Open Thread

Haiti is falling apart. Again. Actually, of course, it never was together. Been a mess since independence. Unlike most places that emerged from colonial domination, Haiti immediately massacred the entire colonial ruling class. So, the founders of the nation really had no clue how to go about it. All else seems to stem from that. You totally understand why they rebelled and why they hated their white overlords…but they also sabotaged themselves.

Not sure what can be done – colonial overlordship is the obvious solution, but who would take on the job? The Haitians would start taking shots at you even if you were trying to improve things. There also just isn’t much to work with. No significant natural resources. Population is badly educated. They do have the island climate and beautiful beaches so tourism is an obvious thing but there are also other places with just as nice beaches that don’t periodically descend into savagery. Just really bad and really sad. Naturally, we’ve pledged more than $100 million in additional funding…for just what, I can’t say. There is no government in the country.

Speaking of descent into savagery, all of Oakland’s Taco Bell’s are converting to cashless operations only via drive through. The reason is the incessant robberies. This might only be a band aid. We’ve already seen plenty of other businesses go under in the Bay Area simply because crime is out of control. OTOH, San Francisco just enacted via referendum two “law and order” measures…not much (drug tests for welfare bums, restoring some powers to the police) but at least a step…and an indication that even in the Progressive citadels, there’s a limit. As I’ve said, civilization is a veneer – and a very thin one, at that. You only keep it by firmly upholding it. You can’t really let people do whatever they want; there have to be rules, strictly enforced.

The Pittsburg Police will not have any officers in police stations between 3 and 7 am and only have limited numbers of officers on patrol. The reason? Well, they only get 8 percent of their calls during that time.

Until now.

Just watch: they’ve opened up a Window O’ Crime…the crooks will know when it will be easiest to get away and that’s when they’ll strike. Watch, especially, for home invasions to increase.

Dungeons and Dragons was a game played by nerds when I was a kid. I tried it a few times but I thought the premise ridiculous and never got into it. But a lot of people loved it. Naturally, the Woke have taken it over and are determined to turn it into something that nobody will like. Not sure how they’ll ruin it, but they will. After all, the game is fantasy and everyone is allowed to insert their own desires into their character (because, you know, they’re made up) but I’m guessing there will be some rules about the gender and race make up of characters or some insistence that certain types of characters be of certain genders, orientations and skin colors. Because the whole point of the game isn’t to go on an adventure but to make sure all boxes are checked off…

Team Trump is now fully in control of the RNC – with Trump’s daughter as co-chair. Oddly, this is probably the means whereby the RNC is saved. Donations have been plummeting as the GOP Base has tended to see the RNC as a tool of the GOP Establishment. And there is much truth in that assumption…the strategy and spending of the RNC is so incompetent that you do wonder if it was deliberate sabotage. We won the 2022 Ohio Senate election by more than 250,000 votes – the GOP poured money into this race while starving the Arizona gubernatorial and Nevada Senate races of funds; races which were lost by 17,000 and 8,000 votes, respectively. Don’t tell me the money and number-crunch guys didn’t see this coming. Or, if they didn’t, then they are so incompetent that it doesn’t matter if it wasn’t treason as it might as well be.

Look to the new RNC leadership to clean house and then for Team Trump and the RNC to go on a fundraising blitz…which will probably rake in money as the Trumpsters will open up for the RNC now that it is in loyal hands.

UPDATE: Checking in on the Left, this is from a HuffPo editor.

They are such sad people – but it shows they really believe the drivel.

Open Thread

Democrats have started a pre-emptive campaign against possible Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Their choice of tactic seems to be vicious, anti-Catholic bigotry. I don’t think this will work out for them as well as they think.

Their real worry is that on the matter of jurisprudence, Barrett seems unimpressed with the legal reasoning behind Roe and other such decisions. This is natural as the reasoning was specious, at best. Democrats are trying to fire up their base – and scare off a few hand-wringing GOP Senators – by raising the specter of a ban on abortion. Thing is, they are lying, as usual. Even if Roe is overturned entirely (doubtful: Justices like to keep precedent going), all it would do is return the issue to the States, or to the people (you know, where the 10th Amendment left it). My bet is that all but a few States would keep it legal, at least in the first trimester. I’d still be pleased by this because any move towards ending it is a good thing…but we’re a long, long way from any sort of political coalition which would outright ban abortion nationwide. More than likely, all any future Court will do, however, is allow States to impose various regulatory requirements on abortion – bans on late-term abortions; requirements for fully informed consent; that sort of thing.

The Experts are still uniformly predicting a good mid-term for the Democrats – from moderate Democrat gains to a gigantic, Democrat wave. They’ve got their polls and analysis of the off-year elections we’ve had coupled with historic trends. It is all very impressive…but, I just don’t see it. I’m fully prepared to be absolutely wrong, but I just don’t see it happening. All I can say is that primary turnout doesn’t indicate a massively large and enthusiastic Democrat base; it also doesn’t indicate a complacent or dispirited GOP base. The RNC is awash in money while the DNC is effectively broke. True, the Democrat House and Senate campaign committees are in good shape, but so are the GOP committees…on balance, the amount of money the RNC has to throw at races places the money advantage squarely with the GOP…and it makes me wonder: if the GOP is doomed and dispirited and Democrats are all fired up, why this money gap? I’ve read stories claiming big GOP donors are done with Trump’s GOP…and I believe them; but, still, the GOP has more money, overall. Where’s it coming from? Is it from people who didn’t used to be GOP donors, thus indicating that there’s a new infusion of supporters for the GOP? Is the DNC being broke an indicator that many long-term Democrats are moving away from the Democrats? Time will tell – personally, I think the GOP will win in November, perhaps win big. But, we can really only wait and see.

Mexico has elected an idiot President in a landslide. He’s like a caricature of the Third World socialist we’re all familiar with…everything is the fault of American Imperialism and if he’s just given full power, everyone will get rich. I get why Mexicans voted for him: if you think our Ruling Class is corrupt and out of touch, then let’s just say that compared to Mexico’s, our nitwits are verily reincarnations of Cincinnatus. For 100 years, Mexico has been ruled by corrupt politicians. Frustration led to the election of the one guy who seemed to be against it – except that some of his team are clearly involved in it. I predict utter disaster for Mexico…the good news it that Mexico’s Constitution says a person can only serve one term as President. The bad news is that leftists like this guy never pay much attention to what a Constitution says. Now is really the time to build the wall.

Don Surber has been keeping track of those who crossed Trump and then had their lives go south. It is a long list.

Robert Stacy McCain’s brother is having medical and insurance troubles – if you can spare a bit, maybe kick in a couple bucks?

RNC Open Thread

I was very much impressed by Mrs. Romney’s speech – didn’t know that they had started that far down the economic totem poll.  Which, by the way, just shows the decency of Mitt Romney:  his life is not a talking point.  This is in stark contrast to Obama who has scripted himself to obtain maximum personal advantage from whatever situation he’s in.

Christie’s speech was also very good – a challenge to America to hear the truth and act upon it.  As a theme for the campaign, it is right on the money.  I do believe that the broad majority is done with the old politics and is ready for the revolution.  That Mitt might lead it is weird, but no stranger than the fact that we elected an exactly unqualified man as President in 2008.

What do you think of it all?

UPDATE:  “Mr. President, I’m here to tell you that the American people are awake, and we’re not buying what you’re selling in 2012.”  See the Mia Love video – if she wins her House seat, then she’s the next TEA Party political rock star.

UPDATE II:  Forgive me if I’m wrong, but methinks that was Rice’s “I’m going to run for governor of California in 2014” speech…

UPDATE III:  A Democracy Corps poll with a D+6 advantage shows Romney up by 15 points among Independents. Hot Air has the story.

UPDATE IV:  With all the GOPalooza going on  if you feel the need for some quality, Obama Time, then Suitably Flip has the torture implement ready.

Spaceballs Can Teach Us A Lot About The Current State of the RNC

Well…What DO we got?

To answer in short– a hell of a lot.

The problem is that there are a bunch of spineless wimps running the RNC. They don’t understand that the DNC is willing to do ANYTHING, lie, cheat, steal to get their people elected. All we have to do is hit them with the TRUTH– but when you’re a democrat, the TRUTH is ugly and hurts like a sonofabitch– in fact, any truth telling is considered an all-out assault against them–like a cross against a vampire. The RNC, though, always wants to play “nice.” They don’t want to go into the gutter– but at the same time, they don’t realize that they don’t have to go in the gutter– they just need to tell the TRUTH. Until they realize that, we’re in for a long, upward battle. Like During WWII, which was ended with the dropping of two atomic bombs, the simple telling of the TRUTH are the atomic bombs the Republicans have in their arsenal that for some reason known but to God they are unwilling to use!

For Heaven’s sake, they won’t even allow two conservative superstars, Sarah Palin and Colonel Allen West- to speak at the convention!

With the dismal outcomes of Obama’s empty promises he made in 2008, his administration’s direct connection to the murder of Brian Terry, his squandering of our taxpayer dollars for no other reason than to benefit his Union and “green job” campaign benefactors, his stonewalling on energy, his total irreverence for the First Amendment and freedom of Religion and of conscience; his de facto increase in the size of the Dependency Class in America; his administration’s extended use of drone technology to target American citizens; his administration’s selective administration of the law (i.e., their refusal to prosecute the Black Panther voter intimidation case); not to mention his wholesale complicity with the destruction of the unborn; we not only have a Cuisinart- we have the most powerful weapon known to man on our side–the TRUTH– and it’s high time the RNC uses it.