The Anti-Semitic Moment

Candace Owens made a splash a few years ago as black, female conservative but now is branching out – she’s taking up the cause of the Third Reich. Whether as a matter of conviction or because there’s lots of anti-Semitic clicks to be had from the Gaza war is unknown. Superficially, you might think that National Socialism is something black people can’t do but it is actually infinitely applicable. The key isn’t being German, or even white. The key is to be anti-Semitic. If we could dig up Zombie Hitler he’d probably still assert that black skinned people are inherently inferior, but that would only be until he got his bearings and realized there’s room for everyone, except Jews. Hitler, after all, made alliance with the Japanese…and for all his granting honorary Aryan status to the Japanese, this was a violation of strict Nazi ideology.

The first step to Nazism – the gateway drug – is blame Jews for something. Not a Jew, but Jews, as such. The Gaza war has provided ample opportunity for people to blame the Jews. There are now right and left people who have found that in spite of all other differences, a shared hatred of Jews can unite them. And once you start hating the Jews, all sorts of vistas open up for you. For Owens, it was the shocking revelation (to her, at any rate) that Germans in 1945 were treated very poorly. What she mainly found out about was the expulsion of the German population from central and eastern Europe in the aftermath of WWII.

Nobody knows for certain how many people were involved but it was certainly more than 10 million Germans forced from lands Germans had lived in for centuries. In the process, unknown numbers of Germans were robbed, raped, beaten and murdered. Poles and Czechs were especially notable in their brutality but nobody ever exceeded what the Russians did when they got into Germany. Over on the western side, the French unleashed their North African soldiers on the German population with the expected result. The Anglo-Americans were the most gentle but as we went into Germany we were quite savage is suppressing the least sign of resistance, we confiscated huge amounts of undamaged housing (giving the Germans literal minutes to clear out) and there were robberies, rapes and murders of Germans. Candace is shocked by all this. And on her posts about it, a huge raft of neo-Nazis have posted article after article making out that the Germans were the victims. That the whole war was orchestrated by the Jews to destroy Germany.

This is all pure, unadulterated nonsense.

As I’ve noted before, the Germans got off light in World War Two. They started a war they had no cause to start. They behaved with inhuman savagery towards the people they conquered. Their plan was to massacre millions and settle Germans on the lands of the dead; any survivors among the conquered were to be reduced to slavery. As they retreated they gratuitously destroyed as much property in occupied countries as they could. And they did this because they thought they were superior. Hitler didn’t start the concept of Germanic superiority. Oddly, it was started by a Frenchman Arthur de Gobineau. He asserted that the more Aryan you were, the more superior. In his view, France was undone because the inferior, non-Aryan part of the nation had managed to overthrow the superior, Aryan part (of which he was a member). From Gobineau to Hitler is a whole raft of race theorists who built into the German mind this idea that they were superior and that superior people must rule the lesser. Bottom line: the Germans wanted Hitler and his war. They wanted him and it to be a success. They looked forward eagerly to being masters over slaves. Of course, Germans aren’t superior and all the Aryan blood in the world isn’t going to help you deal with 1,000 8th Air Force bombers overhead, Montgomery’s 21st Army Group crossing the Rhine or Zhukov’s 1st Belorussian Front staffed with men who had their whole families massacred by Germans. The Germans, in the end, were stupid. And what they got in 1945 was what was coming. The Jews had nothing to do with it: the Germans called down the wrath of God upon themselves.

But we also have a population of highly uneducated people. And thus Owens’ being shocked to find that the people who caused World War Two weren’t treated with kid gloves. That’s bad enough: the worst part of it is that its all being worked into blaming the Jews, and this as part of the larger Islamist/Western Leftist program to annul the State of Israel. We’re just a step away from a major portion of the Western world holding to the view that there is a Global Jewish Conspiracy. As noted, blaming Jews is the gateway drug to Nazism – but once you’re through that gate, then its increasingly easy to blame all problems on your target. That is what Owens is doing vis WWII. But you’ll find voices saying that the border invasion, the trans movement, child trafficking, drug addition and on and on are caused by the Jews. And if we could just get rid of these damned Jews, we could fix it all.

It can’t be emphasized enough that we must stamp on this. We cannot permit this line of thinking to grow. Those who are propagating it must have their ability to do so taken away. This isn’t a matter of free speech of anything trivial: the people propagating anti-Semitism are, knowing or not, preparing for a Holocaust. They have to be stopped before they get enough adherents to first massacre the Jews of Israel, then massacre the Jews of the world. We have found that “Never Again” is just words – just saying you won’t have a Holocaust isn’t enough to prevent it. You must stop it – and as we learned last time, it must be stopped early. There are some ideas so evil that they must be suppressed – and one of those ideas is that Jews, as a group, control things. Like your Jewish neighbor goes to the Jew Conspiracy Meeting once a month to make plans. It is just stupid – but just because it is stupid doesn’t mean it isn’t lethal. In fact, an argument can be made the more stupid the idea is, the more lethal it can be. Basically, once someone signs on to be stupid, they usually feel they can’t back away from it for fear of ridicule…so they just double and triple down on it. The SA guy who beat up a Jew in 1929 became the gas chamber operator in 1943.

We do have some means of stopping this. First off would be cutting of the anti-Semitic money. Huge amounts of Arab oil money flows into America’s schools, thus paying for anti-Semitism. Huge numbers of anti-Semitic Muslim students are enrolled in our colleges; expel and deport them. Cut off funding for UNWRA, the Red Cross/Red Crescent and a huge number of other NGO’s who have become overtly anti-Semitic over time. Fire the government and education bureaucrats and professors who have talked up drivel like “anti-colonialism”. Doing all of this might be sufficient to protect the American body politic from the anti-Semitic virus – but we must also keep in mind that an application of violence against the worst offenders might prove necessary. This is that crucial; the future of human decency is at stake. How a person views the Jews is the litmus test on whether or not they are sane, reasonable people. Those who hate them must be ostracized at a minimum, destroyed as a last resort.

Punish the Barbarians

I wrote not too long ago about the need to punish – that is, if we want to have civil society then we are going to have to start punishing the miscreants who are increasingly making civil life intolerable. And this wasn’t a call to jail criminals – it was a call to punish. To physically harm these people. And often for what we have been conditioned to call relatively trivial offenses these days. It is necessary to do this – and we will as a society eventually do it – because human beings, because we’re Fallen or just perverse, take your pick based on theological/philosophical beliefs, can only be made civilized. You can’t politely ask a barbarian to behave – you have to whip him into compliance. As we learned over a thousand years, after a while force is reduced to habit and hides its claws. That is once you’ve punished enough people become polite and transmit this moral code to their children on the regular and so barbarism largely vanishes. Unless you do something stupid like think that people are naturally nice and so you can put away the whip forever.

This is also necessary in the realm of international affairs. States are made up of people and so have all the inherent weaknesses people have. But a bit worse in that there is no cop you can call on a nation that has decided to become outlaw. Only other nations can bring it to heel, often at high cost and a lot of bother; war being a fearsome thing, most nations prefer to avoid it as long as possible and often for far too long, allowing the outlaw nations to gain quite a lot before their avarice awakens their enemies to the peril. And that is just for the more conventional nation trying to grab land and resources. At other times, especially in the modern world, the outlaw nation isn’t merely trying for a bit of larceny (though that is always at the bottom of any aggressor’s actions), but are also imposing inhuman cruelty as a part of national policy. The Nazis are, of course, the prime example of this: not only wanting to conquer the world, but also enslaving or murdering everyone they deemed non-Aryan.

The Nazis to a large degree did get what was coming to them. Not enough, in my view: the Germans (as well as the Japanese and Italians) got off far too lightly for putting the world through the Second World War. But it was still sufficient punishment to ensure that no German, Japanese or Italian would decide that a program of conquest and massacre is the way to go. We’re now approaching 80 years since the end of the war and such sentiments in all three nations are only held by tiny numbers of kooks who have no chance of national power. But what was done to the Axis powers during and after WWII also shows the necessity of doing it.

Think about World War One; we are taught that the harsh peace of Versailles caused German resentment and so led to World War Two. Drivel! The reparations were, relatively, no different from what Germany had imposed on France after the Franco-Prussian war. The territories sliced off from Germany were territories the Germans had taken in unjust wars of conquest in the past. And then you really have to think about Belgium and France: they literally did absolutely nothing to bring on the war. They were minding their own business, not offering any threat to anyone in 1914 when the Germans demanded their abject surrender with the threat of invasion if not complied with. It took both of those countries massive blood drain to expel the Germans. Huge amounts of their territory was ruined by war. And, remember: they were completely innocent! And all the French demanded post-war was the return of stolen land and cash compensation for all the death and destruction. That was reasonable. The Germans were unreasonable to so much as resent it. A Germany which had been far more severely punished for WWI would never have started WWII…just as the severely punished Germany of 1945 has not and will not start WWIII.

And you know why I’m bringing this up – the Iranian attack on Israel. While it was ongoing the leaders of the West – from Pudding Brain on down – were calling on Israel to show restraint. Not calling on Iran to show restraint: Israel. And more than likely Israel will show restraint, just as they have in Gaza. Just as they have with their Arab/Muslim enemies since 1948. And that’s the problem: the restraint. As we see in American streets that allowing barbarism just gets you more barbarism, so it is in international affairs. When a savage attacks and you let him live, that just means he’ll attack again…and probably more nasty each time as he figures out new ways to be a son of a bitch.

How should Israel punish? Ideally with their nuclear arsenal. I know: we’re not supposed to say things like that. How could you! The Ultimate Weapon can never be used! Whatever; its just a big bomb. And if Israel really wants to make a point, they’d target Iran’s primary nuclear facilities with nuclear weapons. It would get the Mullahs attention. It would let them know they are outclassed and facing an enemy unafraid to push the button. It is, in fact, the only way for Israel to really punish Iran as Israel is too far away and has too small a population to go toe to toe in a ground war. Sure it would cause outrage – but only among the people who really just want Israel to die already so they can get on with living off Arab oil money in peace and quiet.

In the larger context, if we want to end this international anarchy where States use lunatic proxies to wage war against us – and infiltrate our societies with Islamists committed to our destruction – then we’re going to have to start punishing the nations causing the trouble. To nutshell it: there are no innocent Palestinians. No innocent Iranians. Point blank: if a nation uses its own or irregular forces to attack us – any of us, anywhere at any time – then that nation and its people are outlaws. And outlaws must feel pain. Lots and lots of pain. So much pain that no matter how much they hate us, they’ll never dare look crossways at us again. Our mistake post-9/11 was our assumption (and I did share it at the time) that there was a separate part of the Muslim population causing the trouble and if we could just isolate that part and destroy it, all would be well. Doesn’t work that way. Just as the SS doesn’t work without Fritz delivering the mail, so Islamists don’t work without Abdul milking the goat. All Germans were collectively responsible for Auschwitz. All Muslims were collectively responsible for 9/11. And the only way a German in WWII got out of his responsibility was by actively working for the downfall of the German regime – so, too, the Muslim on the street: he’s guilty unless he actively joins the fight against the Islamists. Want me to make it clear: all Muslims were responsible for 10/7 and Israel has a right to punish all Muslims any way they see fit until such time as all Muslims stop 10/7 from ever happening again.

If we don’t start to see it this way, then we’ll never get out of this mess – and that is bad for Muslims as well as for us. Had we spent WWII just trying to hit SS infrastructure, we would have lost. The SS would have remained in control – and along with killing and oppressing non-Germans, the SS would to this day be killing and oppressing Germans. The Islamic world must learn a harsh lesson; in this case, that they can’t harbor Islamist supremacist thoughts and remain safe. That just allowing it to be means eventually a bomb is coming for you and your family. The only way to safety for Islam must be surrender of all dreams of Islamist conquest – just as the only way to safety for Germans in 1945 was to give up the Nazi dream.

What, then, is punishment? Aside from direct military action there must be surrenders of territories. Removals of populations. Trials of criminals. Occupation by victorious enemies. In other words, what happened to Germany in 1945 must happen to Islam.

We are in no way physically or mentally ready for any such thing; but we’re going to have to get ready. Because they won’t quit. Israel will respond in some military fashion to Iran – and maybe even hit some pretty important targets. But the Iranians are expecting that. It won’t alter the game as far as they are concerned; just a bump on the road to their ultimate victory is how they’ll view the matter. In fact, that Israel won’t use nuclear weapons will likely be seen in Tehran as proof of Israeli cowardice and will actually encourage them to try more attacks. Until we steel ourselves to some very harsh actions, this just goes on and on.

The Cowardly West

Team Pudding Brain is putting massive pressure on Israel to let Hamas survive. They feel Michigan and maybe even Minnesota slipping away – they want this war to end quickly. They don’t, of course, care about the lives involved. Israeli or Palestinian. Lives invariably mean nothing to Leftists. Power is the only thing that matters and Israel’s campaign in Gaza places at risk Leftist power, so it must stop. The bottom line here is that the Democrat base – poisoned by a couple decades of anti-Israel/Zionist propaganda – has become overtly anti-Semitic. Democrats can’t pivot away from this because it would turn possible 2024 defeat into catastrophic loss. They got on the Der Sturmer train and they can’t get off.

Now, will the effort by Biden work? It might. The Israeli people still seem pretty determined to see this thing through but there is starting to emerge domestic opposition; naturally from the Israeli Left who are starting to see in the horror of burned babies and raped women a path back to power in Israel. Around the globe, opposition to Israel has become rather ferocious. The world has also decided that hundreds of murdered Jews are simply not worth it: better to condemn Israel so that sweet, sweet Arab oil money continues to flow (you’d be surprised at how much influence the Arab States have bought…just a few million in grants can get people who will practically join the SS to keep the cash flowing). In the end, I’m going to fault Israel here. I know, that seems unfair: but in matters crucial to national survival, it is up to the nation to take care of business.

The Battle of Okinawa pitted the US military against the 100,000 men of the Japanese 32nd Army – who were dug in, well supplied with munitions and determined to die to the last man. It took us 12 weeks of very hard fighting to exterminate the 32nd Army. Cost us 12,500 deaths to do it. It was a very tough fight; the Marines Golgotha as one writer (who was there) described it. Units engaged suffered up to 70 percent casualties. But the job got done. It was one of the most vicious battles in history.

Gaza is most emphatically not Okinawa.

At most, Hamas started with 20,000 active fighters. They were not dug in (hiding in hospital basements is not “dug in”). The Israeli Army, fully mobilized, is about 525,000 troops; fully equipped with the very best weapons available and having absolute command of the air and sea. Leaving sufficient troops to guard the West Bank and against an unlikely thrust from Lebanon, the Israels could have easily disposed a force against Gaza that would have outnumbered Hamas 10 to 1. In ground forces at Okinawa we had about 3 to 1 superiority; the usual disposition for the attacking force. They could have totally overwhelmed Hamas with superior numbers and firepower. This campaign should have been over in 30 days, tops. And no matter how many died in a completely ruthless application of power, no matter how many complaints would have been made about it…it all would be over now. It would have faded from the public mind. Of course the Islamists would still be shouting “war crime!” at every turn…but nobody cares about what isn’t happening at the moment.

And Hamas would be destroyed.

Israel has dithered. Worried about the hostages (they should have been presumed dead on 10/7). Fussed about with negotiations for a ceasefire which would only be a breather for Hamas to plan their next 10/7. Nothing fails like success. Israel is too rich and too infected with the Leftist mind virus to really take care of business here. You’d think Israeli women being raped to death and babies being burned alive would wake every inch of Israeli manhood…but it clearly hasn’t. Just as 9/11 didn’t really wake it in us. Nor has Russia knocking on the door in Ukraine gotten a rise out of the Europeans.

We’re in a lot of trouble here – in two areas.

First, of course, the lack of will to survive among our people and the peoples of the larger West. The life has gone out of us. We just want to be left alone. Peace is preferable to war, we all know that: but peace is only preserved by people who are willing to pour out gallons of blood to defeat an enemy. Unless you have a people and military willing to literally wade in blood to secure peace and freedom, you’ll soon have neither. Foreigners who are willing to kill are now going to be vastly more encouraged.

Secondly, this supine population is ripe for a dictator. For a Caesar. Pretty much all we’re waiting for here is someone to simply have the guts to seize power. Wouldn’t take much. Ten or twenty thousand armed followers and a willingness to kill would do the trick. Far less in the European nations. You think the people who sit by while a woman is beaten on a subway will rise up in defense of the government? Ain’t gonna happen.

And it will be a right thing to do. Cowards deserve to be slaves. The only free people there have ever been are people who can kill with a steady stomach. Who don’t fuss over a dead enemy. Who defy tyrants with a clear mind and stout heart. My guess is not twenty percent of the American people will really fight for liberty – that is, fight for it like the Founders where lives and fortunes were 100% at risk and defeat meant losing everything. I hope I’m wrong…but I fear I’m right.

Slowly and Then All at Once

The bridge collapse was probably just an accident; nothing specifically nefarious was done. That said, my bet is that maintenance on the bridge was skimped in favor of paying out graft…and those hired to maintain the bridge were deeply infected by DEI hires who weren’t skilled in bridge maintenance. Also, my bet is the merchant ship crew is also substandard. The world doesn’t really make sailors any longer – that is, people who really know how ships operate given all the variables they encounter in a voyage. The real problem here is that we are rapidly losing the ability to maintain an advanced society – all up and down the line and all around the world considerations of ability are swept aside in a quest for the “correct” social outcomes and squeezing the last penny of profit out of any activity.

This has happened before. The Romans are justly famed as great builders, both in terms of art and in practical things but by the third century the skills were starting to atrophy and it became a long, slow decline into ruins. Keep in mind that later generations of Romans didn’t have to create the infrastructure – it was already there. Aqueducts sufficient to supply a city of a million people with fresh water. Sewers to carry away waste. Art and architecture which stands with the greatest achievements in history. Just maintain it. They couldn’t. They lost the ability – the skill, that is. We, too, are losing our skills. So, too, the entire world.

The actual racists like to complain that you can’t make Americans by getting foreigners on to the “magic dirt” of the USA. This is true; but then the racists go on to say that a functioning society is an outgrowth of being white. This is patently untrue. The flip side of this is the anti-white racists who are asserting that all good things white people have done were actually done by black people and the fruits of that labor was stolen. The actuality is far more prosaic: over a thousand years with often painful trial and error, European thought was applied to the problems of life. Now, all human history is the application of human thought to the problems of life but the difference for the Europeans is that as they emerged from the Dark Ages (say, 500 to 1,000 AD), they were deeply Christian and so were the first widespread people (the Jews were always insular and confined to a very small land) who believed the world was intelligible. That is, it was created by a God who was Reason; that every riddle we encountered had a solution. That it all fit together into a logical whole. Because of this the quest became not one looking for a pat answer to all problems (which, in any case, for a Christian was resolved by the Resurrection), but incremental answers to individually small problems. Presto – as it were, because it took a thousand years – the modern world came to be and Europeans found themselves possessed of skills far beyond any other people on Earth. The difference is that in 732 Charles Martel had to fight a desperate battle in central France to keep the Moors out. In 1757, Robert Clive with 750 British soldiers and about 2,000 Native allies defeated an Indian force of 50,000 troops and secured British mastery of India for two centuries.

And now we are losing all that. The bridge is down and we all know it’ll be many years before it is back up again. The nation that built 50 Casablanca class escort carriers between November, 1942 and July, 1944 is going to have some trouble building a bridge. Just as we have trouble building a jet that doesn’t fall apart in flight. Or getting a rocket ship to the Moon when we did that once in less than 7 years back in the 1960s. Think about that. Shepard’s sub-orbital flight was in May of 1961. Say what you want about JFK, but it took some real brass to look at that barely-a-spaceflight and say, “hey, we’re going to the Moon” in September of 1962. But, we did it. With time to spare. We established the Artemis program to return to the Moon in 2017 and we’re hoping for an Apollo 8-style Moon flyby in 2025. If everything goes very well. We hope to land on the Moon with Artemis 3 in 2027. Maybe. With luck. Guys: we did this before. We know how to do it. We should be able to do it with a year’s prep, tops. We won’t because we can’t.

Civilizations die very slowly and then all at once. If you were a Roman in, say, 390 AD you probably felt pretty good. The Empire was still massive and seemed to stand tall. Twenty years later, Alaric sacked Rome. We’re just about at the end of “slowly”. “All at Once” is right around the corner. Unless we change. Unless we get very serious about things and start compelling civilized behavior and standards. It is our choice. We will choose to live, or we will choose to die.

The Evil Must End

Got my heart broken a bit today – saw this story of an 18 year old kid from backwoods Mexico who was abandoned by the traffickers because he couldn’t keep up. The good news is that he was found and got help – and will be returned to his mother in Mexico, as he tearfully desired. And, you guessed it, there was Cartel involvement: it looks like in some way the kid and/or his family owes the Cartel money and his journey was to get work to pay them off. Just in case anyone out there really thought all these people were just coming for themselves. They’re not: huge numbers are just walking ATMs for the Cartels. We can guess how many are successful in paying off the Cartels: almost certainly it is zero.

He’s just 18. Sure, a legal adult but think back a moment to when you were 18…if you had just been ripped from your family and left to die in a foreign desert. How scared would you have been? How many tears would you have shed? How desperate for your mother’s love would you have become? This was just a slight peek into the immense human tragedy Joe Biden and his puppet-masters have created…and created with callous disregard for human life.

I struggle mightily, my friends. A Catholic cannot support the death penalty. Various official Church pronouncements have condemned the practice. But I admit that I want those traffickers who abandoned the boy to die. Of course they won’t, at least not from official hands. And, yes, if they were at my mercy, that is what they would receive. I’m built for it; God made me this way. I am deeply flawed as a human being but I am ready to forgive.

But this must stop. All of it. All of this ruination of human lives. It doesn’t have to be this way. Kids do not have to be transported across continents to work for the Cartels. Drug addicts do not have to die in our streets. We do not have to put up with mobs looting stores. Public brawls over nothing. Anti-Semites marching through our cities. None of this is tolerable. It all has to go. This all must end. If you ever think we shouldn’t, or if you ever feel sorry for those we will punish, then you just think of an 18 year old kid left to die in a desert. Steel your hearts. The evil must end.

The Death of Penalty

There’s been a lot of comment about the morality of executing Kenneth Smith via nitrogen hypoxia; basically, a mask is put over the inmate’s face and he breaths in nitrogen…which is a harmless gas in itself (our atmosphere is mostly nitrogen) but without the oxygen you die. And so Kenneth Smith died. The comments revolve around execution via suffocation (which is what it works out to) and the apparent suffering Smith went through before the end. This sort of this is first off irritating in that an execution isn’t supposed to be a spa day; the purpose of the operation is to kill someone. But there’s more to it than that.

As you guys know, for the longest time I’ve been opposed to the death penalty. This is based upon two things:

  1. The moral desire to allow even the worst among us the chance to repent as well as concerns for what sort of people we become when we execute.
  2. A mistrust of government having the power to decide that a citizen should die.

But I have of late been rethinking this subject. I’ve mentioned this before but it really comes down to understanding that our ancestors were not insensate brutes in their chosen methods of punishment and that the veneer of civilization is thin. Razor thin.

Human beings are not of nature civilized. We come into this world having to learn everything we’re ever going to be. We can’t walk or talk or even feed ourselves when we come out. It takes years of parental care just to ensure we survive and have the barest skills to live from day to day. To make us into people who won’t knock our neighbor on the head and take his stuff is an even lengthier process and if it isn’t imparted starting very early it becomes increasingly difficult to impart it later. By the time a kid is, say, 12 if morality has not been transmitted then it is increasingly unlikely that it will be transmitted. It can only past that point be learned by coercion. Coercion by other people or by circumstances.

It doesn’t take centuries to lose civilization. In fact, it can be done in just one generation. All you have to do is not teach it and, bang, it is gone when the kids of today become the adults of 20 years later. That we haven’t entirely lost civilization is because of the un-even application of anti-civilization teaching and the fact that parents still retain some vestigial authority. But you can see that it is very threadbare when packs of well-fed people systemically loot stores while mobs of ignoramuses shout pro-Hamas slogans because their tribal elders tell them to.

And it all comes down to the death of penalty. We don’t punish. Heck, not only do we not punish, we actively reward wrongdoing. And this from highest to lowest…from the Hollywood star who writes a best-seller about what a crappy person they were to the bum on the street being given welfare when he could work. Whether or not you’ll be punished for any particular wrong act is entirely capricious. There is not a 1 for 1 thing here – do bad, get whacked. It is do bad and if the prosecutor wants to make a case and you don’t have a good lawyer and if your victim’s family actually cares and so on and on. Smith eventually got his, but it was 36 years later. Think about that.

The man was paid $1,000.00 to kill Elizabeth Sennett. The guy who hired him (Sennett’s husband) gave Smith money to buy a gun for the job, but Smith chose to blow that money on drugs and so he did the deed by beating and stabbing Sennett to death. And even the $1,000.00 is only about one wild weekend for a druggie. That’s the price of a life in Smith’s estimation; a weekend party. And think about the method – beating and stabbing someone to death is not the easiest thing in the world.

There’s a reason the ancient’s used swords. The gladius of Rome weighed more than two pounds and was more than two feet long. They had to make it that big and heavy because stabbing or slicing someone to death isn’t easy…so, they needed a hefty, large blade to get the job done. If you tried that even with a combat knife of modern times then unless you get lucky and stab right into the heart, what you’re probably going to do is hurt rather than kill. Maybe hurt badly, but not kill. Same thing with beating someone to death – unless you get the lucky blow on the head, you’re probably going to be at it for a while.

So, what Smith did was quite horrific. It took a lot of stabbing and beating to kill Sennett. And the horrific nature of the crime is why he was given the death penalty. Had he just shot her in the back of the head, probably wouldn’t have. But that’s as if the method of being killed matters. It doesn’t. What matters is being killed. Smith took a life. He took every last thing Sennett had and was going to have. She had kids and grandkids. She had a life and she was 45 years old at the time. She could very easily still be alive today, spending a few last years in the loving embrace of her family. Smith took that from her. For a grand. And he took it in the most brutal way possible. Think about her for a second: a suburban housewife who never harmed anyone in her life is suddenly, violently set upon by men inside her home. What a horror! What must have gone through her mind? So, that is why Smith died – because of the extreme nastiness of what he did.

Those who were or are trying to gin up sympathy for Smith are simply beneath contempt. Those who call executing him – by whatever method – barbaric 36 years after he took everything from Sennett are just disgusting in their immorality. I really can’t express how low and vile such people appear in my eyes. To even talk about Smith without prefacing it with what he did – and explaining the really horrible nature of what he did – is just wrong. It is to act like Smith is some sort of victim. He isn’t. Smith was 22 years old. A full grown man. He knew what he was doing was wrong by simple fact that he tried to prevent his own execution: and if he knew he didn’t want to die, then he knew that Sennett didn’t want to die. He had not the least mitigating circumstance in his action – his only hope once he did the deed was repentance and a plea for God’s mercy.

But, he’s dead, now; so, we’re square, right? No, not really.

First off there is the capricious nature of it all – plenty of people who have done vastly worse than Smith aren’t on death row. Dahmer murdered 17 in a manner that makes Smith look innocent and he got life imprisonment (though his murder in prison still seems to me to be a sort of backdoor execution). Smith gets death for 1 murder, Dahmer gets life for 17: does this make any sense at all? And do keep in mind that Dahmer should have been caught long before he got to 17 – but regular folks and law enforcement just let it all slide because, well, there’s no penalty these days. Be bizarre. Have the smell of rotting corpses emanating from your apartment: we won’t do anything about it! Who are we to judge, right?

You see, it isn’t just about the murders and other worst crimes. It is the general sense that nobody is responsible and that punishment is never really warranted. Certainly not for small stuff. But the small stuff rather leads to or hides the big stuff, doesn’t it? In Dahmer’s case it might have been rather small when a naked man fled from his apartment and the police treated it as such and turned the poor man back over to Dahmer. Who then killed and ate him. You’d think that the naked guy running down the street would raise an eyebrow or two but in our modern world without penalty…nothing doing.

The morass of social collapse we are enduring today is the result of 60 years of inflicting no penalty, or inflicting penalty entirely at random where one poor sucker gets it in the head while the other guy gets a book deal. To stop social collapse it will be necessary to reimpose penalty. And quite uniformly. Maybe we still shouldn’t execute people, but those who murder and rape need to be very severely punished in a uniform manner. Whipping and rock breaking seems best to me if we aren’t to kill…make it 100 lashes for each rape and each murder in addition to imprisoning them. It is fair. It is just. And it is a penalty. And there must be a penalty.

And I very much do mean for all transgressions. Each theft, each vandalism, each public disorder, each broken oath…each crime must have a set, severe punishment inflicted without fail upon those who are convicted. It must become painful and humiliating to break the rules. The ancients knew this; they weren’t trying to be cruel when they broke a man at the wheel…they were trying to be just and instructive. Just in making the transgressor pay and instructive in telling everyone else that rule breaking has a high price.

Because rule breaking must have a high price. Remember that if you really break God’s rules – if you really, knowingly, choose to reject God’s mercy then you will be cast into hell. God doesn’t want that to happen to you. God will give you every opportunity to not choose that. But if its what you choose then that is what you chose. Same thing, on a lower level, for human society. Each of us, unless actually insane (a very tiny percentage at any given time) has a choice to make. We must decide what we are going to do and we must live with the consequences of our choice. If a person chooses to steal, rape and rob well then that person had every opportunity to choose otherwise but went ahead. Now, caught and convicted, must come the price. And, yes, a high price.

For goodness sake, do people really think about what a rape or murder entails? Do any of us want that to happen? And what in heck makes a man think he has some right to do such things? No, no, no and no. He wanted to do evil and did it and if we catch him when he’d better feel the punishment on his back. He must on his body feel every ounce of pain and humiliation he inflicted and then some. The price has to be paid. So, too, with all other transgressions, great and small. Naturally, the lesser offense gets the lesser punishment…but each offense must be punished and punishment for each type of offense must be the same for everyone convicted of it. No more plea deals: did you do it? If so, then punishment is X. The end.

So it must be, if we want to restore and retain civilization. It might seem a paradox but only because these days we have decreed that violence is inherently barbaric. It isn’t. Barbarism can be and often is violent, but it is also indolent. The barbarian has to steal because he will not work. The civilized man keeps violence at his side to ensure the indolent and violent barbarian is kept at bay. It is just the way human society works and it will be thus until Christ returns. Deal with it.

And start acting like men and women who care.

The Fight for Survival Starts Now

The Iowa caucuses are tonight and I don’t think I’ve ever been less interested in them. Sure, there was that period of time in my 20’s when I was having too much fun to care about anything but the fun, but even then I at least took a peek at the caucuses. But this year I just don’t care. I suspect that Trump will win them handily based on some polling which has rolled across the time line but it occurred to me just yesterday that the people who are pouring over the polls and arguing this, that and the other thing about what may happen are just like a used to be. But now I’m not.

And as I analyzed this realization it hit me: I’m supposed to care about the caucuses in one, small State as our nation falls apart? That if I somehow care about these caucuses and do my political junkie thing it will alter the fact that our government, our corporations, our education institutions and just huge swaths of every other facet of American culture is assuming that there are trans kids? That it is a self-evident truth that some people are born in the “wrong” body and need to be surgically and chemically altered to “correct” the “mistake” that Nature made?

And then the phrase “abortion is healthcare” came to mind and think about it: what they are saying is that pregnancy is a disease and it must be treated by abortion. And at least half – perhaps more – of my fellow citizens hear the phrase and nod along. Do you realize the level of ignorance and evil that has to be reached to accept “abortion is healthcare”? That you have to simply deny the biological facts of life and come to a conclusion that the normal, healthy activity of the human reproductive system is a bane?

And we can go on; there are many millions who wonder if we really should be controlling the border. Whether or not we should have an economy where we produce our own goods. We can slide into the climate cult where we’ll find people seriously saying we have to restrict agricultural production in order to lower the global temperature. Do you realize how stupid, ignorant and evil you have to be to think that reducing food supplies is a good idea? Right now people are working out ways to make sex robots which are so real you can’t tell they’re not human; and there are people – I’ve seen them! – arguing that for a man a sex robot is superior to a human female. My goodness, the levels of evil stupidity we are plumbing!

But wait: there’s more! We’re funding a war of attrition in Ukraine because somehow defending a Donbas packed with Russians from Russia is the most crucial thing in the world. But, meanwhile, Israel fights for her life against people who want to exterminate Jews and we’re tut-tutting about how Israel is fighting her battle. Hooray Ukraine if they can bomb a Russian city – damn those Israelis if they bomb a Palestinian city.

Huge crowds come out almost daily in our major cities to support Hamas, a group dedicated to genocide of the Jews…and in a really bizarre twist these crowds are demanding we stop an Israeli genocide of Arabs which isn’t happening! Do you realize the level of mindless ignorance it takes to get huge crowds out in support of genocidal rapist/murderers and to condemn the civilized? What in heck am I supposed to do with such people? Let them vote? Let them have an equal say along with me in how things are going to be? How can I possibly?

Ok, Mark; take a breath. God is in control. Relax.

So, what I will do come November is vote for the GOP. Not because they are any good but because they aren’t overtly evil, like the Democrats are. But I have no illusions: I’m not voting GOP in any expectation that the GOP will fix things. I’m voting for them as the merest stop-gap; an attempt to slow the roll of destruction as we work out on the local level what we’re going to do to save ourselves. Governor Abbott is actually leading the way here – sending the illegals to Blue States and using his National Guard to secure the border of Texas. Florida has made “woke” largely illegal. We need more and more of this, even if it provokes a permanent split in the nation. That is, we must protect ourselves…and if that drives such a wedge from those Americans determined upon national suicide, so be it.

Because we can’t proceed as if the Left (the Woke, the Progressives, the Democrats, the Communists, the Chamber of Commerce types: whatever you want to call them) is legitimate. They are equal parts insane, stupid and evil. What we must do is prevent them from having a say in our lives…and this means making laws on the local level, ignoring contrary federal court rulings and, if necessary, physically moving ourselves to parts of the country where insane stupidity doesn’t rule. We’re heading that way – and maybe towards national divorce. We’ll see about that: there is a chance the Left gets so crazy that their support dries up even in their strongholds. Not holding my breath on that, of course.

But now it is about survival. Can we preserve out of the wreck something sane and decent? We’re going to find out.

The Need to Punish

So the Epstein list was released – as it turns out, just as it was I started watching The Sound of Freedom, that movie last year which got all the Establishment types upset. Now we know why. Or maybe, now I know why.

Of course I’ve long been familiar with both the trafficking and the vile nature of our Ruling Class, but I guess the juxtaposition of the two events sort of drove it home for me. I considered as I watched it that one of the victims portrayed in the movie is about as old as my granddaughter. And it really exposed, though subtly, just how many powerful people must be involved in it all. One of the scenes shows the kids being transported via a merchant ship – one of those large, modern container vessels. Ships have crews, you know? It isn’t like you can actually have a container filled with people over a days or weeks journey without someone outside the container noticing…if nothing else noticing the smell of human waste which must rather pile up inside the container.

Everyone not directly involved is paid to look the other way, of course. This ends up being lots of people…from average Janes and Joes to quite senior corporate and government people. Anyone not paid to look away is probably kept in line by fear. The people who traffic the kids have a well-deserved reputation for being cruelly violent. But, still, how can you look away? Sure, you’re just some poor slob on the crew of a merchant ship, or driving a bus to the border…but you know what is going to happen to those kids. You know. Maybe in the dark of the night you try to tell yourself that you don’t know, but you do.

Nobody knows how many kids are trafficked each year but its likely in the hundreds of thousands around the world. Maybe into millions if we consider the number of kids who are working in mines and such and I suspect a lot of them not necessarily voluntarily. Just physically moving them around takes a huge logistic system…after all, the traffickers don’t want them dead or even seriously abused in transit. They want the kids looking healthy and fresh when placed on the market, whether that market is sex or labor. This means that at least at points along they way there must be food, medical and housing facilities for the kids.

As I pondered all of this I jumped out at me: why we have this. Why, indeed, we have all sorts of miseries and hideous, anti-human actions. It is simple: we don’t punish.

The movie, as is the way of such things, has a happy ending: the particular kids taken are rescued and the culprits are jailed. Good. But it doesn’t stop anyone. No more than taking down a drug shipment ring takes down a Cartel. Nobody is punished.

Jail is not punishment.

To the criminals, it is just part of life. To be avoided, but not something to be afraid of. Remember, they’re amoral animals…people who can transport drugs or children are not people who have the same sorts of likes and dislikes you and I have. To them, being brutal and in charge is what matters…and sure, they all dream of being another Pablo Escobar lording it over a country (for a time), but if all they can lord it over is their cell block, that’ll suit them just fine. They don’t have higher thoughts. They are the gutter and so only gutter considerations exist. I’ll pause here and note that even the very worst of these people can repent and become saints…but unless and until they do, they are worse than beasts in the jungle. More cruel, absolutely irrational in motives.

To end this cruelty – and all the cruelties we see these days – is going to take something more. As I was thinking this over through the day, I saw a report pass on the time line about two men who had held a woman at knife point and raped her…they had just been released without bail. Another report was about a pack of savages looting a bakery. You think jail is going to stop such people? Knife wielding men breaking into a middle class home to rape are not afraid of jail. In jail they’ll just rape their weaker cellmates and consider that just as good a thing to do. Packs of roaming savages looting stores don’t have the wit to even think about jail. All they are thinking about is how fun it is to steal.

We’re going to have to break these people. And I mean that in the sense that once upon a time, we used to break them at the wheel. If you are not familiar with it, then I’ll ask you to take my word on it: very brutal. And it was used on robbers, not just murderers. We’re conditioned here in modern times to think of such punishments as the unreasonable actions of our cruel and ignorant ancestors. I’ve been drifting away from that over the years and now I completely reject the notion. They knew precisely what they were doing and why.

We’re dealing with people who make sane life impossible. Just what in heck are we really supposed to do with someone who views a child as a way to make money? A store as a place to steal? A woman as someone to be raped? How are we to instruct? And I don’t mean instructing the miscreant – by the time someone is selling a child it is only God who can change that person. I mean instructing everyone else. That is, telling the people that if they decide to do such things, their end will be one of prolonged, agonizing pain. Not jail. Not a plea deal. Not a probation. You’re going to be tied down and then very heavy objects will be used to break your bones and mutilate you – starting with your feet. And our hope is that you survive the breaking so you can live for a couple days without so much as a sip of water before you expire. Quick and painless executions are for decent people, folks. We can hang a politician who takes a bribe or a safe cracker who robs the rich…but the person who steals from the working man’s store or violates the honor of a woman is someone who isn’t worthy of a quick end. Needless to say, anyone who sells a child should endure weeks of pain.

And here’s the thing – and I’ve noted this before – it works. The polite society that existed pretty much universally just 75 years ago was the result of a thousand years of ferocious violence being applied by society against the bad guys. As far as I can tell, there’s no other way we’re going to get out of this. Until we find the iron in our blood to really punish, the savages will just continue to run amok.

There is Always Censorship

I have said many times in the past that all education is indoctrination and all law is the imposition of morality: it is just a debate over what dogmas and morality will be imposed. The Left and the Libertarians reject this with scorn and even most on the Right would be uncomfortable in saying it, but it is nevertheless true. Something will always be imparted to the rising generation. We can see this right before our eyes when we see polls showing something like 25% of youngsters say they are something other than straight. The idea that a fourth of humanity would not be biologically geared towards reproduction is both theologically and biologically absurd, but the kids say they are. And they say this because they’ve been told to say this. Like all young people, they want to know what to say and do in order to be accepted into society and the sure-fire pathway to acceptance these days is to be a weirdo…and so weirdo they are.

But there is a follow-on to both my assertions that I’ve only tangentially brought up before: and that is there is always censorship to defend the reigning dogma. I’ve hinted as this before when I’ve discussed things like the Inquisition and pointed out that it wasn’t set up to prevent thought and development, but to ensure that thought and development went in the right direction. Most people these days would condemn such an idea but such it was, and something like it is necessary in any society. These days the reigning orthodoxy is not defended by learned men backed up by the rack but, instead, is defended by ideological gatekeepers backed up by social ostracism. But it all works out the same: heresy is rooted out and those who transgress are punished. With today, in my view, being worse than the Inquisition because our current gatekeepers are not only determined to prevent thought and development but, indeed, to ensure that various obvious falsehoods are asserted by society. At least Torquemada was trying to defend something true; the modern Inquisitors are determined to defend something false. But the main point here is that there is always a mechanism in society to hound those who don’t conform to the reigning orthodoxy.

This is why when I see current debates about free speech I do believe that a lot of people are missing a crucial aspect of it. This is especially true on the Right which almost universally adheres to Voltaire’s “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. Perhaps Voltaire really would have (he was never put to the test), but most people won’t really. It is philosophical boilerplate. But the attitude underlying it has been used to push our civilization to the brink of extinction. Thinking it wise, we’ve allowed all manner of false, evil and downright anti-human speech to be made. And made by people who are bound and determined to exterminate everyone who disagrees with them. Most importantly, those who have imposed the current reigning orthodoxy don’t hold to Voltaire’s dictum for a minute – and they are now busily enforcing their speech codes on us.

There are, after all, things we already can’t say in public. Things we’ll only say in private, quietly and only around people we trust absolutely. And year by year the things we won’t say in public grow – because the new Inquisitors are always listening, always ready to destroy the next person who states a heresy. Don’t be too harsh with them on it. When our views dominated, to even say “damn” in a movie was a shock. Our civilization at its peak had a very strict set of rules of behavior and speech and they were enforced by a mixture of law and custom. We were told (or, actually, mostly told ourselves) that we could dispense, one by one, with these laws and customs and that we would somehow still retain our civilization. We have now found out how false that notion was…and our backs are against the wall as the ideas we let lose are getting ready to destroy us.

To be sure, those who wrote the First Amendment lived during the peak of our civilization. When they wrote those words “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press” they weren’t stupid or naive. They just didn’t realize – couldn’t realize – that later generations would assume that the words meant there were no rules. These were educated, responsible men; they were sure that the First Amendment would only secure the right to say things within the rules. De Sade lived when the Constitution was being written and he was writing his vile works…I am absolutely confident that Madison would have led the charge against anyone advocating de Sade’s ideology. In the end, we allowed de Sade and his heirs free reign. How is that working out for us?

There are certain things which must be in order for a civilization to survive. For instance, the Albigensians of the 13th century held that physical reality is evil. This in stark contrast to the orthodox Christian view which asserts that God called His creation good and, of course, became incarnate. In our modern mind we would allow the Albigensians to propagate their ideas freely on grounds of who are we to say who is truly right? Those back in the 13th century didn’t and this is held as a sin against them. But the reason they exterminated the Albigensians wasn’t to stop people from thinking, but to prevent a monster from growing all powerful. A society based on the belief that matter is evil is a very different society than the Christian. It despises life and seeks only the end of all things. On balance, the people then preferred an explicable world ruled by God and eventually to be redeemed by Him.

Were they right? Well, lets take another case: Islam. Suppose it had totally triumphed instead of being fought tooth and nail for centuries. What then? Well, just take a look at the Muslim world in, say, 1823: no real advancement since it had emerged in the 7th century. Ancient nations of once-great prosperity reduced to poverty. A completely stagnant society; once the scourge of Christendom and now the plaything of European buccaneers. The Muslim worldview is different from the Christian. It is much more gloomy; deterministic and, because of this, greedily materialistic…but it is a greed only of taking and hoarding…not the materialistic greed of the Calvinists who at least asserted that one had to build.

The point here is that if you want what you have, you must defend it. If you don’t defend it, then it will be replaced by something else which will then exterminate what you have. It can’t freely compete with other world views; it must triumph, or die. As much freedom as you want, as much as you, personally, want to think and say what you want, there must be a limit. And an enforced limit. Some things that are just outside the pale and may not be openly advocated for in the public square. In short, no matter how much freedom you want, you’re going to need some censorship…just as you’ll have to use law and custom to ensure your dogmas are transmitted in the schools.

Do keep in mind that there is no correct answer. No Euclidean certainty. You’re dealing with human beings so things don’t work like that. What you will determine tolerable is a prudential judgement and may vary over time. But what must be is the hard and fast rules: what you cannot do, no matter what. To give an example: we know that Nazi ideology is evil and has no merit whatsoever. It should, then, be illegal to propagate it. If not in law, then in custom. And, of course, overt adherence to Nazism is banned in our society – you can almost ensure your social ostracism if you proclaim your adherence to Nazism. You might still have some Nazi friends, but forget a career in most avenues and be prepared for routine harassment. Do you see what I’m saying?

Just as the Nazis would arrest us all if they were given power so, too, will what we currently call the Left. The rising reigning orthodoxy. The thing which is already causing us to self-censor and now increasingly demands we overtly proclaim our support for. They don’t have any truck with the idea that speech should really be free. They believe you should only be free to say what they find acceptable. Spoiler: you aren’t acceptable. Eventually you will be squashed.

Unless you squash them, first.

This is what I mean when I talk of us using power to destroy the Left. It is an effort to place their ideas beyond the pale. When I say things like “confiscate their money” that is just a means to an end – a way to get them to stop saying things which undermine civilization. But do note that I go on to say things like, “use their money to educate the rising generation in our views.” I’m not just trying to switch my power for theirs – I’m really in the business of stamping out heresy. Of getting rid of those who assert things which are at defiance of what I consider basic, human decency.

As we brace ourselves for this battle for our civilization it is important that we start to think about things. To really determine who we are, what we believe and what we want at the end of the fight. Just opposing the Left isn’t good enough. It needs to be replaced. What will we replace it with? What will we do to prevent a repeat? What ideas will have a social and legal ban imposed?

And we must do this; because it is the only way we survive.

A Revelation

As it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you;
he will prepare your way.
A voice of one crying out in the desert:
“Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths.”

John the Baptist appeared in the desert
proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
People of the whole Judean countryside
and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem
were going out to him
and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River
as they acknowledged their sins.
John was clothed in camel’s hair,
with a leather belt around his waist.
He fed on locusts and wild honey.
And this is what he proclaimed:
“One mightier than I is coming after me.
I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.
I have baptized you with water;
he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” – Mark 1: 1-8

That, of course, is today’s reading. You did go to Church, right? Even if you didn’t, if you are Christian you have heard it a thousand times. But today it struck home to me…rolling around in my head through the Homily and then, just before I took communion, it was a blast of light. The world is immersed in lies. All lies…and here was Truth, right before me.

I noticed the altar servers – two fine young men and one little lady. And I pondered that I had once been that young and then, when I got a little older, I was beset by lie after lie after lie and, God forgive me, I fell for a lot of them. I prayed that those youngsters would resist them. If there was one bit of advice I could give them it would be just this: keep going to Church. Never stop. Pray constantly. Yeah, a lot of your friends are going to say, “do this!”; “be cool!”; “come on, its just a bit of fun!”. Ignore them! Go to Church. Pray! Be the odd man out. Rely on it, forty years from now when you look back on it all, you’ll be much happier if you remained steadfast now. Make straight his paths.

Because that is what it means – the path to your heart. Make it straight so God can get on in there and keep you safe and bring you to salvation. I had honestly never looked at it that way before. But I do think that my recent yammering on about how bad lies are has been part of the process which reached its climax just this morning.

Because another part of it happened last night. I was scrolling through X and I came across a post from Jill Stein. You remember her – the Green Party candidate from 2016. I think she’s running again in 2024 because that’s what people like her do; that is, she’s going to save us, guys. Anyways, she had posted that because of our veto of the UN ceasefire resolution, the USA was now the sole obstacle to peace. Get it? It isn’t Hamas. Not the rape/death squads. Not the obvious fact that if Hamas is spared via a ceasefire they will just rebuild their forces and send out more rape/death squads. It is the USA. We’re at fault. We’re stopping peace. What sort of evil upon evil person thinks this way?

Turns out, its the sort of evil that was born of upper class Jewish parents in Chicago and then went on to graduate from Harvard medical. Rich, privileged and sheltered, Jill plied her very profitable trade as a doctor and then decided to “give back”. Not the money, of course. But give back in the form of taking up the standard of Progressive reform. If you look at her views, she checks off every last Progressive box. Her views on the Gaza war are just the latest thing; it is hip in Progressive circles to be for the river to the sea right now. That she’s Jewish makes no matter because Progressives are first and last Progressives…their nationality, ethnicity and religion takes the back seat at all times.

People like Jill are the very worst of the worst. The most evil people in the world. Even more evil than Hamas rape squads or Cartel hitmen. How can I say that??? She’s this nice, even-toned, educated woman who just wants peace, justice and equity! Yeah, whatever. I know what her words are…but her words are just mindless repetitions of lies she’s been told…and as a doctor she should damned well know better. She should investigate things and think about them. She doesn’t. She never has. She just accepts and then quite mindlessly promotes. And it is people like Jill who promote the Progressive policies which create, in turns, Hamas rape squads and Cartel hitmen.

Things don’t happen in a vacuum. On October 6th some Hamas guys didn’t just say, “hey, lets rape some girls” and have at it. No more than Mexican drug cartels just all of a sudden start beheading people. It all built up over time. Decades of time. Decades of time where Progressive ideology has been dominant in the West even when particular Western nations might have had an officially non-Progressive government. Essentially since World War One the Western world has done whatever Progressives told it to. There has been hardly any resistance to it. And it was all sold with the same level of intellectual validity as that guy in high school who urged you to smoke a joint: “come on, man; it’ll be cool!”.

Another passage in the Bible relates how those who lead others astray would be better off having a millstone tied ’round their necks and be tossed into the sea. Hamas and Cartel murderers will have much to atone for at Judgement Day, but people like Jill are those who are leading these little one’s astray and it’ll go a lot harder for them. It is especially incumbent upon those with wealth and power to do the right thing. Some poor SOB born into grinding poverty who gets suckered into a gang or movement is a lot more forgivable than the people who simply ought to know better.

Tolkien understood this and he put it in The Lord of the Rings. Aragorn complains a bit about how those dependent upon his protection scorned him…but he doesn’t grudge it. As he says, if simple people are free to be simple, then he’s done his duty. That is what nobility is for – what it is supposed to do: shield the common people. Instead, our nobility deliberately leads the people astray. They in turns encourage barbarism and then discourage fighting against it. They urge us into moral disintegration and call us racists when moral disintegration breaks down the social contract.

Make straight those paths, guys. We’re in for a long, dark night of suffering. It is coming. Only the very oldest among us are going to be able to skip out on it. But the world must be turned upside down. What is must be destroyed and a new society erected on the ruins. It is Fall of Rome II – and just like the first time, it will be those who have faith in God who will inherit the ruins.