. So that takes us back to the Ruling Class, put in place and kept there through the efforts of the Complicit Agenda Media

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 2:33 pm

        Yes, Obama was born in Kenya, but so were millions of other people. What matters about Obama is not where he was born but his heritage. His heritage as a natural born citizen due to his mother being a citizen when he was born, is only a small (though important) part of that history. The really important parts are the politics of his family. His grandparents hated the United States and his mother hated the United States. She gravitated toward men who hated the United States, and refused to live in the United States. I don’t think she ever lived in Hawaii after it became a state, and Hawaii was rife with anti-American sentiment and resentment at its being named a state. She chose as the official father of her son a man, Barack Obama, whose entire family history was one of hating England and then the United States, and she sent her son to live with the man who was probably his biological father, Frank Marshal Davis, an ardent Communist and America-hater. When her Indonesian husband began to moderate his strident anti-American attitude she left him, taking her son away from his influence.

        An elaborate political novel might have the mother chosen to breed to and incubate a future enemy of America, but that degree of conniving was not necessary. She did it all on her own, creating the perfect vessel for the future undermining of our nation, and he was recognized and nurtured by Leftist leadership, which stepped in to get him into the right schools and acquire the right credentials and then the right mentors (domestic terrorist Ayers and his wife) and then—-the most important element of all—-the support of the American Agenda Media. It was the eager participation of the American press that pulled it all together and made it happen.

        You can reach into his history and pluck out the location of his actual physical birth and replace it with literally any other place on the planet, and if the other elements remain the same you will have the same person doing the same things at the bidding of the same political masters.

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 2:35 pm

        They either promised him or they threatened him, but we can’t overlook the possibility that he was just in way over his head.

        We will never be able to “get rid” of the Left. All we can do is carefully analyze what it needs to have and retain power and whittle away at those components.

    • Mark Noonan June 23, 2024 / 12:30 pm

      Got into another of those interminable debates about the 2020 result yesterday on X and it went in its usual course – “there was no widespread fraud”, “prove it” and so forth. But what stopped it was when I said that we, the people are allowed to question government at any time, on any grounds and it is the absolute duty of the government to prove to the people that they acted correctly. This brought up, “what do you mean? That the people should be able to examine all the election documents and question those responsible?”. To which I answered: yes. That is exactly it.

      We are citizens, not subjects (in theory, at least). We proclaim in our founding document that sovereignty resides in the people and the only purpose of government is to secure our rights. Government is our servant, we are government’s master. It isn’t on us to prove the government did wrong, government must prove to the boss (the people) that it did right. I further went on to point out that if the government is acting honorably they will be delighted to show their work – immediately and without any attempt to hide even the slightest facet of the action. They certainly wouldn’t argue in court that a citizen doesn’t have standing to sue (which is how most of the 2020 cases were disposed of by the Ruling Class). This just shut them up. They had no answer to it – because the only objection to my assertion is to say that government is superior to the governed. This is something even the most dyed-in-the-wool Progressive won’t say. Yet, at any rate: just wait a bit and we’ll find the white supremacists roots of popular sovereignty…but, for now, it isn’t something the Left can admit to.

      And, man, do they want to admit to it! They are champing at the bit for their chance to declare us all serfs at the disposal of government. That is the society they want. Naturally with the Progressives in charge and granted high privileges.

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 1:34 pm

        You made some excellent points, and who knows, one of them might actually sink in. This brought up, “what do you mean? That the people should be able to examine all the election documents and question those responsible?”. To which I answered: yes. That is exactly it. I have never heard a good reason for refusing to let every single questioned aspect of the election (any election) to be examined.

        A great example: Many vote counters said they had run across ballots that seemed to be photocopied: The paper felt different from the regular ballot paper, the markings seemed to be machine-made, and they had not been folded, as mailed ballots would have been. To anyone serious about election integrity this would have called for an immediate examination of ballots to look for anything like this. It would have been a high priority. Yet the resistance to looking into this was instant, massive, and obdurate. No way were those in charge going to allow actual physical examination of actual ballots! And they still have never been physically examined.

        A computer tech guy pointed out that photocopiers transmit metadata to the copies made. He said that almost immediately he could tell if a paper had been photocopied, and if there were more than one if they had been copied on the same copier. Naturally, this kind of examination was never allowed. Why?

        The obvious reason for these kinds of obstruction is that those in charge know there was fraud and are trying to keep it from being proved, but I think there is probably a contingent of folks who just don’t think we have the right to question or challenge the authority of the State. And it’s this meek and unquestioning submission to authority that allows the authoritarians to control all of us, if the meek and submissive are in large enough numbers to keep them in power.

        There is also the element of Identity Politics—that is, that once a demographic of the meekly obedient is adequately convinced of the inherent evils of its opposition, anything at all suggested or attempted by the opposition is automatically defied, demonized and shut down. So even an effort to educate Americans about the existence of trafficking young girls for sexual slavery is opposed. One would hope this does not indicate that such large numbers are participating in sex slavery of children and want to protect and defend it, though this is the impression given by the opposition to revealing it. No, I think a lot of it is simple Identity Politics—if “this” group wants something and you are on the “other” side, then it must be opposed.

        So, regarding the 2020 election, a line was drawn, and if you were on the side benefiting from the outcome you would automatically have a knee-jerk oppositional response to anyone from the “other” side wanting to investigate anomalies. It didn’t matter what a corrupted election might mean to the country and its future—-it was all and only a matter of “us” vs “them”.

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 3:25 pm

        …even an effort to educate Americans about the existence of trafficking young girls for sexual slavery is opposed. One would hope this does not indicate that such large numbers are participating in sex slavery of children and want to protect and defend it, though this is the impression given by the opposition to revealing it. Rolling Stone was so deeply offended by the movie that it “suggested the movie was somehow related to “Q Anon,” the nemesis of the left-leaning “blue anons.” and another Lefty rag whined that the movie “perpetuates unhelpful and even harmful myths.”

        And then there is this:

        Tin Foil Haturday: The Democrats Claim There Is No Lefty Pedo Cabal. Roll the Tape.

      • Amazona June 23, 2024 / 1:45 pm

        Is this what you are talking about?

  2. Retired Spook June 24, 2024 / 10:50 am

    We’ve often discussed on this blog that one of the ways we fight the Left is to defund them. IIRC, Mark has written multiple posts on the subject. Jeff Childers takes note at Coffee & Covid this morning of Governor DeSantis’ most recent effort to defund a local Leftist institution. Pretty Humorous read.

    Governor DeSantis triggered the left again. The story appeared in the Tampa Bay Times, headlined, “Florida arts and culture funding slashed from budget.” Late last week, using his line-item veto power, Governor DeSantis slashed about $32 million in arts and culture grants from Florida’s 2025 budget, and liberal brains popped off in a cascade of explosions that could be easily seen from space.

    image 5.png

    The Tampa Museum of Art’s executive director, Michael Tomor, expressed bafflement and dismay that the wellspring of taxpayer money was suddenly drying up. “It’s a huge disappointment and a quandary,” he complained. Director Tomor just can’t understand it. “We are all unclear as to why this happened,” he scowled.

    Now what are they supposed to do?

    The Tampa Bay Times’s reporter was just as confused as Director Tomor. They both assume as a fact — like gravity or virtue signaling — that the government’s job is to scrape together working people’s tax money and then redistribute it to elite, art-collecting institutions whose directors make six-figure salaries.

    I’m sure there are even some C&C readers who are thinking right now that the arts are super important, a critical investment in the future, a civilizationally defining necessity that, of course, should be funded by the state.

    But according to the Times, Governor DeSantis took a dimmer view, less like a high-minded, politically connected museum director, and more like an overworked bookkeeper running out of adding machine paper. Even though Florida is currently running a surplus, the state’s top executive decided the arts were an inappropriate use of state tax dollars, and snip snip:

    image 3.png

    DeSantis’s decision mystified the Times. Lost and wandering around somewhere in the early impressionists, the paper couldn’t conceive of any principled objection to funding the arts with tax dollars.

    It’s … the arts!

    But unsurprisingly, the outraged Times reporter never looked beyond her champagne glass or interviewed anyone who agreed with Governor DeSantis, or could explain his logic. And that is what passes for journalism these days.

    It only took me about two minutes of digging. I pulled up the Tampa Museum of Art’s latest Form 990 disclosures on Guidestar, which the Times’ reporter could not find, probably because it involves numbers and not pictures. ( laughed out loud)

    According to the museum’s disclosures, in 2022 the Museum received $5.5 million in donations and grants. But, and this is the key issue right here, it lavished over half of that total, about $3 million dollars, on “salaries, compensation, and benefits.” Not art.

    image 2.png

    $1.2 million of the museum’s 2022 revenues came from “government grants.”

    Now, I am quite certain the Tampa Museum of Art is a fine institution, with a lovely art collection, and good luck to it. But I don’t see why taxpaying citizens — outside Tampa! — should be made involuntary patrons for invisible, highly-paid persons who never say ‘thank you’ but only complain when the money spigot turns off.

    In other words, being as charitable as I can, government grants for the arts are mostly wealth transfers. Grants forcibly take money from people who could care less about art, but who are keeping the lights on and the toilets flushing, and doles their money out to elite liberals running non-taxed “non-profits.” Artsy liberals who often make artistically tasteless decisions.

    There’s nothing wrong with museums. There’s just too much bad art and too many grifters.

    One imagines the millions of tax dollars “invested” in trendy liberal fads, like “diversity art.” And don’t even get me started on so-called modern art, like the fifteen-foot square, blank canvas I saw spotlighted in New York’s MOMA one time. It was titled, “Nothingness.”  (I thought, “genius!” I clearly invested way too much effort on my 10th-grade final art project, dang it.)

    People in the “art industry” often don’t act like they love the arts. They act like everybody else, like art is a career choice, and all too often they act like the job is called ‘government cash grab.’ Incensed Director Tomor, for example, is no volunteer. The Museum’s 2022 Form 990 shows the good director earned a nifty $269,083 that year.

    And that was his salary two years ago. I bet it’s more now. I’m sure he’s worth every penny. Part of his job is probably to get hold of the same government grants we’ve been talking about. But Director Tomor should earn his living fair and square, like the rest of us. Not through tax gifts.

    Governor DeSantis was right to nip out the art funding. Let people keep their money. If the people want more Nothingness, they can pay for nothing by themselves.

    • Mark Noonan June 24, 2024 / 7:54 pm

      That is $3 million in salaries to people who, for the most part, hate us. Why subsidize it?

      And what do we get for it? Well, there’s the program to teach people how to make their own stickers.


      You know: something you stick on something else.

      Well, that settles it: we’re sure in heck going to get a Michelangelo out of that!

      That is the thing that really bothers me: we don’t get great art. We get either stuff that is an egregious insult or stuff that is just bad art. Can anyone on Earth today sculpt anything like the Pieta? You really need to look at the close up pictures they’ve taken of some of these old statues…the detail is amazing. And all done by hand. No computers involved here! Just a person using simple tools and what was in the heart and mind to create something which moves people centuries after it was made. Lets not even talk about the paint splatterings of some modern artists…even people like Picasso and Van Gough…I’d laugh at anyone trying to tell me they are even in the same league as the old artists. And I kinda like Picasso’s work! But it isn’t genius…it is strange, sure…and the colors are often interesting (and also in Van Gough’s work) but, sorry, they just don’t cut it. The old masters would toss either of them out on their ears. They keep telling us that this modern art will eventually bloom into something more glorious than the Renaissance…but all I see it doing is plumbing ever greater depths of degradation. So, no, I’m not interested in my tax dollars paying for it.

      • Amazona June 24, 2024 / 9:27 pm

        You can go online and find probably 2 or 3 dozen different apps and articles on how to make stickers. You can go to a fabric store like JoAnne’s or a hobby store and buy machines that cut out templates to make stickers. Making stickers is basically grade school stuff. There’s a wide variety of places that have arts and crafts for adults of all ages. We don’t need to spend millions of dollars to hire people with fancy schmancy art degrees to do advanced finger painting.

        As for “Art” just listen to the people who are in charge of acquiring “art” for our cities and our states. Denver spent almost a million dollars for a massive and grotesquely ugly statue of a horse. It’s blue and its eyes light up at night and it is almost universally decried as the biggest piece of crap the city has ever spent money on. (The kinds of people who admire the emperor’s new clothes think it’s just marvelous. )I The smug response from the people who are responsible for decisions like this is kind of a little chin tuck smirk and the comment that the purpose of art is to disturb people. Denver is the worst at this. It not only throws millions and millions of taxpayer dollars at absolute ugly crap it does it with the specific intention of being so ugly that it upsets people. There is no harmony, there is no beauty, just aggressively discordant and unpleasant garbage. (However, consistent with its nicknames of ““Blucifer,” “Satan’s Stallion,” “Denver’s Demon Mustang,” and “DIAblo” the horse has a sinister history as while it was being assembled part of it fell onto the artist and killed him.) Looming up out of the prairie next to the road leading out of the airport, especially at night when it is lit up and the eyes are glowing, it really terrifies people who don’t expect to see something like that out there. The picture doesn’t really convey the shock value. It is so much uglier in person.

        Compare this to the horses atop the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, created in 1793 as a monument to peace. I remember being in Berlin in 2019 and seeing this in the distance and being awed by its beauty and its history. No one will ever react to the Demon Horse this way, which will end up unmourned and forgotten in a scrap heap somewhere.

        The older art in our cities tends to be beautiful and inspirational. Certainly, the older art that we see in Europe is breathtaking, celebrating the beauty of man and nature and God. It is obvious what these people are celebrating, and it is harshness and ugliness and often degeneracy. But these days the art budgets of cities, especially blue cities, seems to be spent more on creating and then reinforcing the illusion that art degrees are valuable and that these people are so advanced intellectually and artistically that we common people simply cannot understand what they’re doing.

      • Amazona June 24, 2024 / 9:37 pm

        If these so-called artists had to actually work for a living by creating the kind of art that people liked enough to buy for themselves, to live with, I think they would have a very different attitude toward Art. That’s okay. I see things advertised for sale on and eBay and Facebook that the creators who think of themselves as artists think are absolutely wonderful, and anyone who agrees with them can support them by buying what they create. But as the old cowboy saying goes, don’t p*** on my head and tell me it’s raining.

  3. Amazona June 24, 2024 / 11:59 pm

    The RNC and state parties are following a “chase the ballot strategy” – which Leftists used for decades – but they left out the most important part!

    What the RNC misses is the Ballot Manufacturing Strategy the Leftists also use to juice up ballot harvesting. 

    If one implements a ballot harvesting strategy, it will alway lose to a ballot harvesting PLUS ballot manufacturing strategy. 100% of the time.

    Ballot manufacturing is the long term aggregation on voter rolls of fake people, real people at fake addresses, real people at real addresses which are ineligible, like a Walmart, illegal aliens who will never show up – but will get a mail-in ballot.

    Ballot manufacturing has a single objective – creating lists to which physical ballots can be tied when needed.

    Those lists exist to be used, if necessary, to make up any margin the Republicans pick up by ballot harvesting at Kiwanis Clubs and evangelical churches.

    • Amazona June 25, 2024 / 12:06 am

      I think all we can do is mount a massive campaign to count votes and screen mail-in ballots very aggressively with demands that questionable ballots be set aside for rapid vetting for signatures, postmarks, legitimate addresses and registrations. We have the technology to set up computer stations which could provide nearly real-time vetting of things like bogus addresses and unregistered voters. But I would also start a campaign to let people know that they will be sued for accepting bogus ballots as well as “certifying” vote tallies proven to be illegitimate. Arizona very quickly knew that tens of thousands of votes were fraudulent, yet the state accepted them anyway.

  4. Amazona June 25, 2024 / 12:10 am

    We’ve already got expensive tomatoes, in a country full of illegal “immigrants”.


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