Democrat Governors Fear Obama's Anti-Arizona Suit

From the New York Times:

In a private meeting with White House officials this weekend, Democratic governors voiced deep anxiety about the Obama administration’s suit against Arizona’s new immigration law, worrying that it could cost a vulnerable Democratic Party in the fall elections…

Which is correct. Poll after poll shows the American people strongly support Arizona’s actions. Given the number of hispanics in Arizona and the polls in that State, there is likely a large minority of hispanic voters who back the bill. Obama and his politicized Justice Department are gambling that stern action against Arizona will bring hispanic voters to the polls for Democrats in November – Democrat governors are realizing that even if this is the case (and its not a certainty, at all), it won’t be enough to overcome the level of voter support for the measure.

Obama is playing this as if the 2008 result meant that the American people had openly opted for leftist governance. He seems to have forgotten that his win was predicated upon running away from overt leftism – he won, as it were, as a post-partisan healer who could bring the reforms so long sought by the American people.

Running center and governing left has turned the Democrat’s massive 2008 victory to ashes – now sensible Democrats are seeking to reduce the damage. Obama, on the other hand, is doubling down – and could be turning a bad loss in November in to a political catastrophe.

Question: Is Obama smart enough to see it? Is he humble enough to accept reproof from his peers?

Time will tell.