Obama Lied, Drilling Died

Entirely unsurprising news – from the AP:

The Obama administration will maintain a long-standing oil drilling ban in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida after considering loosening it before the BP spill, a senior administration official told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Just a month before the spill started in April, the Obama administration had announced plans to allow drilling in the eastern portion of the Gulf as part of the management plan for the Outer Continental Shelf…

In actuality, the noises Obama made about allowing more offshore drilling were nothing more than a gambit to get GOP support for “cap and trade”. By dangling a bit of common sense in front of GOPers, Obama hope to get some to sign on to the idiocy of cap and trade. Well, now that cap and trade is likely dead as a doornail, there is no more need to please GOPers on energy matters – but plenty of need to placate a restive left, and no easier way to do that than banning the one, sure measure to swiftly decrease our dependence on foreign oil – you know, producing more of our own.

The cynicism and dishonesty of President Obama becomes more manifest all the time. We’ve got ourselves a President who is just going to keep grinding along in his own, leftist groove and never give a darn about what effect its having. If Obama wants it, then it’s good – so goes Obama thinking, and anyone who contradicts is just entirely out of bounds (racist, you know?).

People were hoping that the worst which will happen under Obama is Carter II…I think that hope is fading away and that Carter may be redeemed and no longer be rated our worst President, ever, by 2012.